Continental Funds

The Continental Funds are used for the development of Urantia Book reader communities in the continents of Africa, Latin America and Europe, and support projects, activities and regional/local events on the specified continent. Funds may be used to stimulate study activities and coordinate localized events, arranging continental conferences, providing gift books to study groups, supporting book placement programs in libraries and universities, and utilizing the expanding global communication technology to make it possible for people to come together and engage in study and communion.

If people don’t connect with others, books can end up sitting on dusty shelves. There are now more than one million copies of The Urantia Book in the world, and this is an amazing achievement of generations of collective energies and efforts. Now is the time to make an equal commitment to building the Urantia community.

Urantia Association has friends on the ground and hearts in service across the globe, uniting students of the revelation. Our projects are funded by donations made by average people on average incomes; they are not funded by other organizations or some benevolent megadonor. We build conferences and finance projects in Africa, Europe and Latin America $20 at a time.

Now is the time to support our Urantia community with the same zeal as creating new translations and new editions of The Urantia Book.

Read More about Urantia Association’s other Program Funds