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    There are 7 trillion pairs of Material Sons and Daughters that have or are now or will serve on evolutionary material worlds – every single such world receives such a pair.  Each Creator Son of each Local Universe gives origin to a single such pair in each System and who serves as the original pair in each System (that’s 10,000 per Local Universe/Creator Son), who then cocreate and procreate all other Material Sons and Daughters in each System of the Local Universe (that’s 10 million evolutionary worlds of assignment).  There are those who are thusly created but do not serve on the evolutionary worlds but still serve in the administration and educational system of ascendant service and training (the total number of all Material Sons and Daughters in a Local Universe is not revealed).  Please read Paper 51 for details.

    The Lucifer rebellion was a System rebellion and the Material Sons and Daughters in each System are of “a pattern” in each System so all of them in Satania do have similarities.  There is one original pair created by the Local Universe Creator Son per System, and all others are their progeny…including the 13 pair….so all in each System have the same parents.  All who serve on the evolutionary spheres are volunteers for such hoped for assignments of service.  Of the 606+ worlds of Satania (each System eventually has 1000 evolutionary worlds), 13 (<2%) have failed or defaulted in their planetary ministry…mostly during the Lucifer rebellion.  Ours did not join the rebellion but did fail due to local circumstances related to and resulting from the rebellion.

    Each such evolutionary world is unique in its status and epochal progress at the time of rebellion and there are worlds with more epochal progress and those with less in the System and Local and Super Universe.  In Satania some worlds had Material Sons before the rebellion.  We received ours afterwards.  But the mission and ministry of all the Material Sons and Daughters is the same for all evolutionary worlds.  They create and rule great planetary centers of culture and education.  They are certainly NOT clones.  There is no such thing anywhere throughout the entirety of creation.  Good Grief.

    Each being with personality and mind and freewill is an entirely unique being with a very personalized experience and expression of reality and all beings created or born in time above the animal kingdom have eternity potential and gain wisdom experientially by freewill choice based upon each decision made during their entire existence.  Each also enjoys a direct relationship to Deity and is considered an individual child of creation who receives personalized affection and attention and the freedom of will  to choose.  This is a critical teaching.  Every such being contributes to the actualization of experiential reality and Deity and also contributes to the totality of truth, beauty, and goodness and its effects on all other beings in creation…both creators and the created beings in time and in eternity.

    The Adams and Eves are neither clones nor psychic!!  They do have a communications system and capability humans do not share that works within certain geographic ranges (this is a biological/mechanical/physical organ function – not anything “psychic”).  People do not share intelligence or communicate by any form of mind to mind methods, especially planet to planet (no matter the “time” zone) according to the UB.  Thought Adjusters are connected to  one another and all minds are connected to the “uplink” of the reflectivity circuit…but this is certainly not an open chat line and is not accessible by humans.

    74:6.6 (834.8) Adam and Eve could communicate with each other and with their immediate children over a distance of about fifty miles. This thought exchange was effected by means of the delicate gas chambers located in close proximity to their brain structures. By this mechanism they could send and receive thought oscillations. But this power was instantly suspended upon the mind’s surrender to the discord and disruption of evil.

    9:7.1 (105.1) The Conjoint Actor is able to co-ordinate all levels of universe actuality in such manner as to make possible the simultaneous recognition of the mental, the material, and the spiritual. This is the phenomenon of universe reflectivity, that unique and inexplicable power to see, hear, sense, and know all things as they transpire throughout a superuniverse, and to focalize, by reflectivity, all this information and knowledge at any desired point. The action of reflectivity is shown in perfection on each of the headquarters worlds of the seven superuniverses. It is also operative throughout all sectors of the superuniverses and within the boundaries of the local universes. Reflectivity finally focalizes on Paradise.

    Me here: Humans on each planet are of a unique racial blend of the indigenous peoples born of the unique evolutionary process of each world and the Material Sons and Daughters additive violet blood.  So it could be said all peoples in each System are “cousins” who share violet blood, but certainly not directly blood related, no.  People do share some common traits world to world.  Read Paper 36 for more information.

