administration, I would like to formally lodge a complaint

Home Forums Support & Suggestions administration, I would like to formally lodge a complaint

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  • #27800

    whatever you say, Bonita  Anyhow, I am not apologizing to Bradly. I did him no harm. I will apologize to you for my last remark, however.

    Thanks.  Accepted.

    whatever you say, Bonita :-) Anyhow, I am not apologizing to Bradly. I did him no harm. I will apologize to you for my last remark, however.

    I am stating my feelings about Bradly’s behavior toward me . . .

    This is not a psychological support group. It’s a Urantia Book study group. Your feelings and emotions are immaterial to the study of TUB.

    . . . and what I have come to expect of him and my perception of him based on it.

    Happiness comes from having fewer expectations regarding other people. Happiness comes from lovingly serving other people. Personally, my thoughts would be centered on how I can help the other person.

    I hope that clears it up for you (although I doubt it since you’re just looking to justify his behavior smdh).

    Another personal attack and a presumption of motivation. My feelings are not hurt, but I would accept your apology. My motivation is to describe what I see, which is the fact that BOTH parties are guilty of personal attacks and apologies from BOTH parties are in order.


    Hey BB…I also feel no need for any apology from you.  I am the source of and responsible for my own poor choices and bad behavior.  I do owe you an apology and hope for your forgiveness….but not your forgetfulness!  Hahaha.

    It is true, as you claim, that I am a literalist.  I really don’t understand any other form of study of the UB as the authors are quite specific and redundant in their claims that they wrote what the meant and meant what they wrote for the expressed purpose of reducing confusion and eliminating error.  If this is not true, then anyone can transform the Papers into endless fictions and confusions….and some certainly do.  I fear I inaccurately categorized your form of study and did thereby slander you and accuse you of that for which there is no evidence; and even if there were still did I transgress all good sense, form, and the spirit of the teachings we share here together.  It was inaccurate and unfair and unjust….there is no question of that.

    Anyway, it is my hope we may continue to study, learn, discuss, and debate without further personalizations on my own part.  You must discern the contents for yourself as we all must.  Best wishes in all things BB.  And please do hold my feet to the fire of my best intentions whenever I fail to express them sufficiently!!


    Nigel Nunn

    This brief derailment brought to mind a painful but valuable experience for me:

    I used to (more frequently than now!) make mistakes and misunderstandings (about lots of things), but this was not the problem. The problem was I would then mistake my misunderstandings for my beliefs.  Thus when others would try to point out my error, it felt like they were attacking my beliefs! Which of course always led to that painful spiral down to tears before bedtime. The good news is that nowadays, when someone tries to help, I can much more quickly benefit from their input.

    Ah, experience — a wonderful thing!

    Apology accepted  :good:
    My desire is that you, Bradly, be tolerant of other people’s views, even if they are or appear critical of TUB, and especially when these participants are not in violation of the board’s TOS with their posts. It is absolutely fine and expected to criticize my unorthodox and questionable claims on TUB. But the personal stuff, trying to discover ulterior motives has got to stop. It is a TOS violation, not to mention! For the record, I am not a UB literalist and I do believe it is a divinely inspired work like many other religious texts.
    whatever you say, Bonita :-) Anyhow, I am not apologizing to Bradly. I did him no harm. I will apologize to you for my last remark, however.

    I am stating my feelings about Bradly’s behavior toward me . . .

    This is not a psychological support group. It’s a Urantia Book study group. Your feelings and emotions are immaterial to the study of TUB.

    . . . and what I have come to expect of him and my perception of him based on it.

    Happiness comes from having fewer expectations regarding other people. Happiness comes from lovingly serving other people. Personally, my thoughts would be centered on how I can help the other person.

    I hope that clears it up for you (although I doubt it since you’re just looking to justify his behavior smdh).

    Another personal attack and a presumption of motivation. My feelings are not hurt, but I would accept your apology. My motivation is to describe what I see, which is the fact that BOTH parties are guilty of personal attacks and apologies from BOTH parties are in order.

    Hey BB…I also feel no need for any apology from you. I am the source of and responsible for my own poor choices and bad behavior. I do owe you an apology and hope for your forgiveness….but not your forgetfulness! Hahaha. It is true, as you claim, that I am a literalist. I really don’t understand any other form of study of the UB as the authors are quite specific and redundant in their claims that they wrote what the meant and meant what they wrote for the expressed purpose of reducing confusion and eliminating error. If this is not true, then anyone can transform the Papers into endless fictions and confusions….and some certainly do. I fear I inaccurately categorized your form of study and did thereby slander you and accuse you of that for which there is no evidence; and even if there were still did I transgress all good sense, form, and the spirit of the teachings we share here together. It was inaccurate and unfair and unjust….there is no question of that. Anyway, it is my hope we may continue to study, learn, discuss, and debate without further personalizations on my own part. You must discern the contents for yourself as we all must. Best wishes in all things BB. And please do hold my feet to the fire of my best intentions whenever I fail to express them sufficiently!!



