
Urantia Book
A-Z Topical Index


Ka(s) and the ba, significance of the, 1215
    depiction of the, on the Luxor temple walls, 1215
    the Egyptians’ beliefs concerning, 1215
    one Egyptian ruler’s testimony regarding his, 1216

Kaaba identification of, 967, 1051

Kanata raising up of a company of believers at, 1765

Kangaroos leaping, and Reptilia, 732

Kansu Andite penetration into, 886

Karahta Jesus’ visit to, 1492

Karkar battle between the Assyrians and the Hebrew allies at, 1074

Karuska the Master’s hostess in Sidon, 1734

Kateri people, of India, present worship of a stone by the, 944

Katro identity of, 1016

Kenan identity and activities of, 850

Kenite(s) a non-Hebrew group in Judah, 1072
    salvaging of Melchizedek teachings by the, 1052, 1444
    traditions, effect of, on Moses, 1058

Kentucky volcano of eastern, 675

Kerioth in Judea, birthplace of Judas Iscariot, 1565

Keturah identity of, 1023

Keys of heaven, Mithraic, unlocking of the gates of paradise by the, 1082
    of the kingdom, delivery of, to the apostles, 1747, 1756
       identity of, 435
    to perfection, imitation of God the, 1221

Kheresa apostolic corps’ rest and conferences in, 1725, 1741
    Jesus’ and apostle’ escape to, 1723
    lunatic, 1695-1697

Kidron John Mark’s planned guard duty on road near the, on night of the betrayal, 1967
    proximity of Gethsemane to the brook, 1606

Killing the body, vs. destroying the soul, 1682

Kind Jesus always, 1102

Kindness of the adolescent Jesus, 1395
    and courtesy, the seventy’s instruction as to showing, 1805
    God’s, graciousness of, 1448
    of Havona creatures, vs. human altruism, 52
    Jesus’ unfailing, 1101
    the Master’s, Nalda’s realization of her misjudgment of, 1613
    supernal, of the Original Son, a possession of God the Spirit, 100

Kindred spirits, 82

King(s) David, Jesus’ parents’ stories of, 1374
    early fetish, customs regarding, 790
    early man’s worship of, 948
    Father in heaven not a, 1675, 1855, 1860
    Jesus every inch a, 1702
    Jesus’ need to deal with the peoples’ desire to make him a, 1523
    of the Jews,” Herod’s attempted destruction of the, 1354
       Jewish authorities’ protest against calling Jesus the, 1991, 1994, 1996, 2005, 2007
    of Kings and Lord of Lords,” a Creator Son’s rule as, 240
    -making episode, 1702-1704
    power and authority of, 632, 968
    restriction of, by the mores, 798
    of Salem, Melchizedek the, 491
    Saul, Gilboa the place of suicide of, 1495
       Joseph’s recounting of the history of, 1370
       and the witch of Endor, Jesus’ recounting of the story of, 1646
    vs. secret societies, 792

