Vancouver 2020 Update

Lifting Together – United in Purpose – Serving God the Supreme

University of the Fraser Valley, BC  Canada
July 28 to August 1, 2020

Registration is now open – Urantia Global Experience

The Urantia Association of Canada and The Urantia Book Fellowship have teamed up to host this gathering in the Vancouver Fraser Valley. They invite everyone to come together to serve the global community by making a personal contribution to civilization on Urantia.

The Urantia Global Experience is a gathering of minds dedicated to serving God the Supreme through the exploration of solutions for the progressive evolution of civilization. We believe the overall success of this experimental endeavor rests on our spirit unity – our common motive to express the will of God in our daily lives as well as in our social institutions.

All participants are expected to actively engage in discussion groups focused on a variety of topics drawn from The Urantia Book  (71:4 Progressive Civilization). From these discussions, we hope to derive common ideas, solutions, and purpose.

One prime objective is to work in liaison with the angelic ministry, particularly the master seraphim of planetary supervision (114:6). Participants who are focused on, or presently engaged in, any aspect of civilization or angelic ministry are encouraged to share their experiences and knowledge in mutually interactive discussions. Let us know how your work aligns with the ideas and ideals promoted in The Urantia Book.

A few spots are still open for Visionary Explorations. The intent of these explorations is group discussion around a specific topic or project, rather than solely making an individual presentation to the group. The idea is to solicit valuable insights from participants to help us understand the possibilities and pitfalls of the proposed or active projects. It is hoped that interested individuals will want to remain involved after the conference to follow up on their programs.

If you would like to form a Vision Team, please contact us via the UGE website (see menu). To learn about our guidelines and expected formats, see Visionary Explorations and Vision Teams.

Note: This event is limited to 450 participants because of spatial constraints.

For more information see – Urantia Global Experience