Dancing With God Retreat

Ten women, three of them facilitators, gathered last month for the first Dancing with God Retreat held at Urantia Foundation headquarters since 2019.  It was my very great privilege to be among them.  For me, it was like a homecoming.  I had attended two such retreats previously and benefited from them in so many ways.  These Retreats, facilitated by The Daughters of God, longtime Urantia Book students and leaders, Line St-Pierre, Katharina Becker, Doreen Heyne, and (previously) Carrie Prentice, have been the source of much spiritual, intellectual, and personal growth not only for me, but for many other women who have sought strength, renewal, growth, and the determination to continue their commitment to living God’s Will and enhancing the status of their sisters all over the world. [At a Dancing With God Retreat, the Daughters of God do not lead, rather they serve as guides, facilitators, for the rest of the participants to help them explore the unique ways in which they all “dance with God”.]

We introduced ourselves as we gathered over refreshments in the dining room at 533 that first evening, each of us telling where we had come from, chatting amiably, finding similarities here and there, or catching up with old friends we had not seen for some time.  Then, over the first of three absolutely delicious dinners perfectly prepared and artistically served by our two wonderful volunteer cooks, we continued our “getting to know you” conversations and shared our experiences with The Urantia Book.

It is a life changing experience and a priceless privilege to be able to lay aside daily obligations and step out of our routines, to come to this historic place and spend time in quiet contemplation with spiritual sisters from all over the globe, to share and to laugh, to encourage and uplift, to meditate and pray, and to come to a greater understanding of our worth and our opportunities!

Friday, the first full day of the Retreat, began with a “do it yourself breakfast” in the cozy kitchen fully stocked with every manner of breakfast food, coffee, tea, juice, and so forth.  Promptly at 9 AM, we gathered once again for opening remarks from the facilitators, prayer, and meditation. What followed next can best be described as an intimate conversation among three trusted friends, the facilitators, who were seated in the middle of the room and witnessed in complete silence by the rest of us seated around the perimeter.  After about 45 minutes, the conversation came to an end, and the facilitators returned to their seats in the circle.  During the next 90 minutes, anyone who wished to speak regarding what had just transpired would pick up the “talking stick,” a small statue of an angel which was placed in the middle of the attendees.  All would be silent while the holder of the statue expressed what had come to her mind.  It might be a question, a constructive comment, sharing of a similar experience, or a related incident from her own life.  In this manner, all who wished to share were heard.  The first time I experienced this method (at my initial Retreat several years ago), I was thunderstruck by the similarities of the experiences of almost all the participants!  It created an immediate affinity among us. 

All during the Retreat, plenty of time was allowed for rest, journaling, exercise, or simple contemplation before “happy hour” refreshments and dinner.  The first day, I went for a lovely walk to the lakefront with another one of the participants.  The fresh air and easy exercise were both cleansing and refreshing.

Saturday began and passed in a similar fashion with a different facilitator leading the prayer/meditation and opening remarks before beginning another conversation with three different participants, followed by commentary from the outer circle.  Just before lunch, all the participants were asked to select one of several beautifully decorated envelopes which contained several blank pieces of paper along with an “assignment” to be completed and brought to the afternoon circle.  The assignment asked several questions and prompted inner reflection.  It also asked what questions we would like to bring to the “circle” for help to find answers. 

A very special announcement was made Saturday afternoon.  One of our Retreat participants, Sandra Rymberg, a deeply spiritual person and yoga teacher among other things, was formally welcomed by the three facilitators as the new fourth member of their group and presented with their signature medallion.

Saturday evening is usually devoted to some sort of social outing.  I am not at liberty to relate the details of this outing, but suffice to say that it involved music, laughter, relaxation, and delightful comradery along with a very special, smooth, and sultry rendition of Sentimental Journey sung by one of the attendees!

Some of the treasures offered by participants during and after this unique experience include the following:

“I was deeply moved to be in the midst of such beautiful, loving women devoted to knowing God and living in his will.  Being in a group of women who are that deeply committed to God was spiritually enriching and inspired me to kick up my commitment level.”

Some prayers: “What would you like to do today, God?”

“Who am I becoming?”  “Father and Mother allow me to see myself as you see me.” Ask Spirit, “This is coming up, reveal what you want me to know.” “Reveal to me, reveal through me.” The Daughters of God would love to share this model with other groups to help them encourage more women to appreciate their value and calling. If you would like to experience this retreat, they would be happy to travel to your retreat site to meet with your group. If you plan a date, gather six to eight women and reserve a venue, they will commit to meeting with your group. They look forward to empowering more women to follow their spiritual longings for sisterhood and outreach. Contact Line St-Pierre for more information.