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Journal – November 2017

In This Issue

Journal Editorial November 2017

Suzanne Kelly, USA

Greetings fellow readers. This year brings changes to our Journal format, which is now an online publication and will be produced twice a year, with an occasional Special Issue containing articles and presentations from the many outstanding conferences around the world.

This issue focuses on time and space, distance and destiny. Our first “out of this world” contribution is from Nigel Nunn, Australia, and is an enormously thrilling and informative ride through Massive Orvonton. Utilizing star maps and a coloss-odometer, Nigel gives us a whole new understanding of star travel from a “You are here and it will take you this many light years to get there perspective.” Since it’s 250,000 light years from the outskirts (near Nebadon) to Uversa, and since Uversa is centrally located, should we assume that Orvonton extends (more or less) a similar distance on the opposite side? If so, then this implies a ‘length’ for Orvonton on the order of 400,000 to 500,000 light years. And if this isn’t enough to gravita you, Nigel’s dance with the divisions of matter will spin you around at Force Organizer speeds and give you a new perspective: If we were Force Organizers looking down onto Orvonton (from above), what would we see? Since each major sector has its own center of rotation” [Paper 15:3.12], and all ten “are in orbit about Uversa” [Paper 15:3.13], I imagine we’d see something like ten electromagnetically bright spirals of gravita, embedded in ten whirlpools of electromagnetically dark ultimata:” Stellar article, Nigel!

Our next article Animating the Human Mind with Cosmic Software, is from Julian McGarry, Tasmania, Australia. Julian gives us a succinct review of the understanding he gained from Nigel’s article and its correlation to the seven adjutants, Thought Adjusters and the Spirit of Truth. “As children of the information age, the world of computers offers us many metaphors that can help us grasp the processes of this mind arena of choice. [Paper 116:3.2] I kind of see the human brain as being the ‘hardware’ that the Life Carriers laboured for millions of years to develop. For any hardware to work, it must be capable of detecting, receiving, and processing the ‘software’ that animates it. In our case, that software begins as a fundamental operating system… the seven adjutants… circuits radiating a level of consciousness from the Divine Minister throughout the local universe, animating biochemical hardware that is capable of responding to their rhythmic pulsations. [Paper 36:5.5] Without a properly functioning operating system, a computer is not capable of performing the higher functions encoded within more sophisticated software. Likewise, we would not be able to make superior moral choices and participate in the worship of our heavenly Father… building a soul… were it not for the potential created by the mind circuits of our local universe Mother Spirit.” Thanks Julian, keep me posted on the beta version, I’m in!

Next is a trilogy of space and time and creation from Stuart Kerr III, whose extensive library of essays are enlightening while his graphics are dimensionally illuminating. Up first is The Supremacy of the Grand Universe. In the current grand universe age of the evolving Supreme Being, the seven superuniverses of time and space are kept in isolation from one another in order to maximize their diverse potentials for growth. Each superuniverse reflects a different portraiture of various combinations of the three personal Deities of the Paradise Trinity as these are influenced under the immediate supervision of one of Seven Master Spirits.”

In following the order of Creation, next is The Ultimacy of the Master Universe: “Just as God the Supreme is both spiritually and personally present in Havona, God the Ultimate is also present in Havona in an absonite (superfinite) and superpersonal sense. Whereas God the Supreme is exerting a spiritual influence on the time-space creation of the grand universe, God the Ultimate effects his influence in transcendence of time and space to the outer borders, the four outer space levels of the master universe. In the same sense that the emergence of the Supreme Being is the culmination of all evolutionary-experiential reality, the Ultimate is the fulfilment of all transcendental-eventuating reality. God the Ultimate is power-superpersonalizing throughout the master universe.”

The Absoluteness of the Cosmos Infinite emerges to complete the trilogy of the evolving personality of God. “God the Absolute transcends even the superpersonal values and divinity meanings made manifest by God the Ultimate. God the Absolute is the final expression of experiential Deity. The emergence of God the Absolute would signify the full depletion of personalizable Deity expression and self-realization. It would likely imply the experiential uniting of the existential Deity Absolute with the existential Unqualified Absolute.”

I have also included the epilogue on Stuart’s trilogy The Circle of Eternity. Mortal ascenders will eventually learn to transcend their limited perspective of finite time-space existence; they will begin to assimilate their experiences more holistically. The distinction of time-conditioned succession of events will begin to dissipate and such an ascender will begin to intuit a sense of the “eternal now” moment. Past, present, and future begin to be seen together in unity and events “will be viewed as a whole and perfectly related cycle; in this way will circular simultaneity increasingly displace the onetime consciousness of the linear sequence of events.” [Paper 130:7:6] Ascenders are becoming a part of the progressive procession of eternity, “swinging on forever with the worlds of space around the circle of the eternal ages.” [Paper 32:5:4] When ascending mortals achieve spiritual perfection and can claim final residence on Paradise, they will “partake of the ‘essence of divinity’ and the ‘spirit of supremacy’ and thus really begin to function in the circle of eternity and in the presence of the Trinity.” [Paper 26:7:4]

Our first edition in this format had an unintentional abridged version of an article by Neal Waldrop, apologies to Neal for the technical difficulties in the format change. The original and unedited version can be viewed in PDF format at: https://urantia-association.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/Hallelujah-Aftermath-Neal-Waldrop-complete.pdf

To view the complete version of the Journal in this online format, click on the “Print Version” button at the top of the newsletter (under the header.)

