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    Mark Kurtz

    Regarding reincarnation, transmigration, etc, we’d be wise to take counsel from Jesus, whom we may assume was familiar with all religious development before he came to Urantia. He knew Urantia history and likely was the primary designer in partnership with his Paradise Mate (Nebadon Divine Minister) of all provisions for afterlife.

    Note his comment as they crossed a bridge into Sidon, “….., Jesus, among other things, said: “This world is only a bridge; you may pass over it, but you should not think to build a dwelling place upon it.” 156:2.1 There is no provision or design to remain on Urantia.

    He could not tell the Apostles and others all that he knew because they were not ready. Now with the Fifth Revelation, we are more certain of His plans and provisions; we are privileged to understand more. We are invited to greater comprehension of truth even though we are still in the “weakness of the flesh”, as he often characterized human life. We are to be stronger and more robust in truth seeking and in truth recognition. His Spirit of Truth chief mission is to teach us about the truths of the Father’s love and the Son’s mercy. These two are forward pointing personalities, ever shining forward motion pathways toward Paradise.


    A great question we had for studying Part IV was, ‘What does it truly mean for me to follow Jesus?’ Ancillary additional considerations include what to give up and what to add to life to follow him.


    As the Master often said, “Those who have ears to hear, let him hear.”




    Yes Andre, that is the website to which I referred that Bonita wrote years ago:-) I originally thought I would have time on weekends to write, but then things changed in my life, so now I write when I can. Hope everyone is doing well.


    . . .  but then things changed in my life, so now I write when I can. Hope everyone is doing well.

    Hope things are changing for the better.  Looking forward to your input.


    Hello all!  I did read your quotes and comments from years ago on “the mind”, Bonita – its was good!  As far as my personal life is concerned, it could always be better.  Personal relationships are quite challenging sometimes.  In my case, my parents’ marriage is following a similar path to my marriage, though my wife is the one treating me similar to the ways in which my father has been treating my mother.  The marriages have been SO parallel in SO many negative ways that I don’t see any good resolution to either, but I have further wondered if there are some life lessons I must learn, or whether I am meant to simply experience all of it, for I feel virtually unable to effect positive changes on either marriage.  About the same time that my father began his most recent marital affair on my mother, my wife began doing something similar to me!  So now I try to calmly make the best of those bad situations.  I think back to the previous forum discussion about karma, and I truly wonder if one lesson from this Earth life is for me to realize how wrong I was throughout my life to act as though relationships were somewhat disposable.  I don’t feel or act that way anymore, but I wonder if I had already set the wheel of karma in motion for myself in this life?!  I’m glad to have learned about the Mansion Worlds in TUB, for some mistakes I have made in this life can never be fixed in this life!  Sorry for not directly discussing reincarnation this time, but what I wrote this time does show why so people through our current dispensation expect some kind of fair resolution for mistakes we have all made, some of which cannot be resolved in our brief human lives on Earth.  Hence an understandable reason why many so people have chosen to believe in reincarnation, but if resolution truly occurs on the Mansion Worlds, so be it!


    Resolution rather than damnation!


    The universe embraces all potential.  Each soul (and all experiential personalities) delivers the realization and creation of potential-in-time for the benefit of all and for eternity.  Deity conserves all potential in reality.

    Patience, mercy, and forgiveness conserves and extends potential.  It’s realization and actualization creates new potentials.

    The temporal nature of and indifference to reality of error and sin purifies potential by a universal filtration system that allows only that which is true, beautiful , and good to flow freely through time to affect and contribute to eternity to come by the experiential wisdom which originates in time.

    Or so I understand.



    wondered if there are some life lessons I must learn.

    … TUB tells us Universe is a big school and we are all alternatively student/teacher.

    Every possible provision is made to qualify de various personalities of the universe for advancing service and improving function. The entire universe is once vast school.. 37:6.2

    Engage in a huge académic school, homeworks and evaluations are current achivements requirement.

