Era of Light and Life and the humanizing of Midwayers and others

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    Rita Schaad
    Rita Schaad

    Hello every one,

    we studied half of Paper 55 – The spheres of Light and Life –  with our online Group and came across these sections where the term of  ‘humanizing’ got us wondering. It’s one of those moments when you say; I never read that before.…!


    (626.6) 55:3.17 4. Materialized and humanized midway creatures.

    (627.7) 55:4.9 The System Sovereign has authority to release midway creatures any time after the first settled stage so that they may humanize in the morontia by the aid of the Life Carriers and the physical controllers and, after receiving Thought Adjusters, start out on their Paradise ascension.

    (629.8) 55:4.30 Throughout all of these epochs the imported assisting Material Sons and Daughters exert a tremendous influence on the progressing social and economic orders. They are potentially immortal, at least until such time as they elect to humanize, receive Adjusters, and start for Paradise.

    Anyway , it’s a puzzle what actually happens to Midwayers or Material Sons and Daughters when they humanize.  The why seems logical, if they want to receive an Adjuster, but why the need to ‘humanize’ – is that a ‘form change’ or do they receive another mind-set? And if thy materialize, where do they abide?

    Any ideas or sections of the Book to refer us to? Would be lovely to get some help.

    with many thanks

    Rita, Phillip and Pre


    The quote does say that the midwayers” humanize IN the morontia by aid of the Life Carriers”.  I’ve always interpreted that to mean that they remain IN morontia form, as they are now, but their morontial bodies are reformulated from a different pattern in order to receive Adjusters and undergo the ascension process.

    What the specific differences in their morontia bodies and minds are, I couldn’t say except that they normally only function with the two higher adjutants in the case of the secondaries, or no adjutants at all in the primaries.  Whether they would need the two higher adjutants as we humans do in order to transition to the soul, I don’t know, but probably not.  However, they would definitely need to be able to house the Holy Spirit within their minds since she is the supermind of the soul and the prerequisite for the coming of the Adjuster. She is also the connection to the Supreme.

    To humanize, I think, means to become a participant in evolutionary growth of the self and the Supreme.  Midwayers are indeed immortal evolutionary creatures, and they do grow in wisdom and experience, but I don’t think they are free to to evolve into eternity, as part of the power personality synthesis of the Supreme, until they enter the ascension scheme as humans do.  In other words, there are only certain doors open to them, their field of free-will choice is narrow, until they are humanized and the entire grand universe opens to them for potential choosing.  At least that’s my current thinking on the subject.  Never thought about it any deeper than that, so thanks for bringing it up.

    Van Amadon
    Van Amadon

    Perhaps when they “humanize” they lose their automatic or inherent immortal status. And then need to earn their immortality the same way we do. By the seat of the pants.

    My one cent.  :-)




    Greetings Rita..and everyone!  Great question…I too must have read this dozens of times, yet I have no recollection of any discussion or real consideration…very interesting!  Here’s the four relevant quotes with “humanize” included a key word search found in text:

    31:5.2 [Part I]
    When an advanced evolutionary world attains the later eras of the age of light and life, the Material Sons, the Planetary Adam and Eve, may elect to humanize, receive Adjusters, and embark upon the evolutionary course of universe ascent leading to the Corps of Mortal Finaliters. Certain of these Material Sons have partially failed or technically defaulted in their mission as biologic accelerators, as Adam did on Urantia; and then are they compelled to take the natural course of the peoples of the realm, receive Adjusters, pass through death, and progress by faith through the ascendant regime, subsequently attaining Paradise and the Corps of the Finality.

    Me here:  Paper 31 – The Corps of the Finality helps understand the term “humanize” I think – especially Sections 5 & 6.  I think, by context, to “humanize” is simply the gift of the indwelling Thought Adjuster which is really a form of ‘de-celestializing’ as I know of no celestial that is or can be Adjuster indwelt.  Could say “Adjusterized” I think but the use of the term “humanize” more specifically defines the transformation (?).  Urantia’s Adam and Eve were humanized by, upon, and after their mission default (31:5.2) – as is the norm.  Successful Material Sons and Daughters also may so humanize for continuation of their destiny.

    I wonder if ‘faith’ is uniquely human?  Don’t celestials have faith?  Curious.

    55:4.9 [Part II]
    The System Sovereign has authority to release midway creatures any time after the first settled stage so that they may humanize in the morontia by the aid of the Life Carriers and the physical controllers and, after receiving Thought Adjusters, start out on their Paradise ascension.

