Questions about the Urantia reserve corps of destiny

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    So we seem to have come to the conclusion that section 7 of Paper 114 is talking about two groups, not one. Most of the section is describing the Urantia reserve corps of destiny which at the time of writing, numbered 962 members. But one paragraph (13) also briefly alludes to what is termed “the cosmic reserve corps of universe-conscious citizens, which at the time of writing numbered over one thousand members. The author tells us that he is forbidden to disclose the real nature of the function of this unique group. There are lots of questions that seem to flow for me from this information.

    One question that puzzles me with respect to the Urantia reserve corps of destiny is one that is sparked by this statement: “With the exception of less than a score of contact personalities, the members of this unique group are wholly unconscious of their preparation for possible function in certain planetary crises.” I have always interpreted this to mean that the members of this corps are completely unaware or unconscious of the fact that they have been ushered into this extraordinary group of individuals. They are (with the exception of less than 20 of their number) totally oblivious to their special status. They perform the tasks that they have been recruited for but are not conscious of having been recruited by the respective seraphic group that chose them.

    But then in paragraph 11 it states: “On Urantia the reserve corps of destiny, though having no permanent head, does have its own permanent councils which constitute its governing organization. These embrace the judiciary council, the historicity council, the council on political sovereignty, and many others.” Are these permanent councils which constitute the governing organisation of the reservists actually made up of the reservists themselves? That’s the way it reads to me but if they are unconscious of their role, then this can’t be the case. Which only leaves the possibility that these councils are made up of their supervisors, the twelve corps of the master seraphim of planetary supervision. This conclusion would explain why the word “titular” is used to describe certain mortal heads of the whole reserve corps. It suggests that their authority is only nominal, having no real authority or power over others. Reinforcing that view is the fact that this titular headship only lasts for the several hours that it takes for a specific task to be accomplished.

    This explanation seems to fit but one could proffer a different interpretation.

    More later!

    May I take this opportunity to wish all my forum friends a very peaceful, safe, and reflective New Year!   :-)


    Hello everyone! I hope we are all enthused about the new year that lies ahead… many exciting and fulfilling opportunities to be of service to our fellows and to commune with the spirits within us.

    I was just wondering whether anyone had an opinion to express about my last post concerning the governing organization of the reserve corps of destiny? Am I on the right track?

    I would appreciate any guidance you can offer!  :-)   :-(


    Are these permanent councils which constitute the governing organisation of the reservists actually made up of the reservists themselves?

    I thought there were angels and midwayers associated with the corps.  Mortal members of the corps are merely human liaisons who are assigned to a celestial group of planetary personalities (114:7.1).  Since mortal reservists are trained by angels and midwayers, my guess is that these are some of the planetary personalities who are a part of the governing organization.  Wouldn’t you think?

    I’m under the impression that most people think that when a destiny reservist is called upon to accomplish some task that he or she does so as a physical, walking, talking being, fully awake and conscious of every move but not aware of his or her secret mission.  I don’t think that’s how it works.  The service a reservist does is most likely done on the morontia level of existence by the soul and supermaterial mind, which is why most are unconscious of their status and their own work and why angels and midwayers are so important.  The fact that people are grouped together and placed in some department of the organization does not mean that they are conscious of any of it, nor can it be that they would be in charge, or actively running any of it.  Wouldn’t that be the job of the associated celestials who actually know what’s going on and who train their mortal associates for possible action with other mortals in need of something?



    Thank you Bonita for clarifying that for me. It does make sense and fits with the understanding that I was beginning to develop after reading sections 6 and 7 of Paper 114 many times. Given that reservists are assigned to one of the twelve seraphic corps of planetary supervision, I wonder what tasks would be performed by those assigned to the twelfth group, the angels of superhuman ministry? It’s hard for me to imagine what they could contribute to such a group.