    36:2.13 (397.13) Planetary life, therefore, while similar in some respects, differs in many ways on each evolutionary world. Even in a uniform life series in a single family of worlds, life is not exactly the same on any two planets; there is always a planetary type, for the Life Carriers work constantly in an effort to improve the vital formulas committed to their keeping.

    36:2.14 (398.1) There are over one million fundamental or cosmic chemical formulas which constitute the parent patterns and the numerous basic functional variations of life manifestations. Satellite number one of the life-planning sphere is the realm of the universe physicists and electrochemists who serve as technical assistants to the Life Carriers in the work of capturing, organizing, and manipulating the essential units of energy which are employed in building up the material vehicles of life transmission, the so-called germ plasm.

    36:2.15 (398.2) The planetary life-planning laboratories are situated on the second satellite of this world number two. In these laboratories the Life Carriers and all their associates collaborate with the Melchizedeks in the effort to modify and possibly improve the life designed for implantation on the decimal planets of Nebadon. The life now evolving on Urantia was planned and partially worked out on this very world, for Urantia is a decimal planet, a life-experiment world. On one world in each ten a greater variance in the standard life designs is permitted than on the other (nonexperimental) worlds.

    51:0.2 (580.2) These Sons are the material gift of the Creator Son to the inhabited worlds. Together with the Planetary Prince, they remain on their planet of assignment throughout the evolutionary course of such a sphere. Such an adventure on a world having a Planetary Prince is not much of a hazard, but on an apostate planet, a realm without a spiritual ruler and deprived of interplanetary communication, such a mission is fraught with grave danger.

    51:0.3 (580.3) Although you cannot hope to know all about the work of these Sons on all the worlds of Satania and other systems, other papers depict more fully the life and experiences of the interesting pair, Adam and Eve, who came from the corps of the biologic uplifters of Jerusem to upstep the Urantia races. While there was a miscarriage of the ideal plans for improving your native races, still, Adam’s mission was not in vain; Urantia has profited immeasurably from the gift of Adam and Eve, and among their fellows and in the councils on high their work is not reckoned as a total loss.

    51:1.2 (580.5) The material order of sonship is not uniform throughout the local universe. The Creator Son produces only one pair of these beings in each local system; these original pairs are diverse in nature, being attuned to the life pattern of their respective systems. This is a necessary provision since otherwise the reproductive potential of the Adams would be nonfunctional with that of the evolving mortal beings of the worlds of any one particular system. The Adam and Eve who came to Urantia were descended from the original Satania pair of Material Sons.

    51:3.1 (582.5) On the inhabited worlds the Material Sons and Daughters construct their own garden homes, soon being assisted by their own children. Usually the site of the garden has been selected by the Planetary Prince, and his corporeal staff do much of the preliminary work of preparation with the help of many of the higher types of native races.

    51:3.2 (583.1) These Gardens of Eden are so named in honor of Edentia, the constellation capital, and because they are patterned after the botanic grandeur of the headquarters world of the Most High Fathers. Such garden homes are usually located in a secluded section and in a near-tropic zone. They are wonderful creations on an average world. You can judge nothing of these beautiful centers of culture by the fragmentary account of the aborted development of such an undertaking on Urantia.

    51:6.1 (586.5) On most of the inhabited worlds the Gardens of Eden remain as superb cultural centers and continue to function as the social patterns of planetary conduct and usage age after age. Even in early times when the violet peoples are relatively segregated, their schools receive suitable candidates from among the world races, while the industrial developments of the garden open up new channels of commercial intercourse. Thus do the Adams and Eves and their progeny contribute to the sudden expansion of culture and to the rapid improvement of the evolutionary races of their worlds. And all of these relationships are augmented and sealed by the amalgamation of the evolutionary races and the sons of Adam, resulting in the immediate upstepping of biologic status, the quickening of intellectual potential, and the enhancement of spiritual receptivity.