    55:4.30 [Part II]
    Throughout all of these epochs the imported assisting Material Sons and Daughters exert a tremendous influence on the progressing social and economic orders. They are potentially immortal, at least until such time as they elect to humanize, receive Adjusters, and start for Paradise.

    55:4.31 [Part II]
    On the evolutionary worlds a being must humanize to receive a Thought Adjuster. All ascendant members of the Mortal Corps of Finaliters have been Adjuster indwelt and fused except seraphim, and they are Father indwelt by another type of spirit at the time of being mustered into this corps.

    Me here: Please note the text below, prior to the 4.30 and 31 posted above:

    55:4.24 (629.2) Upon obtaining release from their agelong assignment, a Planetary Adam and Eve may select careers as follows:

    55:4.25 (629.3) 1. They can secure planetary release and from the universe headquarters start out immediately on the Paradise career, receiving Thought Adjusters at the conclusion of the morontia experience.

    55:4.26 (629.4) 2. Very often a Planetary Adam and Eve will receive Adjusters while yet serving on a world settled in light concomitant with the receiving of Adjusters by some of their imported pure-line children who have volunteered for a term of planetary service. Subsequently they may all go to universe headquarters and there begin the Paradise career.

    55:4.27 (629.5) 3. A Planetary Adam and Eve may elect — as do Material Sons and Daughters from the system capital — to go direct to the midsonite world for a brief sojourn, there to receive their Adjusters.

    55:4.28 (629.6) 4. They may decide to return to the system headquarters, there for a time to occupy seats on the supreme court, after which service they will receive Adjusters and begin the Paradise ascent.
    55:4.29 (629.7) 5. They may choose to go from their administrative duties back to their native world to serve as teachers for a season and to become Adjuster indwelt at the time of transfer to the universe headquarters.


    Perhaps when they “humanize” they lose their automatic or inherent immortal status. And then need to earn their immortality the same way we do. By the seat of the pants.

    I think that’s probably an accurate way to sum it up.  Free-will choice is opened up to them on a much broader scale, including their own immortality.  I’m willing to bet though, that none give up and later opt out.  Just a hunch.

    Another thing I wonder about is if these newly humanized personalities go through the psychic circles.  I’m betting they would have to, but perhaps not starting at the bottom, like we do.  They would have to learn how to attune themselves to the Adjuster’s will, just like we do, by sincerity and repetition of decisions.  I don’t think that such a partnership would be automatically tuned to perfection; it would have to evolve.

    One more thing to consider is how TUB defines a bona fide human being.  I’m pretty sure it has something to do with mind ministry.  We mortals don’t become bona fide humans until the spirit of worship separates us from our subhuman influences.  The spirit of worship makes us candidates for spiritual ascension. (36:5.11).  We’re also told that true human personality doesn’t begin to function until entering the seventh psychic circle (110:6.1).  Doesn’t this mean that humanizing means gaining the bona fides of a legitimate human being, and wouldn’t that involve a specific relationship between personality and mind ministry?

    36:5.11 6. The spirit of worship – the religious impulse, the first differential urge separating mind creatures into the two basic classes of mortal existence. The spirit of worship forever distinguishes the animal of its association from the soulless creatures of mind endowment. Worship is the badge of spiritual-ascension candidacy.

    110:6.1  The sum total of personality realization on a material world is contained within the successive conquest of the seven psychic circles of mortal potentiality. Entrance upon the seventh circle marks the beginning of true human personality function. Completion of the first circle denotes the relative maturity of the mortal being. Though the traversal of the seven circles of cosmic growth does not equal fusion with the Adjuster, the mastery of these circles marks the attainment of those steps which are preliminary to Adjuster fusion.


    I wonder if ‘faith’ is uniquely human?  Don’t celestials have faith?  Curious.

    Isn’t it faith that they’re referring to in this quote:

    p361:1 32:3.6 The farther down the scale of life we go, the more difficult it becomes to locate, with the eye of faith, the invisible Father. The lower creatures—and sometimes even the higher personalities—find it difficult always to envisage the Universal Father in his Creator Sons. And so, pending the time of their spiritual exaltation, when perfection of development will enable them to see God in person, they grow weary in progression, entertain spiritual doubts, stumble into confusion, and thus isolate themselves from the progressive spiritual aims of their time and universe. In this way they lose the ability to see the Father when beholding the Creator Son. The surest safeguard for the creature throughout the long struggle to attain the Father, during this time when inherent conditions make such attainment impossible, is tenaciously to hold on to the truth-fact of the Father’s presence in his Sons. Literally and figuratively, spiritually and personally, the Father and the Sons are one. It is a fact: He who has seen a Creator Son has seen the Father.