    I hope you don’t mind me asking some more questions when I get the chance. I really value your opinion and viewpoint!  :good:


    I wonder what tasks would be performed by those assigned to the twelfth group, the angels of superhuman ministry? It’s hard for me to imagine what they could contribute to such a group.

    It’s not the human, with the human mind tied to the human brain that contributes, it’s the morontia soul and the budding morontia character that contributes to the ministry.  Recall that reservists are people who have matured spiritually during this life in the flesh.  That means that they have attained the higher psychic circles which results in soul growth.  I don’t think of the soul as getting bigger, like a balloon with more air, but stronger and more functional.  A strong, functional soul, accompanied by a personality who identifies with it, bringing along its self-consciousness and free will, can make a very powerful contribution on the superhuman level of service.  And a soul that has grown to this level is desirous of service.

    Soul growth reaches a point in the higher circles where the mind is weaned off the lower adjutants and preferentially utilizes only the two higher adjutants, not unlike the midwayers.  This is speculation on my part, but I think the midwayers are adept at bridging between the soul and the two higher adjutants, which can affect the material mind, as well as bridging the soul with the three higher spirits (Adjuster, Spirit of Truth and Holy Spirit) which affect the soul level of thinking.  I surmise this is how they were able to get the sleeping subject (a reservist) to speak with his physical voice while at the same time transmitting the thoughts from the higher spirits within the soul who are in intimate contact with all manner of celestial beings.

    A human being who has attained the first psychic circle is not only in contact with his/her Adjuster, but is beginning to function on morontial levels of reality by identifying with the soul.  That does not mean that the lower mind is completely conscious of this; it would seem rather shadowy and surreal to the lower mind, I would think.  It is quite feasible that someone at this level, who is also a reservist, can actually make ministerial contact with other souls using the assistance of the midwayers and the Adjuster (and possible other celestial agents, don’t know for sure).  It does not mean that either individual will be wholly aware of this.  However, it is possible that there could be awareness of something transpiring without the ability to vocalize, describe or even fully understand most of it, which is why the sleeping subject was such a find.  He must have been aware of something peculiar, but he didn’t give a damn (ego uninvolved). It did not disturb him or turn him into an obsessed fanatic.  He just let it happen, and that is the sign of a really useful mortal functioning as a superhuman helper.

    Another thing that is related to this is that when we reach the mansion worlds, regardless of what circle we’re in, the first job we’re given is to work with the angels.  My guess is that high circling reservists, before going to the mansion worlds, are probably capable of working with angels and midwayers too.  But this happens only on the morontia level of existence, which would only involve the soul and the personality if it wants to go along with that energy/mindal system (transfer identity).   Am I making sense?  Probably not, but I keep trying to come up with new ways to explain my thinking on the subject.  Glad to know you’re interested in this topic and will be involved in discussing it.  Looking forward to more when you are able.

    [P.S. If you want all the related quotes let me know.  I’ve posted them all so many times now, I feel that it doesn’t actually contribute much any more.  But will do if you like.]


    One question that puzzles me with respect to the Urantia reserve corps of destiny is one that is sparked by this statement: “With the exception of less than a score of contact personalities, the members of this unique group are wholly unconscious of their preparation for possible function in certain planetary crises.” I have always interpreted this to mean that the members of this corps are completely unaware or unconscious of the fact that they have been ushered into this extraordinary group of individuals. They are (with the exception of less than 20 of their number) totally oblivious to their special status. They perform the tasks that they have been recruited for but are not conscious of having been recruited by the respective seraphic group that chose them.