Happy and enlightened reading!
Suzanne M. Kelly skelly@wtmi.net
Journal Editor


Massive Orvonton

Nigel Nunn, Australia

As students of the Urantia papers, should we take seriously “the Isle of Paradise?” What about “space potency” and “force organizers?” If we can accept such things, then it seems reasonable to take one more step, and take seriously their description of the ultimaton, “the first measureable form of energy.” [Paper 42:1.2]

Given all this, we find ourselves face to face with a fascinating challenge: how to connect ultimatons to the actual physics and technologies that allow mobile phones and GPS satellites to work. As we know, the chips inside our phones exploit some kind of “quantized mechanics,” while the satellite navigation system requires the sort of relativity “faintly glimpsed” [Paper 195:7.5] by Einstein.

Sadly, our current best ideas for explaining how all this works—our “standard models” for quantum field theory and relativity—are incompatible with each other. But what if The Urantia Book could show these two theories how to “play together?” This is the question I explore in the first half of an upcoming video. In the second half, I consider some of the implications of what The Urantia Book reveals, first with regard to black holes, and then with regard to the Milky Way. The next few pages give a brief preview.

Since the Milky Way is more fun to discuss than collapsed matter, let’s begin with a glimpse of the new perspective The Urantia Book offers on the Milky Way. Of course the first question must be: how well do Urantia Book descriptions match up with the data our astronomers can measure?

With regard to distances, we are warned that our use of redshift to estimate distances in outer space will lead to wildly erroneous estimates. [See paper 12:4.14]

On the other hand, they confirm that our toolbox of astrometric techniques should allow us to measure local distances “most precisely.” [Paper 41:3.10] Encouraged by this comment, in this first picture I show some of the local features we’ve been able to measure, together with that surprising distance of “200,000 light years” to Uversa. [Paper 32:2.11]

With this “map” (extrapolated view from above) in mind, let’s take a fresh look at this description:

The rotational center of your minor sector is situated far away in the enormous and dense star cloud of Sagittarius, around which your local universe and its associated creations all move, and from opposite sides of the vast Sagittarius subgalactic system you may observe two great streams of star clouds emerging in stupendous stellar coils. [Paper 15:3.5, page 168.1]

Notice that “dense star cloud of Sagittarius” is distinct from “vast Sagittarius subgalactic system.” The first half of this paragraph refers to the rotational center of our minor sector, Ensa. This “enormous and dense star cloud of Sagittarius” is M24, about 11,000 light years away. But the rest of the paragraph appears to refer to the rotational center of our major sector, Splandon. Those “two great streams of star clouds” can be seen “emerging in stupendous stellar coils” from opposite sides of Sagittarius A* (SgrA*) which astronomers have been able to measure (“most precisely”) as being 26,000 light years away. Notice also that Ensa is associated with a single dense star cloud, while “the vast Sagittarius subgalactic system” is associated with a stream of such star clouds.

In this light, that “200,000 light year” distance to Uversa becomes interesting. If we allow that SgrA* marks the center of Splandon, then the revelators have revealed that Uversa lies 174,000 light years behind Umajor the Fifth.

Next, let’s consider this:

If you could look upon the superuniverse of Orvonton from a position far-distant in space, you would immediately recognize the ten major sectors of the seventh galaxy. [Paper 15:3.4, page 167.20]

The vast star clouds of Orvonton [major sectors?] should be regarded as individual aggregations of matter comparable to the separate nebulae observable in the space regions external to the Milky Way galaxy. [Paper 15:4.9, page 170.3]

What might this distribution look like from above? If we were Force Organizers looking down onto Orvonton (from above), what would we see? Since each major sector has its own center of rotation [Paper 15:3.12], and all ten are in orbit about Uversa [Paper 15:3.13, I imagine we’d see something like ten electromagnetically bright spirals of gravita, embedded in ten whirlpools of electromagnetically dark ultimata:

The Sagittarius sector and all other sectors and divisions of Orvonton are in rotation around Uversa, and some of the confusion of Urantian star observers arises out of the illusions and relative distortions produced by the following multiple revolutionary movements… [Paper 15:3.7, page 168.3]

5. The rotation of the one hundred minor sectors, including Sagittarius, about their major sector. [Paper 15:3.12, page 168.8]

6. The whirl of the ten major sectors, the so-called star drifts, about the Uversa headquarters of Orvonton. [Paper 15:3.13, page 168.9]

I expect that we’d also find all ten major sectors are “co-planar,” i.e. they share a common plane. Let’s speculate about the distribution of these major sectors within such a “superuniverse plane.”