    Rita Schaad
    Rita Schaad

    this is fabulous. Thanks so much for all your replies, it will take me some time I’m afraid to read and digest them properly and contribute some further input.  But for now of course, keep your inspirational and other juices flowing. That is why this Forum is such a great place to expand on questions like that.

    very much appreciate your input – Rita


    Rita Schaad
    Rita Schaad

    Hi all, after letting the subject of humanizing and your replies ‘ferment’ a bit some other thoughts are coming to the fore.

    VanAmadon said, perhaps when they “humanize” they lose their automatic or inherent immortal status. And then need to earn their immortality the same way we do. ………..

    The question for me here is:  why are they doing it?

    Maybe it is more a want than a need….

    Just think, by the time a world is in its stages of Light and Life the Humans populating the sphere must be awfully pleasant to be with. There is order and cooperation…..

    629.11) 55:5.2 The advanced stages of a world settled in light and life represent the acme of evolutionary material development. On these cultured worlds, gone are the idleness and friction of the earlier primitive ages. Poverty and social inequality have all but vanished, degeneracy has disappeared, and delinquency is rarely observed. Insanity has practically ceased to exist, and feeble-mindedness is a rarity.

    (630.3) 55:5.6 The provisions for competitive play, humor, and other phases of personal and group achievement are ample and appropriate. A special feature of the competitive activities on such a highly cultured world concerns the efforts of individuals and groups to excel in the sciences and philosophies of cosmology. Literature and oratory flourish, and language is so improved as to be symbolic of concepts as well as to be expressive of ideas. Life is refreshingly simple; man has at last co-ordinated a high state of mechanical development with an inspiring intellectual attainment and has overshadowed both with an exquisite spiritual achievement. The pursuit of happiness is an experience of joy and satisfaction.

    Imagine those ‘ higher’ Beings having witnessed evolution on a sphere and now behold the great advances made, behold how Mortals function nearly totally in tune with the divine fragment, behold the light glowing from within….

    Maybe it becomes such a deep desire for them to possess an Adjuster that this option of humanizing has been made available – some time back …….it’s kind of a re-incarnation we would say,  wouldn’t we?

    And as Bonita surmised, the Adjutants will have to come on the scene to reveal those mind circuits that need to be completed, coordinated and unified in order to advance.

    The struggles of ‘mind and matter’ witnessed by Midwayers and Material Sons and Daughters must have been so incredibly interesting that those with a ‘scentific’ inclination (they might all have it!) are so excited to jump into this adventure and as Bradley suggested do their   ‘de-celestializing’.

    Another great price that is awaiting such “Adjusterized” beings is- of course- the reception of a Soul as soon as they arrive at their first ‘informed’ decision/choice. And then of course the scientific or adventure urge has given way to a Love -Affair with the Creator of all.

    As it says in the ‘Just Right’-cornflakes add – they want what we are having…………!!

    In the end they arrive at the same destination – but have enhanced their ‘portfolio’ by leaps and bounds, will be ushered into the corps of finality and having heard a whisper, that as such Beings the assignments abound in the uncharted outer space levels,  will be well equipped to handle anything.. :-) ….

    I just marvel at the way this merciful home is set up. I am in awe the way creatures from all corners and persuasion can all have a go to reach their perfection.





    Rita Schaad
    Rita Schaad

    Another point

    Bradly asked:  I wonder if ‘faith’ is uniquely human? Don’t celestials have faith? Curious.

    I would think that all created beings high and low still live and make their choices – in the end- by  and with faith. I like the idea that in the whole of the Universal adventure the ‘operating system ‘ of Faith is a basic method.

    Here a marvelous essay by Nigel that addresses this dilemma and might shed some light on the question.

    The Lanonandeks of Nebadon are part of Michael’s innovative solution to a common local universe problem: how best to manage those first crucial steps his ascendant mortal children must take as they launch towards their finaliter destiny?
    Michael’s elder Melchizedek and Vorondadek sons form an ideal team for maintaining the integrity of Nebadon, but not so much for interacting with his ascending mortals. For this role he created his Lanonandek sons, whose nature allows them to “better understand, and draw near to” his ascending children. The result was a brilliance at managing mortal and morontia affairs, but there was a cost. As a “lower” order of sonship, their choices and plans are not constrained by that higher perspective which makes clear the true purposes of Nebadon. Michael can explain to them their context and responsibilities, their seniors can confirm these truths, but a young Lanonandek, like the mortals for whom he cares, find himself in a position that requires the exercise of faith.

    read the whole article on :



    greetings – Rita



    The question for me here is:  why are they doing it?

