Leadership, God and me

Lynn St PierreWhat unites us this week, is the love we have for God and our willingness to learn to become better leaders of the Revelation.

It is in God’s honour that I am standing here and all my gratitude goes towards him for being with you, sharing and learning for the next few days.

“The purpose of cosmic evolution is to achieve unity of personality through increasing spirit dominance, volitional response to the teaching and leading of the Thought Adjuster (the Divine Presence within). Personality, both human and superhuman, is characterized by an inherent cosmic quality which may be called “the evolution of dominance,” the expansion of the control of both itself and its environment.” (1229.2) 112:2.15

Self-mastery is the mastery of the self in order to attain new levels of being. It requires a lot of self-discipline. There is a quality that is inherent in our personality, which is “the evolution of self-mastery”:

As we come into life ignorant, we need to learn everything, about plants, trees, animals, human beings, the cosmos and beyond.

We learn in the family, at school, at work, everywhere. But how can we learn about God, his nature and how to do his will? Nothing is magical, it requires efforts to organize our being and make a plan for our spiritual growth.

“Spiritual development depends, first, on the maintenance of a living spiritual connection with true spiritual forces and, second, on the continuous bearing of spiritual fruit: yielding the ministry to one’s fellows of that which has been received from one’s spiritual benefactors.” (1095.5) 100:2.1

I learned that the more I love God and want to do his Will, the more God reveals himself to me. Prayers, worship and service are a three ways technic to experiment God and is applicable throughout the cosmos. It is a circular and continuous movement. Everywhere through Universe till Paradise we will learn, grow, progress and perfect ourselves. We do our part and God does his.

Line-2011 Leadership“The experience of dynamic religious living transforms the mediocre individual into a personality of idealistic power.” ( Paper100)

Here is a prayer that was answered for me 10 years ago.

The day I turned 30 years old, a strange thing happened to me. All of a sudden I realized that I had everything possible to be happy, but felt empty inside and life was not worth living anymore.

At this point it made me search for who I was; reading spiritual books, attending classes and workshops to discover something that I did not know that was making myself miserable.

When I remarried, The Urantia Book was not my thing! Although I knew that my husband first love was directed to God and I was his second love and accepted it. So in 1999 when he asked me if we could host a study group in our home, I agreed. He told me that it was a long term contract; every Monday for a lifetime. In year 2000 Urantia Association held an international conference in New York and I accompanied my husband but told him I would probably not attend all the presentations and he told me that I could do whatever I wanted during that time. Surprisingly I attended all the morning presentations and even the workshops. It was a real treat for me getting to know people from around the world who were sharing the same interest: the teachings of The Urantia Book.

It is at that time that I met my dear friend and brother Moussa from Sénégal with whom all the French-speaking people shared a workshop on prayer. A year later, our association in Québec invited him for a talk at our conference, “Living our faith.” During that period, he stayed in our home and one morning while my husband left for work, I told him how much I loved my husband and how much I would like to help him in his spiritual work but did not know how. I told him, if only I could have this much of the love he had for GOD.   As he was listening his eyes closed, he told me that great things would happen for me. I really thought he was saying that to comfort me. But six months later when I was in Sénégal with Gaétan and a friend for a spiritual seminar, on the second day of our studying I felt the presence of God within me. When I was able to overcome my emotions I said to Moussa :   “with what you are saying now and what I understand, never again I can shut my mouth, because I feel this great responsibility to share God like you. ” I could not believe my ears what I had just said! Did I say that?

This precise moment has changed my life forever and gave a sense to it. A sense of a mission! Never after did questioned my husband when he was working late and spending so many hours on projects for others and for Urantia. I understood fully his love and dedication for GOD and the REVELATION.

People could ask: how does the spiritual aspect in my life transforms me and brings me to serve my fellowmen? The answer is simple. There are two cosmic laws = the First one, I receive GOD and the second one I share GOD.

And while I am in partnership with God in the activities I get involved in, I let him transform me. He knows exactly what are my needs to evolve spiritually and to serve others. In God’s plan, every experience I have is a great opportunities to actualize my potentials.

So I became involve socially with people suffering from anxiety and panic attacks and in my local association learning teamwork, taking different assignments over the years;as secretary, then as a Membership Chair and communication chair, editor of our monthly news letter , and translator for the international newsletter. I organized and coordinated spiritual training for ten years, so the readers in Québec could experience the teachings that I received in Senegal. And lately created the Woman’s committee in our local association.

As The Urantia Book is a Revelation in itself, it is also a book of revelations for everyone of us from time to time. The following quote has touched my soul for several months and is growing on me. I wonder now how it’s going to embody in a future project. I’ll keep on praying God to enlighten me.

“The religious challenge of this age is to those farseeing and forward-looking men and women of spiritual insight who will dare to construct a new and appealing philosophy of living out of the enlarged and exquisitely integrated modern concepts of cosmic truth, universe beauty, and divine goodness. Such a new and righteous vision of morality will attract all that is good in the mind of man and challenge that which is best in the human soul.” [Paper 2:7, page 43:3]

Today I am blessed because I work with my husband, share the same ideals and therefor help him in his spiritual work and together evolve spiritually serving our fellowmen. This was the prayer I made that was answered 10 years ago. Thank you God!

When man goes in partnership with God everything is possible!