Recall that these ten sectors are arranged so that the “length” of Orvonton is “far greater than the breadth” [Paper 15:3.2].  Think what this implies:  since it’s 250,000 light years from the outskirts (near Nebadon) to Uversa, and since Uversa is centrally located, should we assume that Orvonton extends (more or less) a similar distance on the opposite side? If so, then this implies a “length” for Orvonton on the order of 400,000 to 500,000 light years.

But they reveal that this length is far greater than Orvonton’s breadth. From what we can see given our location in space, native astronomers estimate the breadth of this system to be about 100,000 light years. Despite our view of things being greatly obscured, we can nevertheless conclude that Orvonton must have a distinctly elongated shape, extruded by the tidal effects of Paradise gravity (acting for over a trillion years) towards the center of all things.

But here’s the surprise: they also state that the breadth of this distribution is “far greater than the thickness.” Our astronomers estimate that about 80% of the stars in our sector of Orvonton lie within a disk less than 1,000 light years thick. Not surprisingly, astronomers call this core distribution the thin disk. The so-called thick disk is less than 5,000 light years thick.

Here its worth “pausing to consider” these three numbers: length 500,000 light years, breadth 100,000 light years, thickness 5,000 light years. The authors appear to be describing Orvonton as a vastly elongated, extraordinarily flat, pancake. How thin is this pancake? With a length to thickness ratio of 100:1, this pancake has the same relative thickness as a DVD—10 cm wide by 1 mm thick.

To help make sense of these numbers, here’s that “200,000 light years” in context:

If we put all this together with their statement, “Nebadon is now well out towards the edge of Orvonton” [Paper 32:2.11], then we get something like this:

But in Paper 15, section 3, they also explain that the local universes of Orvonton are clustered (packed together more closely) on the far side of Orvonton:

The local universes are in closer proximity as they approach Havona; the circuits are greater in number, and there is increased superimposition, layer upon layer. But farther out from the eternal center there are fewer and fewer systems, layers, circuits, and universes. [Paper 15:3.16, page 168.12]

Given what the authors chose to reveal, it looks like the so-called “sun-forming nebula” centered on and rotating about Sagittarius A* (SgrA*), must be much more than a local universe, but somewhat less than a superuniverse.  Which implies that this vast spiral may actually form the bulk of a single major sector (Splandon), and that the other nine major sectors tend to contract and cluster on the Havona side.

What could cause such clustering? Recall that (in this Urantia Book scheme) this superuniverse system of swirling major sectors (a) floats in a rotating pool of ultimata, which is (b) orbiting Paradise in a beltway of segregata, which is (c) flowing along its “curved space path of lessened resistance to motion,” and (d) that not far off to the right (in the pictures above) sits the source and center of gravitational control for the entire master universe. And (e) that Paradise grips matter by its ultimatons.

Of course, in a young, “Big-Banged” universe, this sort of distribution is not what astronomers would expect. Such a scheme implies what one student has called “a new cosmological theory.” My approach is that The Urantia Book is presenting a new cosmological theory, and I’m simply exploring the scientific implications.

Nevertheless, as a student of astronomy, I almost feel like apologizing for proposing such an astronomically outlandish model. But let me explain. This adventure began when I noticed the revelators had posed an interesting question: “What’s the relationship between gravita, and the pool of ultimata within which that gravita forms?”  Let’s explore this line of thought.

In The Urantia Book story, before you can have hydrogen, and thus suns, you need a reservoir of ultimatons. It’s these ultimatons that “power directors” can arrange into the type of matter that interacts with light. So before we can have this “type of matter that interacts with light,” we need those ultimatons. For students of The Urantia Book, this seems like a reasonable starting point.

In the four parts of the upcoming video (1. Foundations, 2. Mass & Matter, 3. Dark Islands, 4. Milky Way) I try to map out what The Urantia Book reveals about the ancestry and interactions of ultimata or “emergent energies” [Paper 42:2.10], and how these ultimatonic underpinnings might determine the gravitational dynamics acting within and upon Orvonton, and what our astronomers might expect to measure. The crucial bits being (1) ultimatons have mass; (2) being pre-electronic, ultimatons do not interact with electromagnetic light; and (3) being intimately connected with the cause of weak hypercharge (“zilch”), clusters of ultimatons interact aggressively with this now famous Higgs-type field (“primordial force-charge”). Anyone keeping up with either particle physics or astronomy will be struck by how neatly ultimata solves the two outstanding issues of our standard models:  (1) invisible mass, and (2) the energy of quantized fields.

With regard to the origin of ultimatons, “pause to consider” the way an Associate Master Force Organizer injects angular momentum into the foundations of finite physics: in some region of space potency, the (eventuated) presence of a Primary (Paradise) Force Organizer segregates an island of “pure energy” (see segregata, Paper 42:2.9.) When an associate force organizer shows up, his transcendental presence imposes some kind of chiral torque on this island, which starts to rotate.