    My personal opinion is that most personalities would jump at the opportunity for greater service.  Humanizing and entering the ascension scheme opens a much broader horizon to do so.  What other “why” is there?


    The question for me here is: why are they doing it?

    In my study of Paper 31, most recently triggered by consideration of this topic, it seems that humanization is the normal order of reality and destiny for Guardian Angels, Midwayers, Material Sons and Daughters (including those who have and have not served on a material world and the pure line progeny of those who have), and Mortals.  These are the four classes of ascendant beings mustered into the Corps of Finality…and I think every being in all 4 groups will traverse this humanization of TA endowment and soul  creation – an eternal liaison and formation of a whole new being with the God Fragment.

    There are 3 other classes of beings mustered into the COF, two known and one unrevealed (one of each in each Corps of 1000 – mortals being the greatest number in each Corps by far).  The two are of Paradise origin and the third is only presented as speculation in origin (perhaps trinitized by members of each Corps).

    So….it appears to me that every single Midwayer, Guardian Angel, and Material Son and Daughter created in time and space will, eventually, humanize and receive a TA and fuse and embark on the ascendant career to Paradise and be mustered into the Corps of Finality along with all surviving mortals who Father Fuse.

    They choose their destiny to put it simply….or there really is no ‘why’ as there is no other viable choice for fulfilling their purpose and ultimate service adventure!!  Like us, this beings are designed and created for this role, purpose, and destiny….the great unknown adventure with the Supreme in the outer space levels reality-formation and future adventure to come!!

    It is interesting to study how all 6 of the creatures who serve in the COF are related to each other and the evolutionary ministry of the inhabited material worlds (4 orders) and the Gravity Messengers in liaison with TA’s and the Havona Natives that teach and guide the pilgrims of time – 2 orders beyond time and space but intimates of the Father as is the TA who has fused with the first 4 orders to create whole new beings and an order of being unique in time and space but also in eternity and infinity….combining both realities in ways the authors of the Revelation do not understand…but those beings in the Corps of Finality will be the children of and the will of the Supreme in the times still to come in eternity.

    I have not yet found any exceptions to this destiny for these 4 classes of being….the children of the Supreme….perhaps?

    And what is the destiny for all others created in time and space?  For there are many!!  But only those 4 named groups from time and space will serve in the Mortal Corps of Finality!!  There are 6 others Corps besides the Corps of Mortal Finaliters….that Corps of the humanized and father fused ascenders….so perhaps all beings from time and space will eventually migrate to the outer space regions upon the final settlement of current time and space in Light and Life?

    From before the beginning of time itself have material born mortals been included in this grand scheme of creation as the very expression of God’s love and will….all are included and each is important in this adventure of the realization of all potential….whereby and wherein is thusly created ever more endless potential…BRILLIANT!!!!  PERFECT!!!  The perfection of perfecting……     = )

    31:10.15 (354.1) But though we really know nothing about the plans of the Architects of the Master Universe respecting these outer creations, nevertheless, of three things we are certain:

    31:10.16 (354.2) 1. There actually is a vast and new system of universes gradually organizing in the domains of outer space. New orders of physical creations, enormous and gigantic circles of swarming universes upon universes far out beyond the present bounds of the peopled and organized creations, are actually visible through your telescopes. At present, these outer creations are wholly physical; they are apparently uninhabited and seem to be devoid of creature administration.

    31:10.17 (354.3) 2. For ages upon ages there continues the unexplained and wholly mysterious Paradise mobilization of the perfected and ascendant beings of time and space, in association with the six other finaliter corps.

    31:10.18 (354.4) 3. Concomitantly with these transactions the Supreme Person of Deity is powerizing as the almighty sovereign of the supercreations.