    Personaly Michael, I ain’t paticulary bothered whatever/whenever/wherever/whoever is encountered as been set to educated myself. To experienced Truth. I learned to focus primary to my reactions on those issues. Will I choose good or bad . The consequences are out of my actions.


    About the same time that my father began his most recent marital affair on my mother, my wife began doing something similar to me!  So now I try to calmly make the best of those bad situations.

    Having been victimized by two spouses who cheated and lied, I think I can relate.  Moving on was hard but rewarding in every detail.  I’ve never been happier after walking away and leaving the evil and sin behind.  Of course it took a toll on the children, but a small one and a healable one.  We all got along and I pretended to like their father, when I was just tolerating him, for the sake of amity and peace.  But once they reached full adulthood, my kids saw the evil for themselves and understood why it all happened and now they know the depths of my disgust, and they think I’m justified in it.

    All I can say is that taking the path of truth, beauty and goodness, as best you can, will always bring happy results.  No one gets trapped in a wheel of karma unless they want to be there.  Just step out of it and watch it spin, but don’t take part in it. Bless it and kiss it good by. You cannot change people, all you can do is be a good person yourself.  Conflict is a great time to find truth, it’s there just waiting to be lived.  It’s part of the process of growth, so look forward to what you are becoming, not what you’ve been.

    Here are some inspiring quotes which have always helped me focus.  I’ve actually printed up a few on cards and carried them around with me during really troubling times, of which there have been many, many.

    159:3.7 Forewarn all believers regarding the fringe of conflict which must be traversed by all who pass from the life as it is lived in the flesh to the higher life as it is lived in the spirit. To those who live quite wholly within either realm, there is little conflict or confusion, but all are doomed to experience more or less uncertainty during the times of transition between the two levels of living. In entering the kingdom, you cannot escape its responsibilities or avoid its obligations, but remember: The gospel yoke is easy and the burden of truth is light.

    48:6.25  Even as mortals, so have these angels been father to many disappointments, and they will point out that sometimes your most disappointing disappointments have become your greatest blessings. Sometimes the planting of a seed necessitates its death, the death of your fondest hopes, before it can be reborn to bear the fruits of new life and new opportunity. And from them you will learn to suffer less through sorrow and disappointment, first, by making fewer personal plans concerning other personalities, and then, by accepting your lot when you have faithfully performed your duty. 

    100:5.2 The progression of religious growth leads from stagnation through conflict to co-ordination, from insecurity to undoubting faith, from confusion of cosmic consciousness to unification of personality, from the temporal objective to the eternal, from the bondage of fear to the liberty of divine sonship. 

    3:5.6 1. Is courage — strength of character — desirable? Then must man be reared in an environment which necessitates grappling with hardships and reacting to disappointments.

    3:5.8 3.Is hope—the grandeur of trust—desirable? Then human existence must constantly be confronted with insecurities and recurrent uncertainties.

    48:7.7 5. Difficulties may challenge mediocrity and defeat the fearful, but they only stimulate the true children of the Most Highs.

    48:7.14 12. The greatest affliction of the cosmos is never to have been afflicted. Mortals only learn wisdom by experiencing tribulation.

    48:7.18 16. You cannot perceive spiritual truth until you feelingly experience it, and many truths are not really felt except in adversity.

    48:7.24 22. The evolving soul is not made divine by what it does, but by what it strives to do.



    Thank you Bradly (welcome back!), Andre, & Bonita for encouragement each in your particular ways, yet all harmonious!  I wasn’t sure if I should even mention personal issues/challenges on this forum, but at the same time, learning is not merely analytical, and we humans are not merely machines. Bradly reminds us from TUB that only the aspects of our lives that are true, good, & beautiful will survive eternally. Andre reminds us that Earth life is like a school meant for experiential learning the good, the bad, & the indifferent. And Bonita blended her own heartfelt experiences with uplifting TUB quotes that remind us that personal growth often can only come from adversity.