    Where below does it say we are not supposed to question motives and intentions?  According to TUB, that’s the only way to learn to love one another.  Human beings have to be known in order to be loved.  Knowing motives and intentions is part of that.

    In your use of this Forum you agree to abide by the following rules:

    • Be kind, fair, respectful and courteous at all times.

    • Please abide by the purpose of this Forum which is dedicated to the in-depth study of The Urantia Book and the dissemination of its teachings.

    • Personal attacks, foul language, or any content which is defamatory, abusive, hateful, threatening, spam or spam-like, likely to offend, contains objectionable content, contains personal information of others, risks copyright infringement, encourages unlawful activity, or otherwise violates any laws are not permitted.

    • The Association’s Policy on Channeling applies to this Forum.

    • Solicitation of funds for organizations other than Urantia Association International or Urantia Foundation must be submitted to the Association’s Central Office for review and approval before posting.

    • Participants are subject to a 3-strike policy regarding misconduct. First, a private warning; second a 30-day ban from the forum; third infraction within a year may result in loss of participation.


    It is absolutely fine and expected to criticize my unorthodox and questionable claims on TUB. But the personal stuff, trying to discover ulterior motives has got to stop.

    Thanks for accepting my apology BB….and the permission to “….criticize my unorthodox and questionable claims on TUB.”  Although my preferred method is to allow your questionable claims to be contrasted – or contradicted – by the text of the UB authors directly, as has so often been the case.

    I will disappoint your hopes and demand to ignore motives for topics and content posted.  Indeed, this request seems very odd considering your own recent posts and your recommendation of critical/analytical reading of the words of others.  A site and form of study I found very accurate and helpful….however, it soon became clear that you either do not understand the techniques you recommended to the rest of us here or you don’t really have an interest in that technique??  Accurately restating text read objectively, then restating subjectively, and then discerning the intent, motives, perspective, and prejudice of the author….all to learn how better to compose one’s own writing and improve the clarity of that which we write.

    So I must confess my confusion of this apparent contradiction.  No matter…I will continue to apply the critical reading/analysis you have previously recommended to us all here.  However, calling you a Wanna Be Debunker was uncalled for and violates the rules of the Forum and that is what I apologized for….sincerely.  But motives and agendas remain on the table for me.



    To put it in simple terms, avoid personal attacks, harassment, and stalking which really drive (and have driven) people away. Otherwise, things should be fine.

    It is absolutely fine and expected to criticize my unorthodox and questionable claims on TUB. But the personal stuff, trying to discover ulterior motives has got to stop.

    Thanks for accepting my apology BB….and the permission to “….criticize my unorthodox and questionable claims on TUB.” Although my preferred method is to allow your questionable claims to be contrasted – or contradicted – by the text of the UB authors directly, as has so often been the case. I will disappoint your hopes and demand to ignore motives for topics and content posted. Indeed, this request seems very odd considering your own recent posts and your recommendation of critical/analytical reading of the words of others. A site and form of study I found very accurate and helpful….however, it soon became clear that you either do not understand the techniques you recommended to the rest of us here or you don’t really have an interest in that technique?? Accurately restating text read objectively, then restating subjectively, and then discerning the intent, motives, perspective, and prejudice of the author….all to learn how better to compose one’s own writing and improve the clarity of that which we write. So I must confess my confusion of this apparent contradiction. No matter…I will continue to apply the critical reading/analysis you have previously recommended to us all here. However, calling you a Wanna Be Debunker was uncalled for and violates the rules of the Forum and that is what I apologized for….sincerely. But motives and agendas remain on the table for me. ;-)



    To put it in simple terms, avoid personal attacks, harassment, and stalking which really drive (and have driven) people away. Otherwise, things should be fine.

    That works both ways.

    Of course it does! But obviously, Bradly recently infracted TOS and was reported. That is why this thread made him the subject of the infraction.

    To put it in simple terms, avoid personal attacks, harassment, and stalking which really drive (and have driven) people away. Otherwise, things should be fine.

    That works both ways.



    So now I am accused of driving readers and students of the Revelation away from here?  Curious claim.  Care to name them?  And I’m still awaiting those posts from 2+ years ago that you and I had any issues or misunderstandings which somehow resulted in your departure back then….indeed my research of our last dozen+ exchanges shows nothing of the sort.  Perhaps you might provide the topic(s) and post #’s which might lend credibility to your assertions?

    While you have every right to lodge a complaint, especially a legitimate one as here, you do not have license thereby to slander or defame another’s character by that right of complaint….and while making such a complaint.  There are those who post here and at TB who lack sincerity and well demonstrate that lack;  others have a motive and intent to contradict the UB to add confusions, doubt, and fear in others;  but I do not recall EVER be confrontational with ANY sincere student of the text whether they understand it or agree with it.

    While I am a literalist and one who believes the claims of the authors, I don’t require that of any other student…and say so often.  But the book says what it says….and I’ll continue to point out the claims of others which directly contradict the text…..that’s a form of study for the rational and sincere student who seeks knowledge and understanding.  You may wish to visit your own advice BB.



