2019 Annual Report

Highlights: Growth in Latin America

Urantia Association’s Continental Coordinator for Latin American, Wilson León has been active in fostering study groups, national and regional conferences, and facilitating book dissemination and book fairs. This is in addition to assisting readers in organizing themselves into formal associations when the need arises.

There are currently Urantia associations in México, Costa Rica, Colombia, Ecuador, Perú, Brazil, and Argentina, with development emerging in Venezuela, Guatemala, Chile, Bolivia, and Uruguay. Brazil now has the second fastest growth of new readers and is the fastest growing National Association. In 2019 there were national conferences held in Mexico, Venezuela, Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, and Peru.

There are 180 study groups in Latin America, which include 26 virtual and 30 WhatsApp groups. A virtual group for young adults has members spanning 13 countries, and a virtual women’s group has participating members from five countries. A virtual training academy has been set up in Bogota for young people where virtual workshops are held for introducing people to The Urantia Book and for training study group facilitators. To top it off, “Radio Urantia” is broadcast to more than 30 countries!

Mexico’s Third National Conference

Readers in Mexico held their third National Conference in Mexico City around the time of Jesus’ birthday. Attendees came from various cities of Mexico and Uruguay. Presentations included topics such as, What is Ministry,Cosmic Consciousness and Spiritual Perception, The Art of Living, Discourse on Jonah, The Rule of Living, Realities of True Religion, and The Strengthening of Faith.

Jeannie Vázquez from Uruguay writes:

Conferences organized by the Urantia Association of Mexico are characterized by being dynamic and participative, as well as interesting and instructive. This association holds bi-monthly conferences and workshops throughout the year that serve to assist students to broaden their knowledge and develop their presentation skills. This regular training is reflected in national conferences because the attendees participate actively during their ongoing presentations, showing discernment and interest in the shared teachings. It’s fascinating to see so many faces eager to absorb the teachings; answering their insightful questions is often a challenge for the presenter.

A Prayer to Celebrate Jesus’ Birthday

More than 2000 years ago Jesus was born on Urantia, the man that gave us the wonderful legacy of the example of his life and teachings and also established for all eternity that he is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. Thank you, Master!

It is not always easy to follow you, but you did not say it would be. There is no challenge more sublime or more rejoicing task than striving to follow in your footsteps.

Today, Master, we meet together those of us who are so fortunate to have a group of friends and siblings with similar interests and we declare ourselves your children, to celebrate your anniversary.

May these simple words serve as a symbol of the great love we feel for you, beloved Creator, and hopefully can be more and more every day those who accept you and are willing to follow you. Happy anniversary, beloved Brother-Father. I hope one day we can tell you this personally, and you allow us to give you an incredible hug there in Salvington, if this is our destiny.

Book Fairs in Latin America

A project was undertaken in 2018 and 2019 that distributed more than a thousand donated Urantia Books through book fairs in Latin America.

Here’s what a few readers are saying about their experiences in volunteering at book fairs:

Bolivia Book Fair

Jose Ernesto Arias from Bolivia writes:

One of the most significant interactions we had, was that of an intelligent girl of about 10 years old who began to ask questions. One could see in the expression of her gaze the excited satisfaction of finally having found the answers. And she cried to her father, “Yes! I don’t want any other book but this one.” I think it was the best moment of the whole fair.

Cali Book Fair

Members of Colombia and Cali Urantia Associations write:

Book fairs are a magnificent place of loving service. Amidst looks of amazement, interest, skepticism and a desire for knowledge, more than 8,000 people received our love for the revelation and information about the book. We felt the experience of love and dedication while communicating with our fellows. A special thanks to Urantia Association International and their associates who contributed to this great success.

Guatemala Book Fair

Gerardo Leche from Guatemala writes:

The young people, especially those who have entered the universities, are seeking knowledge and desire to know new concepts of truth. Our talks with them aroused their interest in the book. They showed an interest in joining the mailing list so they may participate as new readers and in study groups.

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