    This is actually my 2nd marriage; my first one ended much quicker, though very similar patterns in both. One thing that struck me is how each person comes into a relationship with certain expectations related the type of relationship. For example, my first wife often argued with me, but when agreed to divorce, then she was very friendly & cooperative with me. I asked why she didn’t interact with me this way BEFORE filing for divorce. Without hesitation she replied, “No more obligations.” That surprised me, for she pretty much did whatever she wanted to do in our marriage whether I liked it or not. A similar scenario has occurred in my current marriage. So odd how quickly expectations can change when marriages officially start & end. (Yes Bradly, another example of how funny we super-monkeys are!)

    Here is what really surprised me – a few years passed without any contact with my first wife, the out of the blue, my ex-wife called me to say she missed my sense of humor, and she asked me if we really tried hard enough to make our marriage work! And my current wife was in my car sitting next to me when my ex-wife made that call to me! Talk about an awkward situation!  I could go on, but I wonder how situations like this will play out when we transition into the afterlife? Will there be some kind of replay of similar events to see if we will change our interactions for the better? Will those same beings be the ones with whom we experience similar roles once again? If not, how else would we make progress?! (By the way, isn’t that the context in which reincarnation seems to make sense to so many people over the centuries?!)

    I ask because TUB states it will be quite a while before we see our parents again, yet so much of who we became in life was a result of genetics & parental interaction with us. Then there is the statement in TUB that says eventually, humans on Earth will evolve to the same degree of advanced living that exists in the Mansion Worlds. At that point, do the mansion worlds cease to exist because they served their purposes? It seems odd that while no contact can occur between the living & the dead, somehow life on Earth will evolve to match life in the Mansion Worlds.

    Oh well, it’s almost 3am Eastern Standard Time, so I must try to sleep.


    It is progressive simply to learn what situations to avoid!!  Can one person fix what two or more disable/destroy?

    Wisdom is evolutionary and identical circumstances and intersections of choice do not recur I don’t think .


    I’m still gradually reviewing so many older posts before I joined this forum to gain more insight as to how exactly people are wrong to claim reincarnation. Are the 7 psychic circles the domains in which the 7 adjutant spirits are operating? For there was a TUB quote that gave me the impression that our mortal perceptions could well be jumping to inaccurate conclusions regarding reincarnation as a result of having only acquired/mastered the first 5 psychic levels, thus lacking wisdom & worship. Also, since there are various higher beings co-evolving/learning with us, might there be occasional glitches in the system at those higher levels that some humans are accidentally perceiving as past lives? Likewise, just as our emotions can cloud our judgements at the initial mortal levels of existence, could something like that be a misinterpretation of what TUB refers to as such amazingly similar channels/patterns of thoughts/emotions between mortal beings? Bye for now.


    Are the 7 psychic circles the domains in which the 7 adjutant spirits are operating? For there was a TUB quote that gave me the impression that our mortal perceptions could well be jumping to inaccurate conclusions regarding reincarnation as a result of having only acquired/mastered the first 5 psychic levels, thus lacking wisdom & worship.

    No the psychic circles are not related to the 7 adjutant mind spirits.  The adjutants are mind ministers.  The psychic circles have to do with attunement to divinity which also requires the Holy Spirit, Spirit of Truth and Adjuster.  The circles involve more than just mind, they involve all of selfhood, the entire personality and are progressed through by decision making in tune with the will of God.  It’s really about maturity, self-control, self-mastery and divinity attunement.

    110:6.3 The psychic circles are not exclusively intellectual, neither are they wholly morontial; they have to do with personality status, mind attainment, soul growth, and Adjuster attunement. The successful traversal of these levels demands the harmonious functioning of the entire personality, not merely of some one phase thereof. The growth of the parts does not equal the true maturation of the whole; the parts really grow in proportion to the expansion of the entire self—the whole self—material, intellectual, and spiritual. 