Picture the situation: we have an island of segregata within which a halo of “emergent energies” (see ultimata, Paper 42:2.13) condenses. This massive halo of ultimata is locked onto, and rotating about, an irresistible center of rotation. In this picture, there’s not yet any source of friction, so we have an increasing quantity of angular momentum being generated within a superfluid medium. As our own physics has discovered, angular momentum in a superfluid naturally disperses, but it cannot disappear. So the angular momentum injected by that associate force organizer into his halo of ultimata dissipates into smaller and smaller vortices, until some minimum “quantum of vorticity” (spin), is achieved.

As a thought experiment, let’s use that minimal vortex to help define an ultimaton. Recall that a “mature ultimaton”  has a well-defined response to absolute (Paradise) gravity. However,

Ultimatons are capable of accelerating revolutionary velocity to the point of partial antigravity behavior [Paper 42:6.3, page 476.5]

If we define the “mass” of an ultimaton as its response to Paradise gravity, then paper 42:6.3 implies that ultimatons achieve a maximum of such “mass” when they have that minimum quantum of spin. As an ultimaton’s “velocity of axial revolution” [Paper 42:6.6] increases, its response to Paradise decreases.

What I’d like to propose is that this coupling of (minimum spin) + (maximum mass) defines what we might call “the ground state of the mature ultimaton.” And that each galactic collection of superuniverse major sectors floats in a rotating pool of such ground state ultimatons.

To help break the ice with this “new cosmological theory,” here’s a simple and game-changing point: as students of these papers, what we’re considering is not how (linear) gravity may have nudged galaxies around for a mere 13 billion years. What we’re exploring is The Urantia Book story of how 70 major sectors were “force-organized” (in place) within a sheet of segregata centered on nether Paradise. And that this happened hundreds of billions of years before any spirals began to form in the outer space levels. And that an ancient, central and relatively small “grand universe” needs to be distinguished from the far younger systems we can see evolving in the outer space levels of a vastly larger “master universe.”

These are the sort of things I explore (in a Urantia Book-reader-friendly way!) in that video, being recorded in four parts (4A: Foundations, 4B: Mass & Matter, 4C: Dark Islands, 4D: Milky Way).

Parts 4A and 4B are ready, and can be found here: Click here

If anyone would like to help adjust the content and presentation in these videos, please let me know!

P.S. “Galaxy” and “Milky Way”:

Regarding The Urantia Book’s use of the terms galaxy and Milky Way, the ancient term Milky Way (“via lactea”) was coined not to label a nebula or galaxy, but to describe what our ancestors saw when they looked up—a milky splash across the sky. As an observant reader pointed out, most of the instances of “galaxy” in The Urantia Book are used to mean “many” or “collection.” Which is consistent with the idea of Milky Way as a galaxy (collection) of ten vast sun-forming spirals, each similar in appearance to M31.

When considering the use of these terms in The Urantia Book, another thing to keep in mind is this: in 1934, what did astronomers see when they looked in the direction of Uversa? Up until the 1960’s, the best view we had of the so-called “Milky Way” looked something like this:

Non-astronomers may not realize that almost all the stars visible to optical telescopes along the dense diameter of this milky splash (“via lactea”) are “far, far” less than 20,000 light years away. So if we are to take seriously their revelation that Uversa lies 200,000 light years away in the direction of the center of this dense diameter, then Uversa lies “far, far” beyond this foreground wall of gas, dust clouds and stars.

Even with “improved telescopic technique” [Paper 41:3.10], below is what the Spitzer Space Telescope revealed, using light in the near infrared (1-5 microns):

The issue this data implies is that if all ten major sectors lie in a common plane less than 5,000 light years thick, with 80% of the stars in each sector locked into disks a mere 1,000 light years thick, then even with our current best telescopic techniques, our neighbor major sectors, and Uversa itself, remain almost completely hidden behind this infrared “line of avoidance.” The video at the following link illustrates the problem, comparing our best infrared and visible views using the “GigaPixel” data released in 2012:

http://www.eso.org/public/videos/eso1242a/    [see the 70MB, HD 720p version]

As we can see, there really is a wall blocking our view towards Uversa!

Of course this does not change the hard fact that:

… when the angle of observation is propitious, gazing through the main body of this realm of maximum density, you are looking toward the residential universe and the center of all things. [Paper 15:3.3, page 167.19]

Given all the above, while it is quite correct for the revelators to say that Uversa is located “far, far away in the dense diameter of the Milky Way”, it may be even more correct to say that “when the angle of observation is propitious”, Uversa lies 174,000 light years directly behind Umajor the Fifth, the center of rotation we call Sagittarius A* (SgrA*), the physical center of our major sector, Splandon.

But what makes all this even more interesting is the way a cluster of such superuniverses fits neatly at the center of Marshall L. McCall’s famous “Council of Giants” (see https://arxiv.org/abs/1403.3667), that nearby ring of 12 giant galaxies surrounding our relatively tiny—but absolutely extraordinary—place in space.