    Based on the UB’s references regarding angelic intervention, the statement in question above should not be that puzzling, where being unconscious of preparation would only indicate that circumstances around, so called training, can be manipulated by oppressively putting a subject into situations which, as they say, “what doesn’t kill you, makes you stronger.”  Being placed into situations where a person must act or respond in a certain way, in order to circumvent difficult situations will either prepare them for similar situations in the future or will brake them down, in a way where observers can determine what may be needed to strengthen the subject and placed into other situations that may correct a less desirable result previously produced.  In this way a subject can be trained or prepared for future crises, where their response or responses have been tested in advance.  In many cases, a subject, depending on how extensive, their training is or was, would get or receive an understanding of what might be going on, because for the most part, bad things that happen to good people, is either bad luck, or becomes an intuition that their lives may have been manipulated?  This, in itself, may present many opportunities for a subject to connect with their super-conscious mind, thereby, possibly making them more God-conscious, and/or presenting better opportunities to communicate with their Thought Adjuster.  If the latter becomes a dominant factor, then it might better prepare the subject to avoid possible dangers that might cause issues for others, whereby having been pretested, unconsciously in advance?



    Recall that reservists are people who have matured spiritually during this life in the flesh. That means that they have attained the higher psychic circles which results in soul growth. I don’t think of the soul as getting bigger, like a balloon with more air, but stronger and more functional. A strong, functional soul, accompanied by a personality who identifies with it, bringing along its self-consciousness and free will, can make a very powerful contribution on the superhuman level of service.

    Consider also though:

    “Accordingly, as soon as men and women appear on the stage of temporal action with sufficient mental capacity, adequate moral status, and requisite spirituality, they are quickly assigned to the appropriate celestial group of planetary personalities as human liaisons, mortal assistants.”


    “All reservists have self-conscious Adjusters, and most of them function in the higher cosmic circles of intellectual achievement and spiritual attainment.”

    They only need have “adequate” morals and “sufficient” mental capacity, and it’s not even necessary to have higher spiritual attainment.

    For all the understandable fascination about the reserve corp of destiny ever since the Urantia Book was published, and how those in the corps can seem to have a favored elevated role (to the degree there’s a lot of self-deluded types who even want to think they are reservists), I think there’s a good argument to be made that they aren’t personally so special as they may seem to be.  Reservists have been specially chosen, but it seems to me that it’s not nearly so much because they are personally extraordinary and high functioning, and more because they are “good enough” and in the right place at the right time in history to fit into the bigger picture plans of the celestial higher ups.

    I wonder what the real long-term implications of being a reservist are in terms of a reservist’s universe career beyond this life.  I’m inclined to think: surprisingly little.  It’s not hard for me to imagine reservists filling roles that are needed by the higher ups and then going on to the mansion worlds, but during the same period of history, any number of superb contemporary non-reservists fusing and being way ahead of them in development in the next life.  Being a reservist may only end up a slightly interesting factoid in an individual’s universe career and not be of interest or utility much beyond the few years or decades of this short life.  (While they do have the ongoing influence of their more advanced Adjuster, that’s not unique to reservists.)

    WHAT’S REALLY IN TUB:  Reservists are rehearsed and trained in the DEEP MIND.  There is no mention of being trained in the conscious mind, nor is there any mention of people being trained during their every day lives.  The DEEP MIND is accessed during sleep when the conscious waking mind is out of the way. Only very rarely can the Adjuster stop the flow of the lower mind while it is awake such that he can impart information. And it certainly doesn’t happen in a trance.
    The DEEP MIND is the soul as it nears the superconscious level of mindal reality where the Adjuster indwells.  Those folks who believe that they are reservists, fully awake, walking around and doing secret work for the planet in the company of invisible superhuman guides, are delusional. Actually all of us fit are doing work for the planet aided by superhuman forces.  We’re all helping the Supreme evolve and all of our lives are manipulated in some way by our guardians while our Adjusters never cease to guide us.  There’s nothing “reservist” about that.

    s premise is about a single individual learning how to morally and wisely behave in a  physical crisis situation, but that is actually what the psychic circles do.  Reservists have already been through that training and are interested in serving others directly, not indirectly.  The training reservists receive is morontial in nature, for the superhuman level of intervention, not the human level.  It’s not a matter of learning how to do something right that might influence someone else to also do something right; that’s a purely human level of interaction.  Reservists directly serve the souls of others, the ability to attach new meanings to old facts, the ability to recognize value heretofore unrealized and the courage to act on it all.  This is the stuff that goes on in the soul which can be encouraged, or administered to, by another soul.  And I’m pretty sure it happens during sleep, not while awake.  Imagine that!

