Architectural Worlds

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    Always I’ve been puzzled about how architectural worlds are worlds “made-to order”. I thought more deeply about this while reading Paper 57 about the origin of Urantia.

    I so deeply appreciate getting a glimpse of the abbreviated history of the discovery of the ripening of space conditions billions upon billions of years ago in our sector of the superuniverse. (57:1.3) I read that a permit had to be issued authorizing a force organizer and staff to go out and materialize a new potential universe. A permit for a new universe? (57:1.4) I didn’t know nebular gas and “dust” were not accidental. Nebulae are planned for and controlled by beings who have to do with such phenomena.

    Hundreds of billions of years after the permit was issued (400,000,000,000 years ago), “the terminal phase of nebular condensation” was inaugurated for what later became known as the local universe of Nebadon, and a million years later. . .

    57:3.8 It was scarcely a million years subsequent to this epoch that Michael of Nebadon, a Creator Son of Paradise, selected this disintegrating nebula as the site of his adventure in universe building. Almost immediately the architectural worlds of Salvington and the one hundred constellation headquarters groups of planets were begun. It required almost one million years to complete these clusters of specially created worlds. The local system headquarters planets were constructed over a period extending from that time to about five billion years ago.

    What I gather from Paper 57 is that the architectural worlds are made of materials fabricated from what the nebula generated.  Prior to studying this, I didn’t have a clue as to how (in my very elementary understanding) architectural worlds could be made-to- order.

    (57:3.10 ) 200,000,000,000 years ago witnessed the progression of contraction and condensation with enormous heat generation in the Andronover central cluster, or nuclear mass. Relative space appeared even in the regions near the central mother-sun wheel. The outer regions were becoming more stabilized and better organized; some planets revolving around the newborn suns had cooled sufficiently to be suitable for life implantation. The oldest inhabited planets of Nebadon date from these times.

    Now the completed universe mechanism of Nebadon first begins to function, and Michael’s creation is registered on Uversa as a universe of inhabitation and progressive mortal ascension.

    A fascinating story to me.





    . . . many billions of years later.


    Greetings Mara!!  The heavenly abodes of intentional design and construction are the progressive destinations of our Paradise journey.  The grandeur and beauty of the evolutionary worlds can only hint at what awaits us on the architectural spheres ahead!

    We are told we may miss snow and wind and seasons and tides but will experience such beauty as to satisfy, even astound the senses!

    It is my understanding that there are two types of worlds in the universes of time and space: evolutionary material worlds and architectural worlds, each with very different forms, origins, and functions.

    Urantia is an evolutionary material world formed by the material forces of physics.  The Mansion Worlds are an example of constructed spheres formed by celestials of morontial materials.

    15:5.13 (172.1) 10. Architectural Worlds. These are the worlds which are built according to plans and specifications for some special purpose, such as Salvington, the headquarters of your local universe, and Uversa, the seat of government of our superuniverse.

    15:6.1 (172.3) Irrespective of origin, the various spheres of space are classifiable into the following major divisions:

    15:6.2 (172.4) 1. The suns—the stars of space.

    15:6.3 (172.5) 2. The dark islands of space.

    15:6.4 (172.6) 3. Minor space bodies—comets, meteors, and planetesimals.

    15:6.5 (172.7) 4. The planets, including the inhabited worlds.

    15:6.6 (172.8) 5. Architectural spheres—worlds made to order.

    15:6.7 (172.9) With the exception of the architectural spheres, all space bodies have had an evolutionary origin, evolutionary in the sense that they have not been brought into being by fiat of Deity, evolutionary in the sense that the creative acts of God have unfolded by a time-space technique through the operation of many of the created and eventuated intelligences of Deity.

    15:7.3 (174.3) The headquarters worlds of the seven superuniverses partake of the nature and grandeur of Paradise, their central pattern of perfection. In reality, all headquarters worlds are paradisiacal. They are indeed heavenly abodes, and they increase in material size, morontia beauty, and spirit glory from Jerusem to the central Isle. And all the satellites of these headquarters worlds are also architectural spheres.