Animating the Human Mind with Cosmic Software

Julian McGarry, Australia

Nigel has a lovely way of making something rather complex into something accessible and understandable for the average mortal. His explanation of how the seven adjutants prepare our minds for the subsequent indwelling of our Thought Adjuster and the Spirit of Truth was really helpful to me. As children of the information age, the world of computers offers us many metaphors that can help us grasp the processes of this “mind arena of choice.” [Page 1271:0] I see the human brain as being the “hardware” that the Life Carriers have laboured for millions of years to develop. For any hardware to work, it must be capable of detecting, receiving, and processing the “software” that animates it. In our case, that software begins as a fundamental operating system—the seven adjutants—circuits radiating a level of consciousness from the Divine Minister throughout the local universe, animating biochemical hardware that is capable of responding to their rhythmic pulsations [Paper 36:5.5]. Without a properly functioning operating system, a computer is not capable of performing the higher functions encoded within sophisticated software. Likewise, we would not be able to make superior moral choices and participate in the worship of our heavenly Father—building a soul—were it not for the potential created by the mind circuits of our local universe Mother Spirit.

Another metaphor that helps me to understand this amazing process is the common radio receiver. It is a box that sits in our homes or pockets that is capable of receiving and when animated, emitting intelligent data. No matter how fancy the box is, no matter how faithful the speakers and amplifiers are for reproducing sound, it will forever be mute unless it has a receiver that is capable of being tuned into the broadcast signal. It appears that the cerebral cortex is the latest hardware that humans possess that enables them to detect the rhythmic pulsations of wisdom and worship. Our neocortex enables us to literally think about our thinking, be aware of our awareness, or be conscious of our consciousness (ie. superconsciousness) [Paper 130:4.9]. We have the right machinery and the right software to develop the three cosmic intuitions, the basic platform from which we can make choices. And then at the tender age of 5 or 6, our Father downloads the ultimate program, our Thought Adjuster [Paper 108:2.1], which can only be accessed at the superconscious level [Paper 110:1.2] and can only adjust our thinking if we already possess the right operating system humming along nicely.

So what does that make the Spirit of Truth?…an augmentor?..a transformer? [Paper 143:2.4]. It seems to enable us to do something that psychology can’t even begin to explain. Facts and reason become truth, an inner realization or experience of higher reality that goes beyond words, the perfect complement to the Thought Adjuster. From the point of view of mainstream psychology, this is pretty radical stuff! Mind… consciousness being animated from an external source? I wonder if they will ever invent a super MRI machine that will be able to detect the seven adjutants. I guess not, and that is why all of this has had to be revealed to us.

The Supremacy of the Grand Universe

Stuart Kerr, USA

Our Paradise Father sets the stage for our particular creation (the Deity realm of Supremacy) as a finite reality; it is conditioned by time and space, it has a beginning and it has a foreordained destiny. This creation is experiential—events occur in time-conditioned sequences, and they are constrained within limiting spatial boundaries. The Universal Father is not restricted or conditioned by the limitations he has imposed on his time-space creations. He is above time and space; he is not handicapped, or bound, by his creation. His reality, as it exists on his eternal abode of Paradise, is absolute reality—it is eternity existence, it is existential. The finite reality that characterizes his Supreme creation can be envisioned as being projected in space and actualized in time, and this reality is intended to be experiencible. The experiential events of time flow ever onward as the moving image of eternity within a finite space that represents the fleeting shadows of Paradise realities.

Finite reality is undergoing purposed mobilization and perfecting unification, and the energy that drives the reality of this finite cosmos originates within the eternal purposes of the Universal Father.

The grand universe is at present the only organized and inhabited creation of the three projected experiential levels of Deity expression. The seven evolving superuniverses of the grand universe are the creations of time, and they are destined to achieve the settled stages of light and life. This status of experiential completion will be achieved as a result of time-space conditioned evolutionary growth. There will be total cosmic integration of mind-mediated spirit control over the material phases of the grand universe. This eventual synthesis of spirit and matter through mind is driven by all participating personalities, both creature and divine, within the inhabited creations. This sovereign effort will unify all seven of the evolving superuniverses of time and space culminating in the realized Deity of the Supreme Being.

The grand universe creation of the seven superuniverses will become a perfected reflection of the perfect Havona pattern. The spirit influence of God the Supreme, previously only to be found from Havona, will now affect the dominance of Supreme perfection throughout all the superuniverses in the grand universe. Because God the Supreme is experiential in nature, we will all be able to share in our own experience of God the Supreme. The emergence of the Supreme Being will be a unified embodiment of evolved deity on the grand universe scale.

