Developing Teachers & Leaders

Nigel Canberra Conf-13Spiritually inspired teachers and leaders have changed the course of human progress and civilization. The development of leaders and teachers who are well versed in the teachings of The Urantia Book is a core focus of Urantia Association.

We welcome people who are willing to organize, facilitate, and encourage others in a deeper understanding of The Urantia Book, and our service programs train those who wish to contribute.

Good leaders are essential to the formation of stable and dynamic study groups and for the formation and management of National and Local Associations of Urantia Association. It is important that such leaders and teachers naturally emerge. Study groups have proven to be the best environment to develop teachers and leaders in a natural, evolutionary manner. Urantia Association does not presume to designate who is a leader or teacher. Members of Urantia Associations and local study groups naturally recognize individuals that are well-informed, insightful and successful communicators to teach, speak, and lead activities.