    15:7.4 (174.4) The various headquarters worlds are provided with every phase of material and spiritual creation. All kinds of material, morontial, and spiritual beings are at home on these rendezvous worlds of the universes. As mortal creatures ascend the universe, passing from the material to the spiritual realms, they never lose their appreciation for, and enjoyment of, their former levels of existence.

    15:7.5 (174.5) Jerusem, the headquarters of your local system of Satania, has its seven worlds of transition culture, each of which is encircled by seven satellites, among which are the seven mansion worlds of morontia detention, man’s first postmortal residence. As the term heaven has been used on Urantia, it has sometimes meant these seven mansion worlds, the first mansion world being denominated the first heaven, and so on to the seventh.

    15:7.6 (174.6) Edentia, the headquarters of your constellation of Norlatiadek, has its seventy satellites of socializing culture and training, on which ascenders sojourn upon the completion of the Jerusem regime of personality mobilization, unification, and realization.

    15:7.7 (174.7) Salvington, the capital of Nebadon, your local universe, is surrounded by ten university clusters of forty-nine spheres each. Hereon is man spiritualized following his constellation socialization.

    15:7.8 (174.8) Uminor the third, the headquarters of your minor sector, Ensa, is surrounded by the seven spheres of the higher physical studies of the ascendant life.

    15:7.9 (174.9) Umajor the fifth, the headquarters of your major sector, Splandon, is surrounded by the seventy spheres of the advancing intellectual training of the superuniverse.

    15:7.10 (175.1) Uversa, the headquarters of Orvonton, your superuniverse, is immediately surrounded by the seven higher universities of advanced spiritual training for ascending will creatures. Each of these seven clusters of wonder spheres consists of seventy specialized worlds containing thousands upon thousands of replete institutions and organizations devoted to universe training and spirit culture wherein the pilgrims of time are re-educated and re-examined preparatory to their long flight to Havona. The arriving pilgrims of time are always received on these associated worlds, but the departing graduates are always dispatched for Havona direct from the shores of Uversa.

    15:7.11 (175.2) Uversa is the spiritual and administrative headquarters for approximately one trillion inhabited or inhabitable worlds. The glory, grandeur, and perfection of the Orvonton capital surpass any of the wonders of the time-space creations.

    15:7.12 (175.3) If all the projected local universes and their component parts were established, there would be slightly less than five hundred billion architectural worlds in the seven superuniverses.


    32:1.5 (358.2) When energy-matter has attained a certain stage in mass materialization, a Paradise Creator Son appears upon the scene, accompanied by a Creative Daughter of the Infinite Spirit. Simultaneously with the arrival of the Creator Son, work is begun upon the architectural sphere which is to become the headquarters world of the projected local universe. For long ages such a local creation evolves, suns become stabilized, planets form and swing into their orbits, while the work of creating the architectural worlds which are to serve as constellation headquarters and system capitals continues.


    Paper 44 is so inspiring…

    44:8.6 (508.4) And this is the story of the celestial artisans, that cosmopolitan body of exquisite workers who do so much to glorify the architectural spheres with the artistic portrayals of the divine beauty of the Paradise Creators.


    Mark Kurtz

    Mara,, Bradly gathered up a big bushel basket full of confirming goodies from the UB, essentially affirming God is a Great Planner! We can easily see there are no accidents! The Supreme Being gathers up all experiences and preserves all spiritual value for all time and timeless eternity. The vastness of it all is ………. well, is there an adequate expression?


    Mara,, Bradly gathered up a big bushel basket full . . . .

    He sure did. Thank you Bradly! I was fascinated by this reference which in part says:

    32:1.5 (358.2) When energy-matter has attained a certain stage in mass materialization, a Paradise Creator Son appears upon the scene, accompanied by a Creative Daughter . . . .

    Our Creator Son appeared upon the scene sometime around 300 billion years ago.

    57:3.8 It was scarcely a million years subsequent to this epoch [300,000,000,000 yrs. ago] that Michael of Nebadon, a Creator Son of Paradise, selected this disintegrating nebula as the site of his adventure in universe building. Almost immediately the architectural worlds of Salvington and the one hundred constellation headquarters groups of planets were begun. It required almost one million years to complete these clusters of specially created worlds.