Kingdom(s) according to the gentiles, 1865
    advancement of, throughout Palestine, 1833
    affairs of the coming, apostles’ responsibility for, 1569
    Andrew’s request of Jesus to explain more about the, 1576
    apostles’ belief in Jesus’ soon return to establish the, 1953
       discussion as to their positions in the, 1756
       double viewpoint of the, 1860
       varying opinions concerning the, 1618
    believers, desired aim of, to share Jesus’ faith, 1683, 1916, 1985, 2091
       Jesus’ gift of eternal life to, 1739, 2029
       successive generation of, apostles’ bewilderment at Jesus’ allusion to, 1932
    of believers, relation of, to secular governments, 1929
    builder, attitude of, toward obstacles, 1739, 1740, 1916, 1961
    coming, the apostles’ failure to comprehend the, 1503, 1544, 1914
    concept, change of, into the cult of eternal life, 1858, 1861, 1938
    a definition, 1569, 1588, 1865, 1866
    divided against itself cannot stand, 1714
    of the divine brotherhood, certain emergence of, 1866, 2093
    on earth, new revelation of, Jesus’ promise of a, 1863, 1956
       unimportance of, to the Creator of a universe, 1522
    earthly, necessary use of physical force by, 1929
    entering the, unavoidable responsibilities of, 1642, 1766
    faith, and entrance into the, 1537, 1569, 1583
    Father’s eternal, apostles promised to sometime sup with Jesus in the, 1943
       freedom of entrance into, 1682
       prerequisite to continuance in, 1682
    foundation, proclamation, and establishment of the, 1725
    of God, 1500-1501, 1588
       a definition, 613, 1536, 1588, 1860
       early Christians’ abandonment of the idea of the, reason, 1861
       an everlasting dominion, Jewish idea of, 1500, 1509
       is at hand”, 1510, 1866
       of heaven, Daniel’s prophecy of, 1498, 1861
       Jesus’ sermon on the, 1536-1537
          Urmia lectures on the “kingdom of Men” and the, 1485
       and kingdom of good, 40
       the Messiah’s relation to the, 1501
       is not meat and drink, 382, 1536
       proof of being in the, 1537
       the sometime actuality of the, in every man’s heart, consequences, 1306
       superhuman, identification of, 1863
       vs. the visible church and Christ’s second coming, 1866
       within you,” Jesus’ reference to the, 1193, 1859, 1860, 1861, 1867
    God’s everlasting nature of, 1445
    of heaven, 1539, 1588, 1758, 1858-1866
       apostles taught by Jesus about the, 1548, 1746
       believers’ inability to grasp the spiritual concept of the, 1748, 1868
       concepts of the, 1536-1537, 1858-1859
       a definition, 1088, 1486, 1593, 1621, 1705, 1710, 1727, 1808, 1929
       a divine family, 1676, 1730, 1860
       vs. earthly kingdoms, 1858, 1929
       an evolutionary experience, 1603
       foundation of the brotherhood of the, 1486, 1747
       four groups of ideas of the, 1859
       is at hand,” John the Baptist’s message, 1502, 1596, 1801
       the ideal of doing the will of God, 1860
       Jesus’ choice of method of establishing the, reason, 1521, 1935
          definition of the, 1588, 1859, 1860, 1863
          likening of, to a mustard seed, 1583
          promise of, to those who would receive, 1541, 1906
          purpose to establish the, 1576, 1855, 1856
       Jewish belief as to number who would enter the, 1500, 1762, 1828
       John’s preaching of the, 1505, 1509
       keys of, 435
       law of the, 1596
       the “love of wealth” and the, 1803
       meaning of, to Palestinian Jews, 1500, 1510
       mediocre human foundation of the, 1564
       necessity of being “born again” to enter the, 1130
       the new age, 1498, 1597
       not an economic order, 1088
       not “meat and drink”, 1727
       not a social order, 1088
       and the poor in spirit, 1574, 1940
       a spiritual brotherhood, 1702, 1717
       technique of Jesus’ disciples’ entrance into the, 1536, 1782
       three essential of the, 1585
    humility a prerequisite to entrance into the, 1761
    Jesus’ answer to Pilate concerning the nature of his, 1991
       attempt to explain the nature of his, 1543, 1603, 1858, 1861, 1865, 1866, 2088
       discourse on five phases of the, 1862-1863
       instruction to his apostles as to the method of the coming of his, 1533
       promise concerning the coming of the, 1591, 1876
    Jesus’, not of this world, 2035
       vs. the outward church, 1866
    later, and possible future, concepts of the, 1864-1866
    laying hold of, by Nicodemus, 1603
    of Life,” Jesus frequent use of the term, 1861
    of Men,” Jesus’ Urmian lectures on the “Kingdom of God” and the, 1485
       Most Highs rule in the, 491, 495, 1258, 1488, 1906
    Nathaniel’s attitude toward the, 1558
    necessary to be “born of the spirit” to enter the, 1602
    need of establishment of, in individual souls, 1501, 1863
    the new, not a reign of power and plenty, 1536
    Peter’s Capernaum sermon on, 1629
       place in establishing the, 1551
    prerequisites for entrance into the, 1536, 1592
    as presented by Jesus to his apostles, 1859
    progress in the, mature faith a prerequisite to, 1118
    Simon Zelotes’ misconceptions of the, results, 1956, 2038
    spiritual, comparison of, to a butterfly, 1866
       Jesus’ attempted techniques of leading his followers into the, 1522, 1579, 1749, 1862-1863
    is within you”, 1859
    of this world, Jesus not to reform the, 1522, 1576

Kingship hereditary, reasons for, 789

Kinship factors, manifestation of, on all levels, 568
    to God, mortals,’ Thought Adjuster’s revelation of, 381
    of the mind of mortals, 564
    physical, of the worlds of a local system, 560
    of types of human and superhuman mind, explanation of, 191, 568

Kirmeth the trance prophet, experience at Bethsaida camp of, 1666

Kish confederation, breakup of, result, 876
    end of the Salem headquarters at, 1043
    Sargon the priest of, 876

Kiss Judas giving the betrayal, 1974

Kissing social, origin of, 787

Knotted cords, Jesus’ denunciation of a belief in, 1681

Knowing God, importance of the realization of, 63, 1474, 1731, 1857
    God, and yourself as a son of God, 67, 1090

Knowledge acquired, co-ordination of, and spirit of understanding, 402
    acquirement of, seraphic, vs. human technique of, 427
    an adjutant mind-spirit, 401
    animals’ possession of, 1112
    attainment of truth by, 303
    clarification of, a result of the revelation of cosmology, 1109
    conflict between human beliefs and, 1459
    a definition, 196
    dissemination of, influence of, on civilization, 1086
    early man’s respect for, 989
    eternal, divine wisdom of, 1120, 1448
    the evolutionary type of, identity of, 1111
    experiential, source of, 302
    facts of, comparison of, with philosophy, 303
    facts the field of, 1435, 1459
    finite, relativity of, 42, 1848
    foundation for the spread of, 577
    God’s relation to, 29
    inherent only on Paradise, 267, 339
    Jesus’ accumulation of, as a child, 1405
       superhuman, apostles’ awareness of, 1786
       talk with Ganid on the difference between wisdom, truth, and, 1481
    of the Lord Jesus Christ”, 67, 1444
    as a means of Paradise progress, 301
    opportunities for acquirement of, on morontia and spirit worlds, 502
    origin of, 1122, 1443, 1459
    Paradise techniques of impartation of, 303
    partial, definition of, 42
    possession of, only by sharing, 557
    is power”, 907
    quest for, inherent in human self-consciousness, 196
    and reason, limitations of, 1119
    relation of, to faith, 51
    a requisite for possession of, 280
    silence the domain of, 1110
    spirit of, 402
    supreme, Paradise the source of, 302
    vs. truth, 1459
    unmastered on earth, necessity of acquiring under Mansion World Teachers, 551
    vs. wisdom, 908, 1780
    wisdom, and insight, 1121-1123

Kopet Dagh and Adamsonite center of civilization, 862

Koran attitude toward women of the, 917
    discussion of the evil eye in the, 962

Kung Fu-tze, identity of, 1034


Copyright © 2010 Urantia Foundation. All rights reserved.
First Edition April 2010 — ISBN: 978-0-911560-10-7