    114:7.8 These mortal reservists are chosen by the corps to which they are respectively attached and are likewise trained and rehearsed in the deep mind by the combined technique of Thought Adjuster and seraphic guardian ministry. Many times numerous other celestial personalities participate in this unconscious training, and in all this special preparation the midwayers perform valuable and indispensable services.

    114:7.1 The reserve corps of destiny consists of living men and women who have been admitted to the special service of the superhuman administration of world affairs. This corps is made up of the men and women of each generation who are chosen by the spirit directors of the realm to assist in the conduct of the ministry of mercy and wisdom to the children of time on the evolutionary worlds. It is the general practice in the conduct of the affairs of the ascension plans to begin this liaison utilization of mortal will creatures immediately they are competent and trustworthy to assume such responsibilities. Accordingly, as soon as men and women appear on the stage of temporal action with sufficient mental capacity, adequate moral status, and requisite spirituality, they are quickly assigned to the appropriate celestial group of planetary personalities as human liaisons, mortal assistants.


    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon


    Two things:

    I’ll bet that reservists never become aware that they ever functioned as such. Not in this life nor the life ever after.

    I’ll also bet that the person who outed the DNC emails is a reservist.



    tas wrote:  They only need have “adequate” morals and “sufficient” mental capacity, and it’s not even necessary to have higher spiritual attainment.

    “Adequate” and “sufficient” for the task.  They don’t mean “just enough” or “nearly passable”. And the task is morontia task, not about helping your next door neighbor mow the grass which any adequate or sufficient person can do.  It’s about cosmic trustworthiness, the fact that the celestials can be sure that the individual can be trusted with a cosmically important service task.  (It’s about service)

    28:6.13 4. The Solemnity of Trust. Trust is the crucial test of will creatures. Trustworthiness is the true measure of self-mastery, character. These seconaphim accomplish a double purpose in the economy of the superuniverses: They portray to all will creatures the sense of the obligation, sacredness, and solemnity of trust. At the same time they unerringly reflect to the governing authorities the exact trustworthiness of any candidate for confidence or trust.

    And of course it can’t be true that they don’t have to have higher spiritual attainment by the very quote you provided:

    114:7.2 All reservists have self-conscious Adjusters, and most of them function in the higher cosmic circles of intellectual achievement and spiritual attainment.

    Most function in the higher cosmic circles.  What are the higher cosmic circles?  Psychic circles 3 and above.  And what does the word “most” mean?  It means nearly all.  We know that there are always exceptions, but nearly all means nearly all.  Also, we know that self-conscious Adjusters, or self-acting Adjusters, are primarily provided to those who have achieved Psychic Circle 3 and above.  Yes, there are exceptions to that too, but my guess is that the individual in such a situation has all the prerequisites for achieving a higher status, and this is taken for granted in terms of the ability grow into the role.  Or, the individual is especially gifted in some area that is required by the corps.

    tas wrote: Reservists have been specially chosen, but it seems to me that it’s not nearly so much because they are personally extraordinary and high functioning, and more because they are “good enough” and in the right place at the right time in history to fit into the bigger picture plans of the celestial higher ups.

    Again, “good enough” to function on morontia levels of service.  It’s all about service and the greatest of all is the server of all.  So anyone who gets all puffed up about the possibility of being a reservist is functioning on a NOT “good enough” level and probably needs to do a little more soul growth and cosmic circle work in humility and sincerity.  The tadpole thing.

    I agree that the human definition of being “extraordinary” is not the same definition the celestials use.  Look at the sleeping subject, he was essentially a nobody and the celestials deemed him to be extraordinary.  Plus, we know that the reservists required to be willing to serve without recognition or reward:

    114:7.5 2. Wholehearted dedication to some special social, economic, political, spiritual, or other cause, coupled with willingness to serve without human recognition and rewards.

