President’s Message June 2016

Chris-Wood-framedThe next six months will see three tests of the unity of our Urantia Community. The first test shall come in June in San Antonio where, for the first time, the Urantia Association of the United States (UAUS) and The Urantia Book Fellowship will co-host a conference. Registration has already exceeded expectations and the community waits to see how these organizations with different cultures will blend together for one week in Texas.

In September a second test shall emerge as Europe and Australia each host conferences on the same weekend. In Budapest the Blue Club and the Association will work together for the first time to unite the many cultures, languages, and traditions from across the vast continent. The Australia and New Zealand Urantia Association (ANZURA) has always been the model of unity as these two countries unite year after year for conferences and events. And I hope for a few moments in September these two conferences half a world away will be united by technology to share the vision of our growing International goals.

In October the third test will present itself in Bogota as representatives across Latin America will come together for the first United Latin American Conference. Latin America is the fastest growing region in the world for new students of The Urantia Book. The teachings have seeped into popular culture through novels and even television programs. I hope this event will be the first of many to bring together this important piece of our united puzzle.

And all four conferences will be united in theme as each will illuminate the theme of Jesus as a Teacher.

There are at least three types of unity in our Urantia Community:

  1. Spiritual Unity is shared not just with other students of this revelation but with every God seeking person in the world. The Parliament of World Religions is one good example of spiritual unity as was Jesus’ ability to impart simple teachings “as he passed by.”
  2. Social Unity is achieved by gathering at conferences and study groups, learning how we each understand and incorporate these teachings in our lives. A conference is good for its own sake; bringing together a group of Urantia Book students will bring forth good fruit. We will attempt to capitalize on social unity this year as we plan events with the Fellowship and the Blue Club.
  3. And finally, Organizational Unity is achieved when groups agree to unite their principles and efforts toward achieving a common goal. Around the world, students hailing from dozens of nations have agreed to embrace our goals and efforts and push forward united as Urantia Association International. As more and more Urantia groups join us in organizational unity our reach and our abilities expand exponentially. Each year we achieve more and more!

I hope to see you all at a conference this year!

In service,
Chris Wood