
Your donations help to support our programs and enable Urantia Association to continue its worldwide outreach in support of the Revelation.

Secure Online Donations:

Fill in this form below and choose a one time or recurring donation. (Please note that all donations received from outside of the United States are received in US dollars.)

  • Please choose a fund from the drop down menu. Your donation will only be used for the fund you choose. Note that the General Fund is unrestricted and funds allocated to that account will be used as needed by Urantia Association. Donations to all other funds are restricted and will be used for that fund only.

Checks or Money Orders:

If you would prefer to send a payment by check or money order please send your donation to:

Urantia Association International
4000 W. Montrose Ave. #606
Chicago, IL 60641    USA

Telephone or Email:

Or please contact us by:
Phone: +1 773-572-1180 or Email: [email protected]

Thank you for considering a gift to Urantia Association. Please contact us if you have any questions.