    110:6.6 Every decision you make either impedes or facilitates the function of the Adjuster; likewise do these very decisions determine your advancement in the circles of human achievement. It is true that the supremacy of a decision, its crisis relationship, has a great deal to do with its circle-making influence; nevertheless, numbers of decisions, frequent repetitions, persistent repetitions, are also essential to the habit-forming certainty of such reactions. 


    Hello Bradly and Bonita! I think Bradly that your last post must have been around the time that I sent my last post, for I didn’t see it until tonite. I agree with your idea that progress must involve avoid bad choices as well as learning from our mistakes & making better choices. I was very superficial in my younger years, but not so much now. In fact, next month I turn 50, and you know what my birthday wish will be? Something that seems impossible, but surely the thought/intention will count for something in my evolution – I wish for the repair & healing of all wounded relationships! If everyone felt the same way, this world would be a nicer place. I must add that I don’t know if my wife cheated on me, but she went away every weekend for a whole year, but before she did that, we had already separated, so in some ways my choices didn’t help the situation. But something changed over Labor Day Weekend, so now I spend every weekend with her, usually traveling to places to get breathtaking photos – a simple joy we can share. That’s why I haven’t been writing as much on weekends. Honestly, I want to salvage whatever I can from this & every close relationship I have, for I don’t know how much time I “transition” from this Earthlife. I purposely used that word, for I wonder if a similar concept was around when people first misunderstood the Mansion World Teachings as reincarnation? I have to finish this another time – it’s late & I’m getting very tired now.


    Ok now comments for Bonita’ s last post. Those quotes from TUB (regarding repetition of decisions & the crisis relationship) reminded me of something that Robert Monroe wrote in Far Journeys that he experienced during a particular out-of-body journey. He told his light-being guide that he wanted to go as far as he could go to see the edge of the universe. His guide said he could not let Robert do that unless & until he agreed to be tested, and he was warned in advance of how difficult the test would seem. Robert agreed anyway. Immediately Robert (who was a trained pilot during his waking hours on Earth) found himself in a VERY realistic (but yet artificial) simulation in which he was in a plane that was soon going to crash in crowded city! Robert began to panic as he tried quickly to find a solution before crashing, but he crashed anyway. Immediately after the crash, he found himself in the very same simulation again, so he tried a different solution, which also failed & he crashed. By the 4th or 5th time of that repeat simulation, he lost his fear of that situation and responded accordingly. The plane still crashed but then that test was done – he had finally passed the test, for it was not about finding a solution as much as it was about getting rid of his fear. Immediately he found himself in a different test in which he was a child again but witnessing his beloved dog being hit by a car, dying in his arms! Robert cried intensely until he remembered that the event never happened in his life on Earth. Then that test was done. So although the tests may have seemed cruel, but the main purpose was to get Robert to make progress (emotionally) so he could continue toward his goal of reaching the edge of the universe (which in reality may have only been the edge of our solar system). For if you recall from TUB, we cannot make progress beyond our local (solar) system until each of us pass all of our particular tests that are required for each of us to progress beyond the Mansion Worlds. TUB has already informed us that on the Mansion Worlds, each of us will experience every realistic potential experience that we could have experienced on Earth (without actually being on the physical planet Earth). That concept reminds me of simultaneous realities, which is seriously being considered by some Quantum Physics researchers. As I mentioned in a prior post, TUB states that humanity on physical Earth is gradually evolving toward the realities that currently exist on the Mansion Worlds, so I don’t believe it was an accident that in the 1960’s people began to ponder the idea of simultaneous realities, though they may not have considered it in the context of the Mansion Worlds. By the way, I think Robert Monroe may have unintentionally revealed to us the kind of difficult tests we may face in order to graduate from each of the Mansion Worlds! But obviously the tests will be tailored to each of our unique needs.