    It seems to me that most of the “so-called” self-proclaimed reservists in our community are striving desperately for recognition and reward.  And that disqualifies them right then and there, in my opinion.  I don’t think you can be willing to serve without recognition or reward unless you are “high functioning”, meaning capable of considerable self-discipline and able to take the “self” out of loving service to others.  This indicates some psychic circe progress.  Psychic circles are described in TUB in many ways.  Here is a list compiled from several quotes:

    • 1.  Personality realization
    • 2.  Mortal potentiality
    • 3.  Cosmic growth
    • 4.  Comparative mortal maturity
    • 5.  Personality status, mind attainment, soul growth and Adjuster attunement
    • 6.  Balanced growth
    • 7.  Planetary progression
    • 8.  Human achievement
    • 9. Self-understanding, self-conquest, and self-mastery

    If it is a matter of being in the right place at the right time, then why all the deep mind training and rehearsing?  Reservists are trained to be in the ready for potential disaster which will likely never happen.  They will be put in the right place at the right time when needed.  And, if they’re not needed, we’re told that all the info that was registered in their deep mind is often transferred to a new, younger reservist before they die.


    114:7.10 The reservists unconsciously act as conservators of essential planetary information. Many times, upon the death of a reservist, a transfer of certain vital data from the mind of the dying reservist to a younger successor is made by a liaison of the two Thought Adjusters. The Adjusters undoubtedly function in many other ways unknown to us, in connection with these reserve corps.

    Reservists are also “favorably constituted” for deep mind contact by midwayers. One might ask what makes one mind more favorably constituted over another.  I would say it has something to do with mental balance and psychic poise, but that is opinion.  Moreover, we are told that there are certain “spiritual types” that are capable of hosting self-acting Adjusters, and they are seriously on the wane. That means fewer third circlers and fewer reservists.  We also know that reservists are considered “forward-looking”, meaning that they are growing and progressing individuals, which is more than just “good enough” at the “right time and right place”.  These are individuals skilled enough to prevent the breakdown of culture and the extinction of the light of truth.  That’s pretty lofty stuff.

    114:7.9 On many worlds the better adapted secondary midway creatures are able to attain varying degrees of contact with the Thought Adjusters of certain favorably constituted mortals through the skillful penetration of the minds of the latters’ indwelling. (And it was by just such a fortuitous combination of cosmic adjustments that these revelations were materialized in the English language on Urantia.) Such potential contact mortals of the evolutionary worlds are mobilized in the numerous reserve corps, and it is, to a certain extent, through these small groups of forward-looking personalities that spiritual civilization is advanced and the Most Highs are able to rule in the kingdoms of men. The men and women of these reserve corps of destiny thus have various degrees of contact with their Adjusters through the intervening ministry of the midway creatures; but these same mortals are little known to their fellows except in those rare social emergencies and spiritual exigencies wherein these reserve personalities function for the prevention of the breakdown of evolutionary culture or the extinction of the light of living truth. On Urantia these reservists of destiny have seldom been emblazoned on the pages of human history.

    110:4.6 For many thousands of years, so the records of Jerusem show, in each generation there have lived fewer and fewer beings who could function safely with self-acting Adjusters. This is an alarming picture, and the supervising personalities of Satania look with favor upon the proposals of some of your more immediate planetary supervisors who advocate the inauguration of measures designed to foster and conserve the higher spiritual types of the Urantia races.



    VanAmadon wrote: I’ll also bet that the person who outed the DNC emails is a reservist.

    ATTEMPT TO DERAIL THE THREAD BY AN INDIVIDUAL’S SELF-CENTERED INTEREST:  This topic is not about U.S. politics.  Go elsewhere with that!!!!!