    31:10.19 (354.5) As we view this triune development, embracing creatures, universes, and Deity, can we be criticized for anticipating that something new and unrevealed is approaching culmination in the master universe? Is it not natural that we should associate this agelong mobilization and organization of physical universes on such a hitherto unknown scale and the personality emergence of the Supreme Being with this stupendous scheme of upstepping the mortals of time to divine perfection and with their subsequent mobilization on Paradise in the Corps of the Finality — a designation and destiny enshrouded in universe mystery? It is increasingly the belief of all Uversa that the assembling Corps of the Finality are destined to some future service in the universes of outer space, where we already are able to identify the clustering of at least seventy thousand aggregations of matter, each of which is greater than any one of the present superuniverses.

    31:10.20 (354.6) Evolutionary mortals are born on the planets of space, pass through the morontia worlds, ascend the spirit universes, traverse the Havona spheres, find God, attain Paradise, and are mustered into the primary Corps of the Finality, therein to await the next assignment of universe service. There are six other assembling finality corps, but Grandfanda, the first mortal ascender, presides as Paradise chief of all orders of finaliters. And as we view this sublime spectacle, we all exclaim: What a glorious destiny for the animal-origin children of time, the material sons of space!


    . . . so perhaps all beings from time and space will eventually migrate to the outer space regions upon the final settlement of current time and space in Light and Life?

    Do you mean as permanent residents? Or for service only?

    Rita Schaad
    Rita Schaad

    Bradley wrote:

    ………it seems that humanization is the normal order of reality and destiny for Guardian Angels, Midwayers, Material Sons and Daughters (including those who have and have not served on a material world and the pure line progeny of those who have), and Mortals.

    They choose their destiny to put it simply….or there really is no ‘why’ as there is no other viable choice for fulfilling their purpose and ultimate service adventure!! Like us, this beings are designed and created for this role, purpose, and destiny….the great unknown adventure with the Supreme in the outer space levels reality-formation and future adventure to come!!

    thanks for that pointer to Paper 31, will have to look at it closer now.

    So no wishful thinking on the part of those Beings, but build-in design from the beginning. But still, their existence will become markedly different once they possess an Adjuster don’t you think.

    Yes the service motive of course is something these Beings have in much a stronger measure, their reason for being here. While with us Mortals, the need to be reminded about it seems to persist for a long time . That total surrender and alignment with  the Will of the Father is easier said than done….

    thanks for both of your comments




    But still, their existence will become markedly different once they possess an Adjuster don’t you think.

    Yes…undoubtedly!!  Perhaps we might consider how different in what ways?  Universe perspective, experience, wisdom, and knowledge of reality is far different for each of these 4 groups – midwayers, materials, guardians, and mortals…but especially so between mortals and the other 3!!  Humanizing is not the same as becoming human-like or human-esque.  They are not “mortalized”….material born beings are the only ones considered mortals in or from time and space (we are always considered mortals…it is a classification of distinction for us that remains descriptive through finality).  So these 3 types of celestials (those created morontia beings not born by and to evolutionary material will creatures) do not receive TA’s early in life or upon moral choice, etc.

    They have succeeded in their service ministries and missions already prior to endowment of and by their TA’s.

    Perhaps when they “humanize” they lose their automatic or inherent immortal status. And then need to earn their immortality the same way we do. By the seat of the pants.

    Evidently not Enno.  Indeed, they do not “lose their automatic or inherent immortal status” but actually begin their immortal journey which until Adjuster endowment is only potential:

    55:4.25 (629.3) 1. They can secure planetary release and from the universe headquarters start out immediately on the Paradise career, receiving Thought Adjusters at the conclusion of the morontia experience.

    55:4.26 (629.4) 2. Very often a Planetary Adam and Eve will receive Adjusters while yet serving on a world settled in light concomitant with the receiving of Adjusters by some of their imported pure-line children who have volunteered for a term of planetary service. Subsequently they may all go to universe headquarters and there begin the Paradise career.

    55:4.30 [Part II]
    Throughout all of these epochs the imported assisting Material Sons and Daughters exert a tremendous influence on the progressing social and economic orders. They are potentially immortal, at least until such time as they elect to humanize, receive Adjusters, and start for Paradise.

    So….once a Material Son/Daughter, or their pure progeny, or the Guardians, or the Midwayers receive their TA’s and “humanize” thereby, they have concluded their morontia experience and have begun their Paradise career, and they are only potentially immortal prior to this humanization!!

    They give up nothing and take no risk by humanizaing….they take the next and natural step to fulfill their own immortal potential and destiny.  Of course, there is nothing at risk or to risk or risky by any definition in God’s friendly and love centered universe!  Rather than be blinded or struck dumb or deaf or diminished in any regard or required to fly “by the seat of the(ir) pants” as mortals, their humanization comes at a time of their greatest experience and success and wisdom in time and space!!  So, what then does it mean to be humanized….what does the reception of a Thought Adjuster do for and to these 3 classes of, now, one time celestials that is so transformative and of such a transcendent nature?!