    51:6.2 (586.6) On normal worlds the garden headquarters of the violet race becomes the second center of world culture and, jointly with the headquarters city of the Planetary Prince, sets the pace for the development of civilization. For centuries the city headquarters schools of the Planetary Prince and the garden schools of Adam and Eve are contemporary. They are usually not very far apart, and they work together in harmonious co-operation.

    51:6.3 (587.1) Think what it would mean on your world if somewhere in the Levant there were a world center of civilization, a great planetary university of culture, which had functioned uninterruptedly for 37,000 years. And again, pause to consider how the moral authority of even such an ancient center would be reinforced were there situated not far-distant still another and older headquarters of celestial ministry whose traditions would exert a cumulative force of 500,000 years of integrated evolutionary influence. It is custom which eventually spreads the ideals of Eden to a whole world. *

    51:6.4 (587.2) The schools of the Planetary Prince are primarily concerned with philosophy, religion, morals, and the higher intellectual and artistic achievements. The garden schools of Adam and Eve are usually devoted to practical arts, fundamental intellectual training, social culture, economic development, trade relations, physical efficiency, and civil government. Eventually these world centers amalgamate, but this actual affiliation sometimes does not occur until the times of the first Magisterial Son.


    Me here:  The source of the belief in and the myth of reincarnation has been presented here over and over again.  Please believe whatever you wish.  We all do.  But the Urantia Papers are very, very, very clear and equally redundant that reincarnation is a primitive superstition with a well known origin!!  And the reality presented in the UB is so, so, so much more eloquent and inspiring and believable than the myth.  Why any reader would prefer the myth to the reality presented is indeed a mystery to me.  Nonetheless…best wishes in your discovery of truth, beauty, and goodness!!

    Bradly ;-)


    Can anyone tell me what the origin, nature and the relationship is between those 13 pairs of Adams & Eves?!

    They are all from one system and therefore can be traced back to one original Satania pair created by our Creator Son.  The Creator Sons produce only one pair per system.

    51:1.2 The material order of sonship is not uniform throughout the local universe. The Creator Son produces only one pair of these beings in each local system; these original pairs are diverse in nature, being attuned to the life pattern of their respective systems. This is a necessary provision since otherwise the reproductive potential of the Adams would be nonfunctional with that of the evolving mortal beings of the worlds of any one particular system. The Adam and Eve who came to Urantia were descended from the original Satania pair of Material Sons.




    We know from TUB that the original plan for our Earth was that our particular pair of Adam & Eve were intended to mate with primitive humans and thereby gradually upgrade our entire human species.

    We know nothing of the kind.  In fact, it is forbidden for Adam and Eve to mate with humans, which is how they got themselves into a whole heap o’trouble. That’s one reason why our world is not normal.  It’s their offspring who are supposed to take on that job.

    51:5.3 On normal worlds the Planetary Adam and Eve never mate with the evolutionary races. This work of biologic betterment is a function of the Adamic progeny.



    So even though the life plasma brought by Life Carriers may have evolved into various kinds of humanoids on multiple planets, if all of the Adams & Eves were clones who mated with various humanoids on various planets, would that not make all the affected humanoids on various planets very much related?!

    I don’t know if you are aware that Material Sons and Daughters mate sexually and therefore their gametes contain only half of the necessary chromosomes.  Cloning is an asexual process using somatic cells with a full set of chromosomes artificially placed within an ovum.   Sexual reproduction is vital in that it produces more variety whereas cloning does not.  Unlike the DNA from cloning, the DNA from sexual reproduction provides more opportunity for progressive mutations which favor ongoing evolution.  Cloning and evolution are not compatible.

    Yes we are all related.  There is such a thing as a Nebadon organism, a basic Nebadon life form which is adapted to suit different types of planets..  Urantia humans are one type of Nebadon organism.  Not only are our bodies similar in origin, but also our minds.  All creatures of this local universe are endowed with the same Nebadon order of the Orvonton cosmic mind.

