The Urantia Book was presented at the Cali International Book Fair in Colombia, which took place in October 2018. Our mission was “… Revealing God to Men…” following in the footsteps of the Master, Jesus.
The book fair brought together 776 publishers, 93 exhibitors, 48,000 publications and 231,234 visitors. For the first time in Cali, the Urantia Association of Cali (Uracali) and the Urantia Association of Colombia, along with 13 volunteers, distributed 10,000 small illustrations of The Urantia Book and 2,000 pamphlets containing book quotes as a way to disseminate its content and to provide a means of future contact for those interested in fraternizing.
Over the course of ten days, more than 200 people expressed an interest in The Urantia Book, along with related study groups and conferences. Many were unaware of our organization and our work in the dissemination of the book and it was a great opportunity to bring together new readers.
As part of the Book Fair, we made a presentation entitled “Introduction to The Urantia Book,” which 70 people attended. And a local radio station asked us to give a talk about the book to a foundation that helps addicts, for which we drew on Urantia Book themes and ideas related to personal development. Altogether, 50 people attended this event and three books were donated.
It was a wonderful experience and we learned a lot about persistence, teamwork, and faith. We were filled with hope by the many probing and enthusiastic questions put to us by children and young people. At times, there were not enough volunteers to cover the interests of so many.
We are committed to following up with those who have shown an interest in The Urantia Book, and we have planned a talk as a continuation of our work at the book fair. We are assured, as always, that we will be guided by the celestial helpers.
Norma Caicedo
Vice President
Urantia Association of Cali, Colombia