God the Supreme

  • The actualizing or evolving God of time and space [Paper 0:II.16, page 4:10]
  • The first experiential level of unifying Deity manifestation
  • Personal Deity associatively realizing the time-space experiential achievement of creature-Creator identity
  • The achievement of Deity unity as the evolving and experiential God of the evolutionary creatures of time and space

In the current grand universe age of the evolving Supreme Being, the seven superuniverses of time and space are kept in isolation from one another in order to maximize their diverse potentials for growth. Each superuniverse reflects a different portraiture of various combinations of the three personal Deities of the Paradise Trinity as these are influenced under the immediate supervision of one of Seven Master Spirits. Upon the settling of all seven superuniverses in the attained stages of light and life, the imposed boundaries dividing these seven superuniverses will be lifted and there will follow an unprecedented surge of supreme coordination on all levels of spirit, mind, and matter. The evolving and experiential Supreme Being will at the same time experience an accelerated factualization of personality-sovereignty.


The Ultimacy of the Master Universe

Stuart Kerr, USA

The four outer space levels that complete the boundaries of the master universe around the nuclear core of the grand universe are destined to eventuate—evolve the Deity level of Ultimacy. This absonite level of the Ultimacy of Deity transcends the time-space constraints that characterize the finite grand universe. That is to say, the absonite transcends the time-space constraints of the finite. This superfinite level is both antecedent to and consequent of the finite progressions of the time-space Deity level of Supremacy. It pre-dates and influences the current universe age of finite Supremacy, and it is post-Supreme responsive to those significant events occurring within the seven superuniverses of the grand universe.

Just as God the Supreme is both spiritually and personally present in Havona, God the Ultimate is also present in Havona in an absonite (superfinite) and superpersonal sense. Whereas God the Supreme is exerting a spiritual influence on the time-space creation of the grand universe, God the Ultimate effects his influence in transcendence of time and space to the outer borders the four outer space levels of the master universe. In the same sense that the emergence of the Supreme Being is the culmination of all evolutionary-experiential reality, the Ultimate is the fulfillment of all transcendental-eventuating reality. God the Ultimate is power-superpersonalizing throughout the master universe.

The Deity level of Ultimacy provides both a guiding blueprint as well as a destiny-controlling objective for the finite creations of Supremacy. In this way, the Ultimate functions to relieve and resolve reality tensions that inevitably occur when existential Deity purposes to create sub-absolute creations. The Ultimate acts as a tension-releasing buffer between the finite creations of the Supreme and the absolute reality of eternity.

God the Ultimate

[Paper 0:II.17, page 4:11]

  • The eventuating God of supertime and superspace
  • The second experiential level of unifying Deity manifestation
  • The attained realization of the synthesized absonite superpersonal, time-space transcended, and eventuated-experiential values co-ordinated on final creative levels of Deity reality

The Ultimate is more than a simple projection onto the transcendental field of the super-Supreme. The Ultimate is self-projecting and time-space-transcending Deity; the Ultimate is an eventuation of new phases of Deity realities. The transcendental level of Ultimacy both precedes and follows the expression of the finite level of Supremacy. The downstepping of the absolute reality of the eternal infinite into the finite realm of time and space must always first pass through the transcendental Deity of Ultimacy, and the elevation of supreme ideals and values to the consummational status of divine perfection must always traverse through the transcendental level of Ultimacy.

Transcendental ultimates are subinfinite and subabsolute, but they are at the same time superfinite and supercreational beyond just a time-space sense. Evolutionary change in the transcendental sense comes about by the process of eventuation. God, as a superperson, eventuates. Transcendental realities eventuate the integration of absolute supervalues with the maximum values of finites. From the finite time-space perspective, transcendentals appear to eventuate as a consequence of finite influence. However, from the eternity viewpoint, transcendentals anticipate the emerging manifestations of the finite realm. For example, when the absonite Architects of the Master Universe eventuate a universal plan, the Supreme Creators act to bring it into existence throughout the realms of time and space.

Transcendental ultimates eventuate universe functions that exceed the simple sum of their component members. Systematic eventuation of multiplex compositions results in more than just a direct relationship of complexity for its component parts. The systematic coordination of the total composition results in an enhancing synergy that eventuates in the revealment of ultimate values and meanings. The Ultimate is a supersupreme eventuation of Deity and a superexperience and superfinite manifestation of God the Ultimate. The Ultimacy of Deity acts to eventuate new universe capacities by transforming undifferentiated potentials into well-defined plans of action on the transcendental level of the Ultimate.

The Absoluteness of the Cosmos Infinite

Stuart Kerr, USA

God expresses his creative will on three different “experiential” levels of reality—the finite level of the Supreme, the absonite level of the Ultimate, and the superultimate level of the Absolute. These three levels of universe expression take on different forms and phases of creative Deity expression. The term experiential here designates reality that is subject to evolutional growth, where potential realities must evolve and emerge to become fully actualized, and where perfection is a goal to be achieved. Experiential is used to distinguish these three sub-infinite and non-absolute levels of progressive reality expression from the existential (changeless) and infinite level of eternity—the absolute level of Paradise. Paradise is the eternal center of the universe of universes and the abiding place of the Universal Father, the Eternal Son, and the Infinite Spirit. The three experiential levels of creation are expressive of different modes of Paradise Deity manifestation, and each sub-Paradise level of creation is personalizing a Deity being of expressed divinity. All three of these derivative Deity personalities are not yet fully existent; they are in process of actualization. They have origins, though they are eternal in destiny.