    Eureka!  I may have found a very simple, rational explanation for the (mis)perception of reincarnation that we can ALL agree upon to explain even the most impressive examples I have ever heard of that seem to support the idea of reincarnation!  The “solution” is related to the basic scientific categories of solids, liquids, and gases.  Solids make it easy for us to distinguish between objects – your physical body is obviously NOT my physical body, and vice-versa.  Liquids and gases become less easy to distinguish once they are mixed, though with modern testing methods and tools, the separate components can still be distinguished/identified.  Thus without the proper tools, if we were to simply use our 5 basic senses, we could easily mistake separate components as one component with multiple characteristics.  Now apply that analogy of liquids and gases to our non-solid/less tangible minds and our non-solid/less tangible emotions and thoughts and you begin to realize (as I recently did) that individual identities are NOT so solid that we can ALWAYS distinguish between “yours” and “mine”.  (We are fortunate that most all of the time, we can distinguish our own identities.)  Thus, it is the very nature of what we are made of (and what we are experiencing in life) that may sometimes (naturally but accidentally) lead us to inaccurate conclusions about many aspects of life, including reincarnation.  And perhaps in the end, as long as we learn what we are supposed to learn at our super-animal level of existence, the higher beings may not be so concerned about how we reached proper conclusions/understandings.  As a simple analogy, I can learn important lessons in life by either my doing something or by carefully observing someone else doing something; if I can learn from the mistakes made by others, is that not equally as good as learning from my own mistakes?!  And isn’t that supposedly one of the primary goals associated with modern perceptions people have of the main purpose for reincarnation?!


    Here is something observable and provable in our physical universe that is worth considering when discussing the topic of reincarnation, specifically in the context of simultaneous realities…

    We can look through a high-powered telescope and see star systems that are MANY light years away from our Earth.  If we were able to zoom in to actually see another planet with humanoid life on it, we could mistakenly think that the activities on that planet were happening in the present, but in reality, we would actually be viewing past activities.  So even if the planet were only 1 light year away from our Earth, the activities seen through our telescope would actually be 1 year old – not the present.  So we humans do not have perfect perceptions of time (and its relationship to space), nor do we have a perfect perception of history as it has occurred in our universe, but we do have TUB…

    Until I read (still only parts of) TUB, I believed there was only one couple known as Adam & Eve.  In TUB we learn that there were at least 13 pairs of Adams & Eves who were on planets that were messed up by the Lucifer Rebellion.  Can anyone tell me what the origin, nature and the relationship is between those 13 pairs of Adams & Eves?!  We know from TUB that the original plan for our Earth was that our particular pair of Adam & Eve were intended to mate with primitive humans and thereby gradually upgrade our entire human species.  Can we assume that was the purpose of all the other pairs of Adams & Eves on their respective planets?  If yes, then my question is all the more important, especially if they were something like clones being distributed to multiple planets!  So even though the life plasma brought by Life Carriers may have evolved into various kinds of humanoids on multiple planets, if all of the Adams & Eves were clones who mated with various humanoids on various planets, would that not make all the affected humanoids on various planets very much related?!  The rates of humanoid evolution can greatly vary from planet to planet, but it’s possible that we could find humanoids who look much like us Earthlings, but some may be hundreds of years behind a very similar evolution to ours, and equally possible to find such humanoids who are hundreds of years ahead of a very similar evolution to ours.  In fact, TUB contains such a chapter – “Life on a Neighboring Planet” – that confirms my suspicion!  I also suspect there is some non-physical – dare I say “psychic” – connection between all humanoids (currently residing on their respective planets in the Satania system) who were directly affected by their particular Adams & Eves (who we know from the Urania Book WERE psychic and MAY have been clones)!  Thus, perceptions some people have of reincarnation may indeed be coming from non-physical (but still very real) perceptions of “humanity’s brothers and sisters in outer space”, which happens to be the title of a chapter in a book I really liked called “The Revelation of Ramala”!

    Bye for now


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