    It took a long, long time to build out the capital and its surrounding worlds and the HQs of the constellations and their surrounding worlds.  These worlds didn’t appear out of nothing.  They were not created by fiat.  More study required. :-)



    Agreed.  Architectural spheres are planned, designed, formed, scaped, and constructed quite deliberately and intentionally by those well trained and supervised to do so.

    Morontial materials include twice as many elements as evolutionary reality and all the forces, energies, and physics of material reality too.

    Paper 32 helps here!

    32:2.3 (358.5) The first completed act of physical creation in Nebadon consisted in the organization of the headquarters world, the architectural sphere of Salvington, with its satellites. From the time of the initial moves of the power centers and physical controllers to the arrival of the living staff on the completed spheres of Salvington, there intervened a little over one billion years of your present planetary time. The construction of Salvington was immediately followed by the creation of the one hundred headquarters worlds of the projected constellations and the ten thousand headquarters spheres of the projected local systems of planetary control and administration, together with their architectural satellites. Such architectural worlds are designed to accommodate both physical and spiritual personalities as well as the intervening morontia or transition stages of being.

    32:2.4 (359.1) Salvington, the headquarters of Nebadon, is situated at the exact energy-mass center of the local universe. But your local universe is not a single astronomic system, though a large system does exist at its physical center.


    48:1.3 (541.6) All of these worlds are architectural spheres, and they have just double the number of elements of the evolved planets. Such made-to-order worlds not only abound in the heavy metals and crystals, having one hundred physical elements, but likewise have exactly one hundred forms of a unique energy organization called morontia material. The Master Physical Controllers and the Morontia Power Supervisors are able so to modify the revolutions of the primary units of matter and at the same time so to transform these associations of energy as to create this new substance.


    Paper 32 helps here!

    It does, and I found this intriguing reference:

    32:2.1   The Creator Sons are preceded in universe organization by the power directors and other beings originating in the Third Source and Center. From the energies of space, thus previously organized, Michael, your Creator Son, established the inhabited realms of the universe of Nebadon and ever since has been painstakingly devoted to their administration. From pre-existent energy these divine Sons materialize visible matter, project living creatures, and with the co-operation of the universe presence of the Infinite Spirit, create a diverse retinue of spirit personalities.
    ” From pre-existent energy these divine Sons materialize visible matter. . . .”  I wonder if our Creator Son helped to construct Nebadon’s made-to-order worlds.
    From Paper 21, “When a Creator Son departs from Paradise to embark upon the adventure of universe making. . .” along with  a Creative Daughter of the Infinite Spirit, he is:
    21:2.3 [. . .] subject only to certain limitations inherent in the pre-existence of these Sources and Centers and to certain other antecedent powers and presences. Among these limitations to the otherwise all-powerful creator prerogatives of a local universe Father are the following:
    (236.2) 21:2.4 1. Energy-matter is dominated by the Infinite Spirit. Before any new forms of things, great or small, may be created, before any new transformations of energy-matter may be attempted, a Creator Son must secure the consent and working co-operation of the Infinite Spirit.
    (236.3) 21:2.5 2. Creature designs and types are controlled by the Eternal Son. Before a Creator Son may engage in the creation of any new type of being, any new design of creature, he must secure the consent of the Eternal and Original Mother Son.
    (236.4) 21:2.6 3. Personality is designed and bestowed by the Universal Father.
    Prior approvals, consents, permissions are required, as regards to some creator prerogatives of a Creator Son.  How lovely that harmony and cooperation prevail even in the making of a local universe! There are protocols and there is order in universe making, in universe maintenance, and in universe attainment. :-)
    I thought I could find the size of Salvington relative to the size of Urantia. Is that info in the book? I wonder if it compares in size to Edentia and Jerusem?
      43:0.2[Part II]  The government of your constellation is situated in a cluster of 771 architectural spheres, the centermost and largest of which is Edentia, the seat of the administration of the Constellation Fathers, the Most Highs of Norlatiadek. Edentia itself is approximately one hundred times as large as your world. The seventy major spheres surrounding Edentia are about ten times the size of Urantia, while the ten satellites which revolve around each of these seventy worlds are about the size of Urantia. These 771 architectural spheres are quite comparable in size to those of other constellations.
    45:0.1 [Part II]   THE administrative center of Satania consists of a cluster of architectural spheres, fifty-seven in number — Jerusem itself, the seven major satellites, and the forty-nine subsatellites. Jerusem, the system capital, is almost one hundred times the size of Urantia, although its gravity is a trifle less. Jerusem’s major satellites are the seven transition worlds, each of which is about ten times as large as Urantia, while the seven subsatellites of these transition spheres are just about the size of Urantia.
    The made-to-order Mansion worlds are about the size of Urantia. Surprise surprise!