    16:8.15 The Urantia type of human personality may be viewed as functioning in a physical mechanism consisting of the planetary modification of the Nebadon type of organism belonging to the electrochemical order of life activation and endowed with the Nebadon order of the Orvonton series of the cosmic mind of parental reproductive pattern. The bestowal of the divine gift of personality upon such a mind-endowed mortal mechanism confers the dignity of cosmic citizenship and enables such a mortal creature forthwith to become reactive to the constitutive recognition of the three basic mind realities realities of the cosmos: . . .




    I also suspect there is some non-physical – dare I say “psychic” – connection between all humanoids (currently residing on their respective planets in the Satania system) who were directly affected by their particular Adams & Eves (who we know from the Urania Book WERE psychic and MAY have been clones)!  Thus, perceptions some people have of reincarnation may indeed be coming from non-physical (but still very real) perceptions of “humanity’s brothers and sisters in outer space”, which happens to be the title of a chapter in a book I really liked called “The Revelation of Ramala”!

    Yeah, but the only problem with that is the glaringly obvious fact that we are quarantined and isolated from other planets.


    Each being with personality and mind and freewill is an entirely unique being with a very personalized experience and expression of reality and all beings created or born in time above the animal kingdom have eternity potential and gain wisdom experientially by freewill choice based upon each decision made during their entire existence.

    Yeah but this has nothing to do with cloning.  If a person was cloned, the clone would have his or her own unique personality and mind despite having the same exact physical body.  Personalities can’t be cloned, but bodies can.

    Bradly wrote: The Adams and Eves are neither clones nor psychic!!
    Doesn’t it depend on how you define psychic?  What do you think the result of continuous intellectual synchrony with the mind-gravity circuit brings them and their offspring besides immortality?   Something psychic perhaps?  Something like the ability to communicate with invisible beings as well as with each other?

    51:1.5 An original or directly created Adam and Eve are immortal by inherent endowment just as are all other orders of local universe sonship, but a diminution of immortality potential characterizes their sons and daughters. This original couple cannot transmit unconditioned immortality to their procreated sons and daughters. Their progeny are dependent for continuing life on unbroken intellectual synchrony with the mind-gravity circuit of the Spirit. Since the inception of the system of Satania, thirteen Planetary Adams have been lost in rebellion and default and 681,204 in the subordinate positions of trust. Most of these defections occurred at the time of the Lucifer rebellion.

    75:7.5 1. Adam and Eve, like their fellows on Jerusem, maintained immortal status through intellectual association with the mind-gravity circuit of the Spirit. When this vital sustenance is broken by mental disjunction, then, regardless of the spiritual level of creature existence, immortality status is lost. Mortal status followed by physical dissolution was the inevitable consequence of the intellectual default of Adam and Eve.

    51:6.5 Here is a being of high origin who is physical, material, even a sex creature like Urantia mortals, one who can see and comprehend the invisible Planetary Prince and interpret him to the mortal creatures of the realm, for the Material Sons and Daughters are able to see all of the lower orders of spirit beings; they visualize the Planetary Prince and his entire staff, visible and invisible.

    Bradly wrote:People do not share intelligence or communicate by any form of mind to mind methods,
    Yeah, but Adam and Eve and all their kids enjoyed thought exchange.  I think we can safely call that mind-to-mind communication, or psychic communication, no?

    74:6.6 Adam and Eve could communicate with each other and with their immediate children over a distance of about fifty miles. This thought exchange was effected by means of the delicate gas chambers located in close proximity to their brain structures. By this mechanism they could send and receive thought oscillations. But this power was instantly suspended upon the mind’s surrender to the discord and disruption of evil.

    Thought Adjusters are connected to  one another and all minds are connected to the “uplink” of the reflectivity circuit… but this is certainly not an open chat line and is not accessible by humans.

