2019 Annual Report

Highlights: Socializing Religion

Spiritual growth is mutually stimulated by intimate association with other religionists. [Paper 100:0.2, page 1094.2]

Study Groups

Study groups are an excellent way to learn and to share our spiritual experiences. One of the better ways to prepare for the future is to learn to recognize religious living in others—whether it is a small act of kindness, a good deed, or a loving embrace.

Gaetan Charland, Canada writes:

It will never cease to amaze me how much the experience of a study group has enhanced my perception of divine values in others, how much it has made a difference in my daily life, and how much it has influenced my way of living and reacting to the sometimes perplexing and troubling situations of life on our world. It has even supported and maintained my sometimes-faltering efforts to live up to the level of my faith in times of crisis and adversity.  


Getting together in conferences or other types of social meetings motivate, encourage, and stimulate the individual to develop personal habits that are beneficial to spiritual development.

Alex Hehlert, Germany writes:  

…this was the first moment when I noticed that something special was happening to me. I cried my first tears of joy during this prayer-circle as I felt an overwhelming feeling of love like I’d never felt before—a real unconditional love.

Emeka Anazodo, Nigeria writes:

On a personal level, the conference provided an opportunity for Urantia Book readers to socialize and put faces to the many names they have known for many years through social media interactions.

Olga Lopez, Spain writes:

One night we played the quiz game called “La Carrera a Nebadon” (The Race to Nebadon). We created six groups (representing the original six colored races) and we advanced along the game board until the winners arrived at Salvington, the final goal. Like last year, laughter and good humor were more important than the game itself, in which the only prize was personal satisfaction.

Line St. Pierre, Canada writes:

Coming from different walks of life, we bonded through a shared vision, and it became our mission to enhance the status of being a woman dedicated to spiritual growth, intellectual advancement, and moral progress.


We make our heavenly Father’s love a reality on earth whenever we help others. No good deed goes unrecognized.

I tell you that, even when a cup of cold water is given to a thirsty soul, the Father’s messengers shall ever make record of such a service of love. [Paper 159:2:0, page 1764.3]

There are countless ways to help others without having to travel far. One of the most rewarding ways to serve close to home is the Prisoner Inquiry Response Team.

Painting by Carlos Rubinsky

Myra Hight, United States writes:

The most gratifying experience—what keeps us all here year after year—are the moving words of gratitude and appreciation we receive from inmates for providing them the light of the Father, which comforts and guides their souls as they sit in material darkness.

Video Interviews

Anna Maria fell in love with God, Eric found companionship with God’s divine spark within him, Marcel learned to embrace people more fully, Geri gained a deeper understanding of how Jesus connected to diverse peoples.

Watch and listen to their stories:

Impacting People’s Lives

Connecting with People

Searching for Answers

How I Found The Urantia Book

The universe is a whole; no thing or being exists or lives in isolation. [Paper 56:10:14, page 647.5]

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