    “Jerusem, the system capital, is almost one hundred times the size of Urantia, although its gravity is a trifle less.”

    I’m not a scientist, but have an interest in science. Can we reason out anything about the materiel of Jerusem based on its size and gravity as compared to Urantia?


    Lots of crystals!!!

    46:5.11 (524.2) These seven circles of the Sons are concentric and successively elevated so that each of the outer and larger circles overlooks the inner and smaller ones, each being surrounded by a public promenade wall. These walls are constructed of crystal gems of gleaming brightness and are so elevated as to overlook all of their respective residential circles. The many gates—from fifty to one hundred and fifty thousand—which penetrate each of these walls consist of single pearly crystals.

    46:5.25 (525.7) 3. The circles of the Universe Aids have the headquarters of the Evening Stars situated in the enormous central space. Here is located the system headquarters of Galantia, the associate head of this powerful group of superangels, being the first commissioned of all the ascendant Evening Stars. This is one of the most magnificent of all the administrative sectors of Jerusem, even though it is among the more recent constructions. This center is fifty miles in diameter. The Galantia headquarters is a monolithic cast crystal, wholly transparent. These material-morontia crystals are greatly appreciated by both morontia and material beings. …

    46:5.31 (526.6) The celestial artisans direct the spornagia and provide the host of creative decorations and monumental memorials which abound in every place of public assembly. The studios of these artisans are among the largest and most beautiful of all the matchless structures of this wonderful world. The other courtesy colonies maintain extensive and beautiful headquarters. Many of these buildings are constructed wholly of crystal gems. All the architectural worlds abound in crystals and the so-called precious metals.

    48:1.3 (541.6) All of these worlds are architectural spheres, and they have just double the number of elements of the evolved planets. Such made-to-order worlds not only abound in the heavy metals and crystals, having one hundred physical elements, but likewise have exactly one hundred forms of a unique energy organization called morontia material. The Master Physical Controllers and the Morontia Power Supervisors are able so to modify the revolutions of the primary units of matter and at the same time so to transform these associations of energy as to create this new substance.




    48:1.3 (541.6) All of these worlds are architectural spheres, and they have just double the number of elements of the evolved planets. Such made-to-order worlds not only abound in the heavy metals and crystals, having one hundred physical elements, but likewise have exactly one hundred forms of a unique energy organization called morontia material. The Master Physical Controllers and the Morontia Power Supervisors are able so to modify the revolutions of the primary units of matter and at the same time so to transform these associations of energy as to create this new substance.

    Thanks for this.  With the size of Jerusem being 100X the size of Urantia, and with this info about morontia elements, I am wondering whether architectural worlds are less dense, as compared to the size and density of planets.

    On planets the height of mortals vary due to the size of their world.  The larger the world, the shorter its people.

    49:2.20   The various planetary types of mortals vary in height, the average in Nebadon being a trifle under seven feet. Some of the larger worlds are peopled with beings who are only about two and one-half feet in height. Mortal stature ranges from here on up through the average heights on the average-sized planets to around ten feet on the smaller inhabited spheres. In Satania there is only one race under four feet in height. Twenty per cent of the Satania inhabited worlds are peopled with mortals of the modified gravity types occupying the larger and the smaller planets.
     And this got me wondering about the size of the morontia forms of resurrected survivors.  If survivors come from a world where the average height is about two and one-half feet, do you think on resurrection day they will still be about two and one-half feet in height?

    Hi Mara and friends,

    My comment on this may appear as shorthand philosophy.