    What’s an “uplink” connection for all minds to reflectivity?   Why do you say all minds are connected but humans have no access?  Is that doublespeak? Or, do you mean it’s a one-way, out-going-only, connection?   I agree, human minds definitely don’t have access to reflectivity.  Not even fused mortals can access it without help, but I don’t see any connection to psychic thought exchange, which apparently is possible for the violet race before default.

    17:43 As a class, ascending mortals do not intimately contact with reflectivity. Always some being of the reflective nature will be interposed between you and the actual operation of the service.
    I also thought Adjuster knowledge is not reflectible.   Just because Adjusters can access reflectivity doesn’t mean they transmit their thoughts via reflectivity; they don’t because their minds are not capable of being reflected.  I do find it wonderful though that they do everything possible to share their mindedness with us lowly creatures.  Breathtaking!

    28:5.22 It should, however, be mentioned that the knowledge and plans of the Father fragments are not reflectible. The discerners can and do reflect the presence of the Adjusters (and the Censors pronounce them divine), but they cannot decipher the content of the mindedness of the Mystery Monitors.

    Also, only Adjusters above the virgin group can intercommunicate, but there’s no evidence that it occurs by reflectivity.  Self-acting  Adjusters can intercommunicate with Adjusters on other planets, but it’s limited to crisis management and preservation of data.

    107:5.2 Since Adjusters can plan, work, and love, they must have powers of selfhood which are commensurate with mind. They are possessed of unlimited ability to communicate with each other, that is, all forms of Monitors above the first or virgin groups. As to the nature and purport of their intercommunications, we can reveal very little, for we do not know. And we further know that they must be minded in some manner else they could never be personalized.

    109:2.9 Undoubtedly these higher and more experienced types of Adjusters can communicate with those in other realms. But while self-acting Adjusters do thus intercommunicate, they do so only on the levels of their mutual work and for the purpose of preserving custodial data essential to the Adjuster ministry of the realms of their sojourn, though on occasions they have been known to function in interplanetary matters during times of crisis.

    108.4.4  The isolation of a planet in no way affects the Adjusters and their ability to communicate with any part of the local universe, superuniverse, or the central universe. And this is the reason why contacts with the supreme and the self-acting Adjusters of the reserve corps of destiny are so frequently made on quarantined worlds. Recourse is had to such a technique as a means of circumventing the handicaps of planetary isolation.




    I repeat…Material Sons and Daughters are not psychic.  Do they read minds??  No.  They “exchange”  thoughts…or can.  One does not invade or read the other’s mind.  Also its biological or an organ and mechanical function.  Enhanced vision is shared by many beings including midwayers and morontia mortals.  Not psychic.

    Psychic – relating to or denoting faculties or phenomena that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws, especially involving telepathy or clairvoyance.
    supernatural · paranormal · otherworldly · supernormal · preternatural · metaphysical · extrasensory · transcendental · magic · magical · mystical · mystic · occult · necromantic · clairvoyant ·

    A psychic is a person who claims to use extrasensory perception(ESP) to identify information hidden from the normal senses, particularly involving telepathy or clairvoyance, or who performs acts that are apparently inexplicable by natural laws. Although many people believe in psychic abilities, the scientific consensus is that there is no proof of the existence of such powers, and describes the practice as pseudoscience.





    God reads minds by reflectivity.   God can focalize reflectivity to other minds including, of course, the adjusters.

    Did I say adjuster knowledge is reflective?

    Did I say adjuster to adjuster communication was a function of reflectivity?


    Thanks for reposting so much text on the issues already provided.

    Redundancy can be a good thing…affirming.



    I repeat…Material Sons and Daughters are not psychic.  Do they read minds??  No.  They “exchange”  thoughts…or can.  One does not invade or read the other’s mind.  Also its biological or an organ and mechanical function.  Enhanced vision is shared by many beings including midwayers and morontia mortals.  Not psychic.  Good Grief .