    Reservists are rehearsed and trained in the DEEP MIND. There is no mention of being trained in the conscious mind, nor is there any mention of people being trained during their every day lives. The DEEP MIND is accessed during sleep when the conscious waking mind is out of the way.

    Your implication that any training given to any individual, reservists aside, indicates that this occurs while sleeping.  This may be true but not necessarily correct, being that in some cases rem-sleep can be accessed by those who are actually conscious.  I know this for a fact because I was tested for various reasons, where rem-sleep was one of the criteria in order to complete this test.  Being that I do not dream, and also being that the aforementioned test was completed, in that I entered a rem-sleep state, while I was always totally conscious yet relaxed.  It was assumed that I had entered a less than conscious state, by the examiner, who indicated that I had developed these brain-waves during the test.  So, it would seem that being asleep is a relative term and misunderstood by meany.

    The UB presents the phrase “deep mind” in three places, where in reading these occurrences, I see no reference to a subject having to be asleep.  It would seem the “deep mind” has an alternate meaning.

    (1000.2) 91:7.1 Mysticism, as the technique of the cultivation of the consciousness of the presence of God, is altogether praiseworthy, but when such practices lead to social isolation and culminate in religious fanaticism, they are all but reprehensible. Altogether too frequently that which the overwrought mystic evaluates as divine inspiration is the uprisings of his own deep mind. The contact of the mortal mind with its indwelling Adjuster, while often favored by devoted meditation, is more frequently facilitated by wholehearted and loving service in unselfish ministry to one’s fellow creatures.

    (1257.8) 114:7.8 The twelve groups of Urantia destiny reservists are composed of mortal inhabitants of the sphere who have been rehearsed for numerous crucial positions on earth and are held in readiness to act in possible planetary emergencies. This combined corps now consists of 962 persons. The smallest corps numbers 41 and the largest 172. With the exception of less than a score of contact personalities, the members of this unique group are wholly unconscious of their preparation for possible function in certain planetary crises. These mortal reservists are chosen by the corps to which they are respectively attached and are likewise trained and rehearsed in the deep mind by the combined technique of Thought Adjuster and seraphic guardian ministry. Many times numerous other celestial personalities participate in this unconscious training, and in all this special preparation the midwayers perform valuable and indispensable services.

    (1550.7) 139:2.4 Peter was a fluent speaker, eloquent and dramatic. He was also a natural and inspirational leader of men, a quick thinker but not a deep reasoner. He asked many questions, more than all the apostles put together, and while the majority of these questions were good and relevant, many of them were thoughtless and foolish. Peter did not have a deep mind, but he knew his mind fairly well. He was therefore a man of quick decision and sudden action. While others talked in their astonishment at seeing Jesus on the beach, Peter jumped in and swam ashore to meet the Master.


    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon



    Bless your heart, but I absolutely did not intend to turn this discussion away from the topic. I honestly do not care to discuss politics here. I was only making reference to an event that might be relevant to how reservists do what they do. My belly is more than full of politics for a generation as far as I’m concerned. Why you feel the need to be confrontational is something I understand however.

    I hope your day is a good one.




    Is the refusal to molly coddle fools or foolishness “confrontational”?

    I remember someone once asking “How long shall I bear with you?”

    Seems some folks just cannot learn.  The issue at hand has nothing to do with politics…and your post indicates a political conclusion of value opinion-assessment regarding a recent political issue.  Some who are so amused by themselves are simply not funny….nor entertaining….merely distracting.

    Your own need or understanding the “need” to be confrontational (shock tactics) is something for your own contemplation and not the accusation of another for your own self confessed behaviors.  Just sayin’…..


    I’ll also bet that the person who outed the DNC emails is a reservist.

    This shout should be removed from the forum. You are allowing yourself to misbehave, VanAmadom. To me your statement demonstrates your lack of self-control.  Please retract your *bet*.  It has nothing to do with the UB and the study of the teachings in the UB.  Your statement does nothing to edify yourself or anyone else reading this forum. It is the statement a troll would make.

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