    Imagine if we were all to awake with the same size, shape and even look, while we’re at it. This would be robot type city life. We would be deprived of seeing all the wonderful types of beings neighboring us in our system as they are (or were). Considering our future life homes are on custom made planets, these are not subject to planet size gravity influence. Moreover, the Revelators say this on inhabited worlds of a given system:

    49:1.3 (560.2) All the worlds of a local system disclose unmistakable physical kinship; nevertheless, each planet has its own scale of life, no two worlds being exactly alike in plant and animal endowment. These planetary variations in the system life types result from the decisions of the Life Carriers. But these beings are neither capricious nor whimsical; the universes are conducted in accordance with law and order. The laws of Nebadon are the divine mandates of Salvington, and the evolutionary order of life in Satania is in consonance with the evolutionary pattern of Nebadon.

    49:4.1 (564.3) There are great differences between the mortals of the different worlds, even among those belonging to the same intellectual and physical types, but all mortals of will dignity are erect animals, bipeds.

    …So why would there be a need for a standardized shape or height or even a look? Intelligence is not physically measured as I understand things.

    I think variety, in all of its forms, is essential to the expression of our creators.


    I just spoke to a reader friend who thinks the architectural worlds are hollow.

    Imagine if we were all to awake with the same size, shape and even look. . . .

    Thanks Alain.  I agree. I did find this bit about forms – personality forms – “. . . forms which are individually characteristic, and which are recognizable and personally distinguishable.”

    42:12.10 [Part II]
    Even spirit beings have form, and these spirit forms (patterns) are real. Even the highest type of spirit personalities have forms — personality presences in every sense analogous to Urantia mortal bodies. Nearly all beings encountered in the seven superuniverses are possessed of forms. But there are a few exceptions to this general rule: Thought Adjusters appear to be without form until after fusion with the surviving souls of their mortal associates. Solitary Messengers, Inspired Trinity Spirits, Personal Aids of the Infinite Spirit, Gravity Messengers, Transcendental Recorders, and certain others are also without discoverable form. But these are typical of the exceptional few; the great majority have bona fide personality forms, forms which are individually characteristic, and which are recognizable and personally distinguishable.
    Perhaps this addresses your point about variety: that personality forms are “individually characteristic”.

    Salut Mara et les autres

    Je pense également que les mondes architecturaux sont creux, il y a tout un circuit de canalisations pour le transport de l’eau et pour la circulation des lignes d’énergie, le sous sol des mondes est une vaste usine ou des millions de techniciens travaillent aux bien être des habitants. Je me réjouis de découvrir tout cela bientôt.


    jean wrote: I also think that the architectural worlds are hollow, there is a whole circuit of pipes for the transport of water and for the circulation of energy lines, the basement of the worlds is a vast factory where millions of technicians work to the well-being of the inhabitants. I look forward to discovering all this soon.

    Fascinating! Thanks for this! When we get to our first stop on the mansion worlds, they say we will eat and drink, but there will be no residue. (47:4.6) Even so there are biologic and physical forms of matter present on the architectural worlds.

    46:2.5   Jerusem and its associated worlds are endowed with the ten standard divisions of physical life characteristic of the architectural spheres of Nebadon. And since there is no organic evolution on Jerusem, there are no conflicting forms of life, no struggle for existence, no survival of the fittest. Rather is there a creative adaptation which foreshadows the beauty, the harmony, and the perfection of the eternal worlds of the central and divine universe. And in all this creative perfection there is the most amazing intermingling of physical and of morontia life, artistically contrasted by the celestial artisans and their fellows.

    The Material Sons and Daughters must use “mechanical” means of transportation on Jerusem.  Mechanical (to me) means somebody had to invent it. Or do you think a pattern previously existed?

    46:2.4 [Part II]
    The transportation system is allied with the circulatory streams of energy movement, these main energy currents being located at ten-mile intervals. By adjustment of physical mechanisms the material beings of the planet can proceed at a pace varying from two to five hundred miles per hour. The transport birds fly at about one hundred miles an hour. The air mechanisms of the Material Sons travel around five hundred miles per hour. Material and early morontia beings must utilize these mechanical means of transport, but spirit personalities proceed by liaison with the superior forces and spirit sources of energy.
    What do you think they are making in those factories you mention?
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