    Again, it depends on how you define psychic.  Obviously you define it as an invasion of someone’s mind in order to “read” their thoughts, as you just outlined.  But non-verbal thought exchange is a psychic form of communication by any definition, and that is exactly what the violet race were capable of.  Psychic communication has nothing to do with mind invasion except in science fiction and mythology.

    It is clear that this is something completely within the realm of possibility for all personalities since we are told that we are able to exchange our minds for the mind of Jesus at any time.  Such an exchange is psychic in both origin and in function.  It is quite possible to know the mind of anybody without “invading” it.  Other-mindedness is something all personalities are capable of and it is the technique by which thought exchange is made possible, whether it be the mind of God, the mind of Jesus, or the mind of any other person.

    102:4.1 Because of the presence in your minds of the Thought Adjuster, it is no more of a mystery for you to know the mind of God than for you to be sure of the consciousness of knowing any other mind, human or superhuman. Religion and social consciousness have this in common: They are predicated on the consciousness of other-mindness. The technique whereby you can accept another’s idea as yours is the same whereby you may “let the mind which was in Christ be also in you.”




    God reads minds by reflectivity.

    Huh?  God lives in your head and adjusts your thoughts.  He doesn’t need reflectivity to do that.  Good Grief!

    Thanks for reposting so much text on the issues already provided.

    You’re welcome.  The reason is to point out what you seemed to overlook.  Good Grief!!


    I overlooked something?  If you say so…

    Your understanding and definition of psychic is your own.   It seems likely urantia4me is using the common definition I posted.

    God depends on reflectivity. ..or it would not exist.  Do all minds have adjusters?  Nope.  And yet all minds are connected to the reflectivity circuit.  By uplink…unless focalized or Deity.  And let’s not overlook that Adjuster indwelt mortal mind and fused mortal mind is also connected to the reflectivity circuit.

    105.1) 9:7.1 The Conjoint Actor is able to co-ordinate all levels of universe actuality in such manner as to make possible the simultaneous recognition of the mental, the material, and the spiritual. This is the phenomenon of universe reflectivity, that unique and inexplicable power to see, hear, sense, and know all things as they transpire throughout a superuniverse, and to focalize, by reflectivity, all this information and knowledge at any desired point. The action of reflectivity is shown in perfection on each of the headquarters worlds of the seven superuniverses. It is also operative throughout all sectors of the superuniverses and within the boundaries of the local universes. Reflectivity finally focalizes on Paradise.

    (105.2) 9:7.2 The phenomenon of reflectivity, as it is disclosed on the superuniverse headquarters worl ds in the amazing performances of the reflective personalities there stationed, represents the most complex interassociation of all phases of existence to be found in all creation. Lines of spirit can be traced back to the Son, physical energy to Paradise, and mind to the Third Source; but in the extraordinary phenomenon of universe reflectivity there is a unique and exceptional unification of all three, so associated as to enable the universe rulers to know about remote conditions instantaneously, simultaneously with their occurrence.

    (103.6) 9:6.1 The Third Source and Center, the universal intelligence, is personally conscious of every mind, every intellect, in all creation, and he maintains a personal and perfect contact with all these physical, morontial, and spiritual creatures of mind endowment in the far-flung universes. All these activities of mind are grasped in the absolute mind-gravity circuit which focalizes in the Third Source and Center and is a part of the personal consciousness of the Infinite Spirit.

    (103.7) 9:6.2 Much as the Father draws all personality to himself, and as the Son attracts all spiritual reality, so does the Conjoint Actor exercise a drawing power on all minds; he unqualifiedly dominates and controls the universal mind circuit. All true and genuine intellectual values, all divine thoughts and perfect ideas, are unerringly drawn into this absolute circuit of mind.



    Your understanding and definition of psychic is your own.   It seems likely urantia4me is using the common definition I posted.

    I think you jumped to a conclusion which is yours and yours alone.  Michael wrote of a psychic connection between all humans, and that is true, albeit not from the source he suggested.  There are basic orders of psychic organization just as there are basic orders of physical organization, all part of every human, which is why the psychic circles are part of every human’s experience.  Plus, we are all ministered to by the cosmic mind, which is why some minds can be seen to run in similar channels.