    Such study and knowledge might help our understanding of the profound influence of the TA in our own minds.  Another topic,  yes I know…..

    I think the text on rebellion should make it clear that celestials are not automatically immortal….that faith and career success must also be accomplished at the morontial level. Indeed and in fact, no material born beings can truly begin the eternal and immortal career without the success of our own morontia mind (the soul) successfully fusing with our TA….we only begin our potential by TA endowment and begin our eternal adventure and Paradise ascension upon fusion. Until this study (thanks Rita!!), I had never understood this concept.  The embrace of the Father is far more universal than I thought…and the morontial life and career is indeed simply that transitionary reality between the material and the spirit..pure spirit of Paradise.

    Paper 31 is a thrilling recital of the potential and future of all 7 Corps of Finality and provide a different perspective on the Supreme.  Therein is speculation that those beings created and/or evolved in the outer space levels will be deprived of the actualization participation experience of the Supreme we, all of us in time and space now, enjoy and benefit from.  That once the Supreme has succeeded here, that it will be the experience of all of us in the multiple COF’s that must compensate for this lack in that adventure.  In Paper 31, there is also even a lament (or so I take it) that those beings created in perfection in Paradise need to atone for their deficiencies compared to US mortals!!  Imagine.

    31:10.13 (353.9) But those of us who have acquired this unique experience during the youth of the universe will treasure it throughout all future eternity. And many of us speculate that it may be the mission of the gradually accumulating reserves of the ascendant and perfected mortals of the Corps of the Finality, in association with the other six similarly recruiting corps, to administer these outer universes in an effort to compensate their experiential deficiencies in not having participated in the time-space evolution of the Supreme Being.

    31:10.14 (353.10) These deficiencies are inevitable on all levels of universe existence. During the present universe age we of the higher levels of spiritual existences now come down to administer the evolutionary universes and minister to the ascending mortals, thus endeavoring to atone for their deficiencies in the realities of the higher spiritual experience.

    Please note that the “experiential deficiencies” in 10.13 above are those experienced by those beings to come in the outer space levels in the future….not any beings from the current inhabited universes….our role as Finaliters is to overcome their deficiencies to come….per the ‘speculation’ of the authors:

    31:10.21 (354.7) [Jointly sponsored by a Divine Counselor and One without Name and Number authorized so to function by the Ancients of Days on Uversa.]
    ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ *

    31:10.22 (354.8) These thirty-one papers depicting the nature of Deity, the reality of Paradise, the organization and working of the central and superuniverses, the personalities of the grand universe, and the high destiny of evolutionary mortals, were sponsored, formulated, and put into English by a high commission consisting of twenty-four Orvonton administrators acting in accordance with a mandate issued by the Ancients of Days of Uversa directing that we should do this on Urantia, 606 of Satania, in Norlatiadek of Nebadon, in the year A.D. 1934.


    . . . so perhaps all beings from time and space will eventually migrate to the outer space regions upon the final settlement of current time and space in Light and Life?

    Do you mean as permanent residents? Or for service only?

    I’m beginning to wonder about what “permanent” might mean outside of Havona.  But I do wonder who will be left in the 7 Super Universes once the Supreme is actualized and the 7 Corps of Finality are dispatched?  What of the Michaels and the Descending Sons and all the Seraphim in all their many forms, and, and, and……??  And the Son fused and Spirit fused?

    For me, I’ve always had this yondering, wandering streak…the rolling stone that gathers no moss and is keen to see over the horizon and the next, facing the changeless and endless change to come, never grasping here or now, but truly a traveler in time and not a destination and itinerary focused tourist!  I’ve always felt a little peculiar and yet totally oriented to reality in some way by my lack of attachments to the bridge I find myself upon today.

    Once I discovered the UB, I felt less peculiar and understood that we, more than any other beings in creation perhaps, are indeed rolling stones with no place to call home…except that relationship within, the one constant and companion for all time and eternity….otherwise, the adventure is best embraced by the explorer within who relishes uncertainty and feasts upon the unknown to come and can face those with certain courage and blissful assurance.  It is this we are designed for and built for and destined for!!  We mortals more than any and all others!

    Only we will come to know every level of existence and embrace personally every level of universe reality by our experience.  What an adventure!


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