    Perhaps you might provide the topic(s) and post #’s which might lend credibility to your assertions?

    Here’s the topic where BB presented a claim that angels can alter a person’s body chemistry, affect their moods and emotions, and thereby influence human free will.  He wanted to know how celestial forces manipulate human free will.

    What kind of influence (if any) do angels have over decisions we make?

    You only had one response on that thread, post#14986, which was completely benign.

    I did not say you drove anyone away. I said those behaviors I mentioned drive and have driven people away.

    So now I am accused of driving readers and students of the Revelation away from here? Curious claim. Care to name them? And I’m still awaiting those posts from 2+ years ago that you and I had any issues or misunderstandings which somehow resulted in your departure back then….indeed my research of our last dozen+ exchanges shows nothing of the sort. Perhaps you might provide the topic(s) and post #’s which might lend credibility to your assertions? While you have every right to lodge a complaint, especially a legitimate one as here, you do not have license thereby to slander or defame another’s character by that right of complaint….and while making such a complaint. There are those who post here and at TB who lack sincerity and well demonstrate that lack; others have a motive and intent to contradict the UB to add confusions, doubt, and fear in others; but I do not recall EVER be confrontational with ANY sincere student of the text whether they understand it or agree with it. While I am a literalist and one who believes the claims of the authors, I don’t require that of any other student…and say so often. But the book says what it says….and I’ll continue to point out the claims of others which directly contradict the text…..that’s a form of study for the rational and sincere student who seeks knowledge and understanding. You may wish to visit your own advice BB. :good:



    This reply has been reported for inappropriate content.

    I believe that there should be a rule against preaching one’s own agenda to convert non-believers in the Jesusonian Gospel  into Jesusonians.  The segment presented below was posted by Bradly in another topic, more specifically to one member, however, in his continuous attempt to preach the teaching of TUB as he interprets it as the gospel that he preaches to others to convert them to Jesusonianism.  Think what you may, he is preaching here and his agenda is to convert people to his church and religion.  I take offence to the reading in the UB the word “Jesusonian” and its association to “the original gospel of the Son of Man”, where as presented in the UB they are words presented to reflect the idea of what Jesus said or taught in modern day language, therefore cannot be Jesus’ “original gospel”.  Therefore, those entries in the UB, I presume to be suspect and planted to promote a religion, which is yet to be validated.

    “The fact is, and Jesus proved and exemplified it well enough, there is no religionist that you cannot present the Gospel to in their own scriptures, teachings, creeds, and doctrines. It is foolish to require the UB to minister the truth to others…and a little lazy and sanctimonious….IMO….and I don’t mean to be harsh….your beliefs here are common enough….if still counterproductive. The 4th Revelation is obvious, real, and central to Christianity….use it! I convert Christians all the time….and argue against the heresies of the OT, Paul, and the book of Revelation very effectively. I convert them into Jesusonians….not UB readers. Do you know the Jesusonian Gospel as presented in the Bible? Can you differentiate it from Paulinian doctrine? And if a true Christian finds a doctrine which contradicts Jesus Gospel…have you seen the pause of consideration and bewilderment that occurs? I have. It’s a wonderful thing to see a light bulb blink on…even if it causes some confusion in its consideration. Good enough! Simply help someone to think and consider that which they already embrace in some form. What did Jesus teach? Teach that….and forget about the UB as some miracle of knowledge that others must accept to know love and find faith and attach to the branch and bring forth the fruits of the spirit.”

    However, if one looks up “Jesusonian Gospel” and “Jesusonian Bible” in your favorite search engine, you will get endless results, of various web-sites promoting these two phrases, and the so called “Bible” is for sale edited from the Urantia Book.  Ironically each one of these web-sites seems to have a place where one can donate to this new church and religion.  And who said that religion is not profitable, but that means that one must also eventually have preachers and priests to minister to the public.

    Thank you Reverend Bradly, for your harsh gospel preaching, synonymous to fire and brimstone.  I believe this also to be an agenda.


    Bradly said he converts Christians all the time.  He did not say he converts people on this forum all the time.  The Jesusonian gospel is a universal gospel applicable to all of humanity.

    Besides, it’s not possible for Bradly to convert another person.  An individual converts because of an inner revelation involving the Adjuster.  Bradly can only shine light.  Conversion requires that the light shines on a truth seeker who takes it to heart. That’s when the Adjuster can do his work. If a conversion does not involve the Adjuster, it is called brainwashing.  Bradly is not brainwashing or indoctrinating anyone.

    Thank you Bradly for your commitment to the Jesusonian gospel:

    94:4.10  . . . the Jesusonian gospel — the Fatherhood of God and the sonship and consequent brotherhood of all men, which is personally realized in loving ministry and social service.

    94:10.3 . . . the Jesusonian gospel: sonship with God, brotherhood with man, and ever-ascending citizenship in the eternal universe.


    Thank you Reverend Bradly, for your harsh gospel preaching, synonymous to fire and brimstone.  I believe this also to be an agenda.

    This is a deliberate and hostile personal attack.  It is against forum rules.  May I suggest you rescind it?

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