    16.6.3  The fact of the cosmic mind explains the kinship of various types of human and superhuman minds. Not only are kindred spirits attracted to each other, but kindred minds are also very fraternal and inclined towards co-operation the one with the other. Human minds are sometimes observed to be running in channels of astonishing similarity and inexplicable agreement.

    God depends on reflectivity. ..or it would not exist.

    Again, your interpretation.  The universe depends on reflectivity but God the Father himself doesn’t.  Reflectivity is necessary for beings within the superuniverses, but the Paradise Trinity is omniscient. Perhaps you forgot that reflectivity is centered in Majeston, who was created by the Supreme.  Although reflectivity is focalized in Majeston on Paradise, it is not needed by the Paradise Deity themselves, who already know all things and are inherently conscious of all things.  Reflectivity has to do with the Supreme, with the experiential and finite realms and it is a service.  I repeat, reflectivity is a service for the extra-Paradise superuniverses.

    24:2.2 On Paradise knowledge is inherent; the Deities know all things.

    3:3.3 God is possessed of unlimited power to know all things; his consciousness is universal.

    15:9.5 2. The reflective-service circuit of the seven Reflective Spirits in each superuniverse.

    17:3.10 During the present universe age the space range of the extra-Paradise reflectivity service seems to be limited by the periphery of the seven superuniverses.

    Do all minds have adjusters?  Nope.  And yet all minds are connected to the reflectivity circuit.  By uplink…unless focalized or Deity.

    Good Grief!  What is an “uplink”?  Where is that described in your quotes? Did you make that up?  You do know that there is a difference between the mind-gravity circuit of the Third Source and Center and the reflectivity service of the Supreme, right?   One has to do with the omniscient consciousness of the Third Person of Deity, the other with the omniscient consciousness of the Supreme.  That’s two different things, right?

    You posted 9:6.1 but completely ignored the fact that it is referring to mind gravity and not reflectivity.  Then you omitted 9:7.5 which describes reflectivity as a function of the Supreme.  I’ll repeat the quotes with emphasis for clarity to prevent others from getting confused by your claims.

    9:6.1 The Third Source and Center, the universal intelligence, is personally conscious of every mind, every intellect, in all creation, and he maintains a personal and perfect contact with all these physical, morontial, and spiritual creatures of mind endowment in the far-flung universes. All these activities of mind are grasped in the absolute mind-gravity circuit which focalizes in the Third Source and Center and is a part of the personal consciousness of the Infinite Spirit.

    9:7.5 Reflectivity appears to be omniscience within the limits of the experiential finite and may represent the emergence of the presence-consciousness of the Supreme Being. If this assumption is true, then the utilization of reflectivity in any of its phases is equivalent to partial contact with the consciousness of the Supreme.



    Very well….so you are confirming then Michael/urantia4me’s hope and claim that mortals communicate by psychic connection with one another and one being knows the mind and memory contents of other minds, no matter the distance and that reflectivity has lateral connectivity and not just vertical…so beings that are not Divine or Deity access the contents of other minds.   This is your claim?  Good to know.  The channelers and mediums will be glad for your confirmations.


    Very well….so you are confirming then urantia4me’s hope and claim that mortals communicate by psychic connection with one another and one being knows the mind and memory contents of other minds, no matter the distance and that reflectivity has lateral connectivity and not just vertical…so beings that are not Divine or Deity access the contents of other minds. This is your claim? Good to know. The channelers and mediums will be glad for your confirmations.

    Wow, you really know how to spin something right out into very thin ether Bradly.  Obviously you aren’t one of those psychic people who are capable of thinking in similar channels with others.  And no, those channels have nothing to do with channeling.  Good Grief!