The Absolute Level of Paradise

This is primal and original reality and the unqualified unity of infinity. The Father-I AM perfectly unites “the divergences of all reality with an existential majesty that is absolute.” [Paper 106:9.1, page 1173:2] The Isle of Paradise and the surrounding creation of Havona make up the central universe of perfection.

The Finite Level of the Supreme

This is the time-space evolved unification of four phases of experiential Deity reality—universe power controlled through mind and spirit-unified in the creative presence of personality. This level will power-mind-spirit-personality actualize the Supreme Being as evolutionary-experiential self. The seven evolving superuniverses of the grand universe revolve around the nuclear core of the central universe.

The Absonite Level of the Ultimate

This is the transcended time-space eventuation of omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent Deity expression. This level is actualizing in the personal Deity of God the Ultimate. The four outerspace levels of universe creation that comprise the master universe revolve around the grand universe as its nucleus.

The Superultimate Level of the Absolute

This is the experiential-existential realization of absolute divinity and the unification of absolute meanings on absolute levels of expression. God the Absolute is the realization-attainment goal at this level of personalizing Deity. As there is an inexhaustible supply of potential from infinity for experientializing into actual reality, the idea that there can be a final containment for creation is inconceivable. For this reason, the superultimate creations of the cosmos infinite present a boundless creation encompassing a universe of universes with its three successive universe nuclei—the master universe, the grand universe, and the central universe.

The level of the experiential-existential absolute implies the projection of experientials upon a supermaster universe field of creative expression. This level of Deity expression extends out into a cosmos infinite—it yields no limit of expansion extending beyond the master universe because that would require that the existential potentials of absolute infinity could be fully actualized in absolute experience. To limit the actualization of the Absolutes of potentiality would be to theoretically achieve final expression of Deity in the sub-absolute creations. This means that you could somehow exhaust infinite potential, that you could “draw all of the water from a bottomless well.” However, it is well-nigh incomprehensible as to how there could consummate the absolute actualization of an infinity of potentials.

God the Absolute transcends even the superpersonal values and divinity meanings made manifest by God the Ultimate. God the Absolute is the final expression of experiential Deity. The emergence of God the Absolute would signify the full depletion of personalizable Deity expression and self-realization. It would likely imply the experiential uniting of the existential Deity Absolute with the existential Unqualified Absolute.

God the Absolute

[Paper 0:II.18, page 4:12]

  • The experientializing God of transcended superpersonal values and divinity meanings (now existential in the Deity Absolute).
  • The third and final experiential level of unified Deity expression and expansion .
  • A level of transcended superpersonal values and divinity meanings.
  • The exhaustion of personalizable expression.
  • The depletion of capacity for self-realization.
  • The transcendence of self-revelation to successive and progressive levels of other-personalization.
  • The experiential identification of the Deity Absolute with the Unqualified Absolute.


The Circle of Eternity

Stuart Kerr, USA

God inhabits and rules the circle of eternity. His eternal nature is a never-beginning and never-ending circle. The Father exercises ever-expanding consciousness and ceaseless self-realization within this never-ending circle of eternity,

… He upholds the worlds in space and swings the universes around the endless circle of the eternal circuit. [Paper 3:2.2, page 46:6]

Reality is without limitation within the cosmic circle of eternity—it is universal, eternal, absolute, and infinite. Within the eternity cycle, divinity transcends and masters time-space. The universe of universes eternally circles around the Paradise source and center of all things and beings.

God’s purposes and plans for his creation may seem to vary from one universe location to another and they may depend on whether we are looking at their impact on the microcosmic or the macrocosmic aspects of his creation, but looking out from the circle of eternity there is perfect unity of intent and implementation.

From the absolute perspective, all reality is majestically uniform and secure, being indelibly stamped with the divine mark of destined perfection from the circle of eternity. The Paradise Father enters into mutually interdependent partnership with the Eternal Son for carrying out their joint intentions throughout the full encompassment of the circle of eternity. In fact, all seven of the coordinated Absolutes of Infinity

…encompass the circle of infinity throughout the endless cycles of eternity. [Paper 104:3.13, page 1147:5]

The universe of universes is overshadowed by the presence of the three Paradise Deities—their triune Deity presence arcs around the circle of eternity. Eternity is a limitless and unified cycle that is amazingly synchronized with the successive cycles of finite time. Within the circularity of endless existence, the contrast of time flashes by in the endless swing around the eternal circle encompassing the dwelling place of the Paradise Father. The entire physical cosmos itself ever swings around the circle of eternity. The mystery of eternity-infinity can best be comprehended