    Did anyone besides Bradly see where Michael wrote about a person’s individual memories  being accessed, or about channeling or mediumship?  As far as I can tell, this is something conjured up only in the imaginative mind of Bradly.   Perhaps he’s thinking about the invasion of the body snatchers, Vulcan mind melds or Jedi mind control . . .  who knows?

    And what the hell is lateral reflectivity?  Is that a side-link instead of up-link?  Good Grief!  Surely you know that the reflectivity service is independent of time and space?  That being the case, upward-downward, inward-outward, leftward-rightward, have no relevance at all.

    17:3.10 During the present universe age the space range of the extra-Paradise reflectivity service seems to be limited by the periphery of the seven superuniverses. Otherwise, the function of this service seems to be independent of time and space. It appears to be independent of all known subabsolute universe circuits.

    And more to the point, what Michael and I are talking about has absolutely nothing at all, nothing whatsoever, to do with reflectivity.  Nothing.  Why you think such a thing is a mystery, especially since you know humans can’t access reflectivity. Good Grief!  It’s about the cosmic mind, mind-ministry and the mind gravity circuit . . . kindred minds, kindred spirits.

    Also, it seems to me that you might not know the difference between psychic and clairvoyant.  The word psychic refers to the mind, the psyche, the internal milieu of an individual.  There are unbalanced personalities capable of psychic illusions but that is not what I am talking about, nor what I think Michael referred to.   Psychic illusions are philosophical distortions of the intellect.  Why would I waste my time referring people to something distorted, unbalanced and deceptive?  Of course you have suspected me of that and now you have accused me of that, which is really, really sad for you. :-(


    Michael says above:  “Thus, perceptions some people have of reincarnation may indeed be coming from non-physical (but still very real) perceptions of “humanity’s brothers and sisters in outer space”, which happens to be the title of a chapter in a book I really liked called “The Revelation of Ramala”!”

    The Revelation of Ramala:

    “This is a reprint of material originally issued as pamphlets starting around 1971 and later brought together as a book published in 1978.
    It is high quality channeling on a variety of topics including very early confirmatory mention of what is now called the New Earth belief.”

    Whatever you say Bonita…..

    But I am pretty sure of Michael’s hopes and claims here. …especially regarding psychic phenomena.

    For more on Ramala and the related channeling and mediumship related to this book/series:  “The book purported to contain channeled teachings coming from a group of spiritual beings in the inner planes or higher worlds….”

    As to my meaning of the term “uplink” and lateral link, I meant only to describe my understanding that reflectivity is a mind circuit that flows upward and inward from the universes of time to Deity itself or its reflective agents but it flows to Paradise.  From the Third Source and Center, it may then be “focalized” or redirected downward and outward to any mind (s), anywhere that Deity determines.  Reflectivity is not a “psychic” circuit of mind contacting mind on a mortal to mortal or celestial to mortal or celestial to celestial basis and is not the means used by the Material Son and Daughter to “exchange” communication which is not at all “psychic” by any definition – but is quite mechanical in nature.

    You have posted no text that even suggests such communication forms as Michael is seeking confirmation of here.  Michael is hoping the UB will verify a source of the so called past lives phenomena that the originator of this discussion, Ragathea, was so adamantly certain of….sourced from and by the minds and perceptions of “humanity’s brothers and sisters in outer space” as Michael puts it.  Both are seeking the UB sourced origination of and verification and validation of the prior/previous-lives syndrome or beliefs and teachings so many people believe in.

    You seem to have lost all connection to the actual context of this discussion and Michael’s actual posted beliefs and hopes and misconceptions about the UB’s teachings which mirror Ragathea’s.  He believes in reincarnation and/or seeks substantiation for what he believes are actual memories and experiences of people’s past life claims.  You feed this and support this search here.  There is no “lateral” sharing of human or celestial thoughts and memories except as personally expressed by one being to another…or as delivered by the focalization agency of the reflectivity circuit.  Even the broadcasts are just that…broadcasts of content and not the communication of any one mind to others.  You are supporting the belief in channeling and mediumship here…whether you intend to or not is irrelevant.



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