…as an almost limitless ellipse which is produced by one absolute cause, and which functions throughout this universal circle of endless diversification, ever seeking some absolute and infinite potential of destiny. [Paper 105:0.1, page 1152:1]

Mortal ascenders will eventually learn to transcend their limited perspective of finite time-space existence; they will begin to assimilate their experiences more holistically. The distinction of time-conditioned succession of events will begin to dissipate and such an ascender will begin to intuit a sense of the “eternal now” moment. Past, present, and future begin to be seen together in unity and events

…will be viewed as a whole and perfectly related cycle; in this way will circular simultaneity increasingly displace the onetime consciousness of the linear sequence of events. [Paper 130:7.6, page 1439:3]

Ascenders are becoming a part of the progressive procession of eternity

…swinging on forever with the worlds of space around the circle of the eternal ages. [Paper 32:5.4, page 365:0]

When ascending mortals achieve spiritual perfection and can claim final residence on Paradise, they

…will partake of the ‘essence of divinity’ and the ‘spirit of supremacy’ and thus really begin to function in the circle of eternity and in the presence of the Trinity. [Paper 26:7.4, page 293:2]

About the Journal


The Journal is produced twice yearly and contains essays, articles and study aids by readers and for readers of The Urantia Book. Any interpretations, opinions, conclusions, or artistic representations, whether stated or implied, are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent the views and opinions of Urantia Association International, the National or Affiliate Urantia Associations, or the editorial team of the Association's Journal.

You can view the entire collection of issues in the archives. All issues before 2017 are downloadable PDF format.

The Journal is currently published in English  , French  and Spanish  . (There are some older issues that were published in Finnish .) You can view the French and Spanish Journals by clicking on the language choices in the pull down menu at the top of the page.


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Journal Team

  • Chief Editor: Richard Jernigan
  • Editors: James Woodward, Mark Blackham
  • French Newsletter: Alain Cyr and Lucas Perier
  • Spanish Newsletter: Olga Lopez
  • Communications Chair: Myra Hight

 Journal team is currently seeking reports and submissions from all Urantia Book students.

Submission Policy  

The Journal editorial team welcomes all article submissions for consideration for current or future issues. Any submissions not used in the current issue are kept on file for potential future use. Urantia Association International does not compensate any author through payment or in any other manner for such voluntary submissions. The Journal editorial team reserves the right to reject or edit materials as it deems necessary for publication and, if edited substantially, will notify the author for their approval.  

Send correspondence or article submissions to the above Chicago address or email the Chief Editor, Richard Jernigan.  


All contributors — if you submit images, you must either have the rights to those images or they must be in the public domain. In all cases, please include the appropriate credits.

Citation Guidelines  

Please follow our citation guidelines when quoting from The Urantia Book. These guidelines were revised in April 2023, including different citation styles.

Block Quotes  

Block quotes are displayed as a separate paragraph, which can be a complete paragraph from the book or any portion thereof. They do not require quotation marks. Block quotes use the citation format shown below,where the first set of numbers refers to paper, section, and paragraph, and the second set refers to the page and paragraph of the editions of The Urantia Book as published by Urantia Foundation. Please note the punctuation.  

The Universal Father is the God of all creation, the First Source and Center of all things and beings. First think of God as a creator, then as a controller, and lastly as an infinite upholder. 1:0.1 (21.1)

If you wish to emphasize words that are not already emphasized in The Urantia Book, add “emphasis added” at the end of the page reference.  

First think of God as a creator, then as a controller, and lastly as an infinite upholder. 1:0.1 (21.1) emphasis added  

Run-in or In-line Quotes  

Run-in quotes form an integral part of your own paragraph. Put these quotes within quotation marks (no italics). They require only a short form citation including paper, section, and paragraph. Notice that the citation is included as a part of the quote with the period (full stop) following the quote.  For example:

The Urantia Book starts out with a positive assumption, "The Universal Father is the God of all creation” (1:0.1).  

Any run-in quote exceeding four lines should be separated out as a block quote. And similar to block quotes, any emphasis added to a run-in quote requires adding "emphasis added" to the citation.  


If you paraphrase a quote, or derive information from any paragraph, use the same run-in quotation style.   

The Universal Father is portrayed in The Urantia Book as a creator, controller and upholder (1:0.1).   

References to other works  

If you use quotes from, or make references to, other works, please include a citation in order to avoid plagiarism.  

In these cases, mention Author, Title, and Year, either in the text or immediately following a quote. Alternatively, include the citation as a numbered footnote.  

Size of Submissions  

Please limit the size of your submission to 4,000 words or less. We encourage you to use your own words as much as possible and to avoid overusing quotes from the book. Direct quotations are more effective if they are used sparingly and for emphasis.   

We always welcome articles about personal spiritual experiences as well as those with fresh insights and new perspectives. Also of interest are thematic studies and articles that compare, evaluate, or integrate academic research (scientific, social, religious, or otherwise) with the teachings of The Urantia Book.